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It must be very sad to actually publish a book. The joy that people express in publication is tempered by the other part of it, the other side of it.

Publication means that you have nothing else to say about the topic. It's finished. It's complete. You've ran out of ideas. You've ran out of thoughts and concepts. So, you're sending it in.

Once the book is published, there's no way to add anything to it.

Oh, yes of course you can put out a second edition, but with the books that I am preparing now there's no chance of a second edition. These are going to include everything. Those people who put out books typically don't expect to have a second edition for their thing either. That means that they have squeezed everything they can out of themselves, all of their creativity, knowledge, research, and there's nothing left to put in so they're ready to publish it.

What a horrifying thought. What a shame.

With this series of websites I know that there really is no end and as long as I have more creativity I will want to include it. That's part of the problem.

I'm in a position in which I don't really want to stop. I want to be able to make sure that I can always put in one more idea, one more concept, that can either help mankind or can enlighten people in the future so that they too will be able to benefit from it.

Putting the lid on the creativity, stopping the additional articles that can be written or dictated is a horrifying thought. It means that there's no more thinking that can be shared with other people on this topic.

The beauty of the web publishing is that more material can constantly be added. The tragedy of publishing a book, a printed book, is that it terminates the work. Nothing could possibly be harder to accept.

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