The Lodoss War draws yet another warrior into battle...

Enter: Deedlit the High Elf

All in all, Record of The Lodoss War is one of the best animes out there, but what makes it rightfully claim that position, (and I'm not toning this down a bit) is Deedlit. Simply put, the finest, coolest, cutest elf that I've ever seen. But what is an anime character without a background? Besides ink and paint, not much. So, here is my best attempt at summarizing what Deed is all it goes....

Deedlit was born and raised in the Forest Of No Return, which is a sort of limbo between dimensions. Like all other elves, here life adheres to certain (stereotypical maybe?!) characteristics. She is 160 years old, which is nothing in elf years and a whole lot in Parn years, if you catch what I'm saying (that relationship is gonna have some complexities to be worked out!^_^) She is a natural lover of nature and cares dearly for all living things. Deedlit has great fighting skills in both the physical and magical senses. She is a master with the rapier and is fast and agile while at the same time proficient in magic. In the movie, Deed summons two elementals to aid her, Undine, THE water elemental of all water elementals, and Sylph who is Undine's counterpart for wind. Deedlit is attracted to Parn, who she finds "charming", but often gets mad at him for ignoring her, in his obsession to become a knight...go figure. Deedlit joined Parn's party, more by luck than anything else, stopping him fromhackig off the branch of a tree. All around Deed is my favorite character (what you couldnt tell?), and she only contributes to an already great series..... tiring!!

Anyway, if your interested, buy the series from U.S. Manga Corps. I guarantee it is worth it!!

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