IFPI Mandarin Chart of 10 May, 1997

Artist NameThis WeekLast WeekAlbum NamePersonal Rating
周華健# 1# 1朋友 * * *
劉德華# 2# 8愛是如此神奇 * *
熊天平# 3# 2愛情多惱河 * *
鄭秀文# 4# 11為你等 * * *
辛曉琪# 5# 4女人何苦為難女人* *
張信哲# 6# 3摯愛 * * *
張惠妹# 7# 5姊妹 * * * *
梁詠琪# 8# 6短髮 * * *
江蕙# 9# 7江蕙精選 藝界人生 * *
彭羚# 10# 10眼睛濕濕的 * * * *
郭富城# 11# 9誰會記得我 * * *
彭佳慧# 12# 12彭佳慧 * * *
伍佰# 13# 13『搖滾浪漫』夏夜晚風演唱會精選 * * * *
孫淑媚# 14# 15多情*
林志炫# 15# 16散了吧 * * *
游鴻明# 16# 17受困思念 * * *
張學友# 17# 14不老的傳說* * *
李克勤# 18# 19情牢 * * *
李度# 19# 20夠了* *
趙詠華# 20重新進榜只能說遺憾 * * *
Some friends have been complaining to me about unable to read this chart in Big5, so I'll do this chart in the form of GIF in a few weeks, when I get the software I want. I also want to put a commentary in here soon, and it will be in Chinese. (duh)

Note: This page will be updated every Friday or Saturday! Come back here and get the latest!

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