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Vision Statement

Cuatro ojos ven mejor que dos [Spanish]
Four eyes are better than two

The Jewish Internet does not and will not limit itself to the standards demonstrated by our culture. We do not support any society that so abuses human dignity, intelligence, and propriety. The Internet is a reflection of our generation's debasement.

Granted, that may be a strange statement to expect from somebody who is so involved in the Internet. However, it is important to be objective about the medium.

On the other hand, no other tool can possibly be as powerful in joining, linking, networking, and unifying a large segment of Jewry, and possibly of mankind.

We have chosen to turn this Internet, despite its many limitations, into a positive element.

That does not mean that you should bring the Internet into your home if you do not have it already. As a Jew, there are likely to be far better things that you can do with your time and effort.

However, if you already do have the Internet in your home, then you can benefit from the "safe" Jewish haven provided by these groups.

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Keywords: Internet, Unity, Vision