Guiding Philosophy
How these Websites see the World

This page also reflects my vision for these websites.

These websites are designed for ease of use. A person who has become familiar with any of these websites will feel very comfortable with all of the others. For this reason, these websites have the following features:

  1. They all have the same format.
    The layout of any individual page in any of these websites matches that of any other page in any other website.
  2. They all have the same look and feel.
    Each page has a pale, colored background with several centered, graphic title lines. Each individual website has a unique color combination and graphic title, so that you can "feel" which website you are visiting. All other characteristics of the websites are identical.
  3. They are all intuitive.
    No help is needed to get around them. They all present information in an easily accessible manner.
  4. They are nearly invisible.
    Users can be more interested in the content than in the website itself.
  5. The websites include a minimum of effects.
    Again, this helps the users concentrate on the content, rather than on the website itself.
  6. The differences in websites do not interfere with this overall design.
    True, each website has its own specific goal, function, and purposes. However, this did not change the philosophy in any website.
  7. They all return to a single home location (this website), and this website can lead to any and all of the other websites.
  8. They all follow a thoroughly-planned philosophy of indexing.


Most websites try to reflect the existing situation and they tell people what is happening. People can then understand the way the world works a little bit more, at least according to the perception of the person preparing the website, the document, the article, or the book.

These websites are quite different. They do not reflect most of what is really done in the world. They reflect the way one person, the webmaster or the author, sees the world and the way that he does things and not the way that the rest of the world does things.

Thus, in the library website nobody else will put books on the shelf by size the way that it is suggested and proposed to do in that website. That's okay. The goal of the website is not to reflect what everyone else does. It's to show the unique and special way that it is done by the author of that website. It serves a purpose. It serves a specific purpose in a specific situation and time and there are things that others can learn from it, but it is different and that is why it's written here because it reflects a different perception of the way things should be done.

Similarly, the Bilingual website does not reflect the way most people raise their children. It is very different and it is not necessarily recommended that people raise their children that way. However, it did present a solution to a situation, a solution that worked very well, and that's why it is being presented to the world.

In other words, we're not voting on the proposals, ideas, recommendations, and thoughts presented in these websites.

We're not reflecting the existing situation. We're not reflecting what today's world calls reality.

We are recommending one step in the direction of a new and better world as perceived by the author of these websites but it might not be new and better for you.

And we must keep in mind that the ideas presented here are all different from the existing situation.

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Keywords: Agenda, Vision