Personal Issues
Who's Who

The blurb on the inside of the book, and the certificate that is distributed to those who are selected for inclusion, indicate that Who’s Who is a “book of records….” The biographies of people included in Who’s Who serve as a record of the people living in a given generation.

I was selected to appear in various editions of the Who’s Who ever since the year 2000:

At first I questioned the reason for these inclusions. It took some time, but by now I believe that I can answer my own question.

The Who’s Who nominating committee locates those who represent the generation. Perhaps I represent a certain aspect of the cybergeneration as much as a national leader represents a country, or as much as a proponent of destruction such as Yassar Arafat, Bin Laden, or Abu Addis represents their nation. Yes, they are my fellow biographees. I hope that I won't be judged by the company that I keep.

On the other hand, writers, lecturers, and teachers have affected society, as well as the generation in which they live. For example, another biographee, the writer of Mein Kampf, or the lecturer on the same topic, had a great impact on the society of his generation.

The selection committee was therefore well justified in my case. My writings and lectures will do little harm. No revolutions and no mass murders are likely to be propagated by those under my influence.

In today's world, that fact certainly legitimizes my inclusion in Who's Who. It balances out those who make more noise.

Does my listing in Who’s Who grant me wealth? Absolutely. The Ethics of the Fathers ask, "Who is wealthy? He who is satisfied with his portion." Perhaps I'd be even more happy if I would get a second helping.

Does it give me more prestige? That’s difficult to say. Who's Who does not post contact information. For that reason, I would say that the phone book offers more potential for publicity, whereas Who's Who offers more potential for humility.

Does it offer me the opportunity to influence more people? Yes, indeed. However, that potential will have to wait until I can develop some more personal charisma.

Does the biography promote my business affairs? Yes, I can credit all of my success in business to my inclusion in Who's Who. Unfortunately, I'm not in business.

Can I brag to others about my inclusion in the Who’s Who? Probably, but I can't figure out how to do it. How should I drop that fact into a conversation? Would anybody ask me, “Oh, by the way, were you listed in the latest Who’s Who?” Perhaps I can quietly ask, "Have you received your Who’s Who yet?"

Can my Who's Who biography be included in my resume? Perhaps. It would need a separate, special category, since it does not fit the usual headings about employment, education, language, hobbies, skills, or professional awards.

My dining room wall sports an expensive plaque that I bought from Marquis, the company that publishes Who’s Who. It says that I'm listed in Who's Who as a biographee.

Nobody seems to care.

"Want to see mine?" doesn’t work very well. Skeptical guests look at the plaque and ask, “How did you get that thing made up?” or, “What do you have to do to get a plaque like that?” When I respond that it reflects my inclusion in the real Who’s Who, they look at me and say, “Oh, right. And the next thing that you’ll tell me is that you’re actually rich and famous.” No, the plaque doesn’t help much.

I recently discovered that people can nominate themselves for inclusion in the Who's Who. If successful, they may share my wealth, fame, and glory.

Perhaps the real value of the Who’s Who will be determined by future generations. Historians will look back at the early twenty-first century in order to determine those who made changes in society. They may be able to point to certain activities performed by the biographees in Who’s Who. This potential for posthumous fame and recognition won't help me much today.

Who's Who won't pay me with fame or glory. However, it may offer me a wealth of opportunities for self-flattery.

If so, then perhaps I am rich after all.

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