The project of publishing should begin right after David, that's me, passes away. It should begin right after the shivah. I would like you to try to follow the following schedule. I'm asking that you follow the following schedule.
Begin the preparations right after shivah.
The first step is to print out all of the websites and to locate an editor who will take on the job and do it according to the proper requirements.
During the next 18 months please locate a publisher and that is the target date for the editor to finish his work.
The books should be published within the next 12 months and available on shelves.
The next three years should be spent in active distribution and promoting the books to assure that everybody who might want to read it will know about the books.
I will not get involved in the issue of whether to charge or not to charge for the books. That is a decision for the remainder of the family.
The publisher is not necessarily the distributor. However, the requirement in selecting a distributor or a publisher who also distributes is his proven ability to be able to distribute books successfully to a large worldwide audience and to do so efficiently and quickly.
Find out more about publishing these websites posthumously.
I want to find out about Jewish Groups
I want to find out about this website
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Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.
Keywords: Age, Life, Will
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