The Torahlein Forum

Torahlein is a forum for those who deal with the Torah, including the Baal Korei, the Gabbai, and the Sofer.

The Baal Korei reads from the Torah. He has to memorize the trope.

This can be complicated when one or more possibly consecutive psukim have similar words but different trope. In addition, special trope or special melodies can be overlooked.

The Gabbai is the shul’s administrator. He calls the people to the Torah. Therefore, he has to keep several issues in mind:

Why I Started This Group

After leining for a number of years, I’ve come across many of these issues. I thought it would be a good idea for others who also lein to work together to find joint solutions.

Therefore, you won’t find all the answers here (yet). As a matter of fact, a number of Parsha pages are empty, waiting for your input. We’re all going to share ideas and solutions, in order to help all of us, all together, around the world.

Relationship between the Leining Forum and the Torahlein website.

The Leining forum includes your ideas. The TorahLein website is the storeroom for all ideas, present and ideas. In other words, your ideas for the TorahLein website are presented on the Leining forum, and then I will transfer them to the TorahLein website.

Leining Forum Policy

The members of our group may change this policy. It is presented here as an initial draft statement.

I will only post issues that are relevant to our topic. There are other forums for other issues.

Please keep your messages brief, and please delete as much as possible from previous messages. Your Subject line should reflect your topic.

Post your specific suggestions for the TorahLein website to the Leining forum. They will be discussed by other subscribers, if necessary, and the final conclusion will be added to the website. Click here to subscribe to the Leining forum.

Who Will Be Removed From The Leining Forum

Abusive individuals, those who do not abide by the regulations stated here, and certainly missionaries will be removed from the group without warning.

How To Publicize The Forum

The more subscribers we have, the more effective our group can be. Since you are actively involved in your own shul, you may well know others who fill the same tasks in other shuls. Ask them to join the Leining Forum, so that they can contribute to and benefit from our project. Tell them that they can join by clicking on the Leining link at

How To Post A Query To The Leining Forum

After you have joined the Leining forum, you are welcome to send your comments, queries, and suggestions to It may take several days until it is actually posted, because I will moderate each question.

How The Website Is Organized

Differences Among Ashkenazi, Sefardi, Yemenite, And Other Forms Of Leining The TorahLein group will relate to all different forms of leining among the different groups in the Jewish Nation. We welcome your input on these issues.

Giving Sources

Where possible, your recommendations should include an established traditional Jewish sources.

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