This page is still under construction.
These websites are created with a certain philosophy in mind.
They also have a certain vision.
The important thing is to first get the material on the website. As I prepare a page even in the most rough or crude form, it is immediately placed on the web. Before it is edited, before it is checked it is on the web. In most cases I try to indicate in bold on top of the page that the page is still under construction, but I don't always remember to do so.
The reasoning is very simple. I want to make sure that the information that I want to present is readily available to readers. I want to make sure that they will be able to access it whenever they want to. I have to be sure that it is on the web rather than on my hard drive. It serves no purpose and does no good if it's on my hard drive.
For this reason, I dictate the web pages and they are immediately transcribed onto the appropriate website, where they remain until I get a chance to edit them.
Dictating the pages is quick, because I can do that whenever I get a free minute. Editing them takes more time and it means that I have to sit down at the computer and be able to work on it when I have the chance. I don't always have this chance, so there are many pages that are still unedited and incomplete.
That's okay. As time goes on, more and more of these pages are edited and the situation is constantly improving.
However, because of this philosophy, readers will have to understand that the websites offer a mixed bag - a bag of top quality material, and I hope that you will believe that such is the case, mixed with material that has been dictated and transcribed, but is not really ready for the public to view.
That material that is not really ready for the public to view is there and available. The content is correct. The message is usually quite understandable, but it does need work.
With any luck the specific pages that you are about to read have already been edited and you will enjoy reading them. If not, please feel free to come back in another few months and by that time I hope that those pages will have been edited.
Yes, there is a big backlog, but I am working on it as fast as I can. I know that you're waiting and I know that you expect to have pages that are edited as well as possible.
I'm working on it as fast as I can.
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Keyword: Vision