Getting Involved

There are many ways in which you can become involved in the success of these Jewish Groups. One way is by creating logos to spruce up the websites that represent each forum.

The forums are located at three addresses:

  1. Israeli Regions
  2. Our Jewish Groups
  3. Chassidut

Several different types of logo are required:

  1. A JPG image that represents the activity of that forum.
    • Screen size should be about 2 cm x 2 cm on a 17" screen.
    • File size should be as small (compressed) as possible.
    • Background color should match the screen background.
    • Logo should have both a Jewish and a thematic image
  2. A JPG image suitable for tiling on the forum.
    • The image should be faint enough that it does not interfere with reading the material.
    • It should match the logo
    • It should not change the background color of the page
  3. A JPG image suitable for the logo on
    • It should match the image for the other website
    • The background should match the background color for this website.
  4. A JPG image suitable for tiling on the background on
    • The image should be faint enough that it does not interfere with reading the material.
    • It should match the logo
    • It should not change the background color of the page

Yes, you will receive credit for your work on the website and recommendations from me.

Articles by the author

Subscription to Jewish and Hebrew Groups

Descriptions of Jewish and Hebrew groups

Other forums

Guidelines for these groups

Beginner's information - what are these groups about?

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