[ StarLight Path ]

[ Wow! So many Stars... ]

Welcome to the , a ring created by me to link all of the StarLights pages! I created this webring in hopes of gathering all of the StarLight Shrines and webpages, since there are so little of them. However, even these will have to be pages with content and some originality touch in them. Well, do you think your StarLights page is worthy to enter the ? We'll see about that soon enough! Hehe!

Well, first here are the steps to join the ring. You must fill the form below, and send it off just ONE time. Please go ahead, then I'll tell you what to do.

Add site to the Queue
Your name:
The name of your site:
The URL:
Your E-mail:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it, StarLight fan!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Okay, so now you are already in my waiting list! ^_^ You shall be given a ring ID and a password (the one you chose), and you will be able to put the HTML fragment for the ring on your page. (You need to put it to be added!)

I will now check your site and if I think you are worth it, I'll include you!

Well, but while you wait, take a try off the ring! Visit the Site Index or a Random Site! Enjoy!

Go back to the backstage.

1997 © Ten'ou Kyori (Tehee!)