When most people create a website they put their best work into it and they upload it or publish it for the world to see only when it is their best possible work. This series of websites, however, is different. It is based on a series of dictations and the nature of dictations is that the quality of the writing is not all that good. On the other hand, I am a writer and I do know how to prepare good material. Why then is the stuff that's published on this web not of the highest possible quality? Why don't I want people to see my best possible work?
Good question.
My goals are different from those of most other people. Most people want to present their best work and they do work hard on each page, as stated in the introduction.
My goals are different.
I have many ideas and I want to present them to the world and leave them to the world. I don't know how much time I have left. I do have a deadline, but I don't know when that deadline is and I want to be able to get the ideas out. I therefore have created several stages of priority.
The first stage is to just get the material up there so that it is readable, perhaps with some struggle and maybe if somebody else edits then it will turn into good material. But at least the ideas will be up there.
At a second stage, although I will be working on it simultaneously, I do want it to look good. So, some pages get edited while other pages get written. If you look through any website you will see that it is inconsistently good and/or bad. Some pages are good, some pages aren't. The pages that are good have been edited. In most cases the writing is not yet excellent. Depending on how much time I have and how much I'll be able to sit and work, the pages will improve. They'll get better and better as time goes on. But I can make no promises. I don't know what my deadline is and I don't know how much time I'll be able to have to work on editing and refining these pages. I do know that when I receive a comment or criticism about a page I include it as soon as I can. I even take along printouts of my websites and I work on them and then pass them on for corrections, so that I'm working as fast as I possibly can. However, with a job of this scope it is impossible to do the editing as quickly as I do the writing. The writing is much easier. I can dictate it into a recorder with much less effort and I can then know that at least the material is uploaded. It's there. It's waiting for people. It can be read, even if it's not of the best quality. I then go back and I do edit it, at least to a reasonable degree or so that it is readable as soon as I can and as much as I possibly can.
Is there a lot more to be done? Of course. There is a great deal of work that has not yet been completed and I do hope to complete it as soon as I can. There is a lot that I have to work on. What you see is an incomplete job and it keeps on getting better.
Thus, every time that I do edit a web page, that web page is a little bit better. If I have the time and the ability to go back and edit it a second or third time, it just keeps getting better. The good web pages remain and they are always there and available and the number of good web pages keep increasing.
Granted, these good web pages seem to be lost in a shuffle of many web pages that are not of the same quality. That cannot be helped, but the editing is still moving along as fast as is reasonable to expect.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to look at and to appreciate the good pages that are produced rather than criticizing the admittedly large number of pages that need extensive work. Theoretically the number will keep getting reduced but the number of new pages does overwhelm that number and it keeps on growing so the percentage, at least for the time being, will remain the same. That cannot be helped.
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Keyword: Goals
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