The Office for the Neighborhood of Pluto

Welcome. Thank you for choosing this neighborhood as
your new home. Fill out the form below to join the waiting list,
and we will get back to you ASAP.

Mail Address:
Make a password:

After that, add this HTML to your page so that everyone
will know you are a member.

This site is house #_ in the Pluto section
of Crystal Tokyo. It's owned by yournamehere.

Visit the neighbors: [ left | 2 houses left | right | the whole block]
Move to scenic Crystal Tokyo.

Remember to replace the all the id_ with your id#,
and the mailto: with your e-mail address, and the last blank
with your name or nickname.

If you have already moved in,
use this form to change address information.

House #:

Thank you for choosing Crystal Tokyo

This ring is owned and created by
Sami Bartley.This is
NOT real realty.duh.

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