Ethical will

Those who have a great deal of money to leave to their children may be appreciated for enriching their lives and enhancing their physical needs.

Those who have less money may follow the lead of luminaries such as Judah ibn Tibbon (12th century) or of Eleazar of Mayence or Mainz (14th Century). These luminaries left documents for their children to read, exhorting them to follow a good and true Jewish path.

I am fortunate to have children who do not need this message. They are all good Jews. They have all taught me a great deal about Judaism.

However, after living a very full life, with more experiences than I expected or would have wanted, I am in a position to present my thoughts, knowledge, tips, and insights to those who follow me.

I have had a certain amount of success in certain areas. There is little justification to taking my secrets, techniques, and methods with me. I am prepared to share them even now, while I am still part of this world.

I could have prepared this lengthy message as a printed document or as a computer document, but I chose to make it public. Those who follow me may find value in some of the sections.

I am asking those whom I leave behind to publish this series of websites and to distribute copies of the books widely. If I have the strength, I hope to begin this publication project while I am still alive, right after I complete the vast editing project.

This living will is one of the main reasons for writing these websites. Perhaps we'll be able to discuss them with each other in a Better World.

David Grossman

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Keywords: Grossman, Will