Personal Issues
How these Websites are Organized

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There is a link behind all of the features relating to these sites, a way that they are all connected so that it is obvious that my background would have brought all of these issues together. Website design is connected to computerization which is connected to librarianship in one important aspect. They all relate to organization, how things are organized, whether it be books or websites or other things.

A good website must be organized well or else the visitors will be frustrated and if they're frustrated then they are less likely to be able to find things that they are looking for. The same is the case with a library. It has to be organized, and indeed that's what librarianship is all about. It explains how to organize the library properly and the same is the case with a database. A database is a way of structuring information so that the person who inputs the data has no choice but to organize it in the best possible way.

In other words, all of these aspects reflect the writer and it is no surprise that this is the way that they turned out.

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