by Marc Cohen

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

A cleavage separates the Great Esoteric Orders influenced by the Word of THE BEAST, which is Thelema. With the death of Aleister Crowley on 1 Dec, 1947 e.v., 50 plus years of Cold Warfare has left Thelema in a situation not too dissimilar to that of warring factions in ancient Rome, whom, had they united in the Name of a WORD, would have prevented primitive Christianity from its enslavement to political and statist doctrines; i.e. Rome "adopted" Christianity. (In the grossest possible, anthropomorphic, fashion).

We are in a precariously similar situation. While the Thelemic Social Orders and Lineages play "Cold War", white-light neo-Christist, highly uneducated kids are shaping this society through the Marketers Magick of TV, Video, and Computer sensationalism and Commercialism. Some of the "kids" in this scene eventually become dissatisfied with the inviting - yet utterly unscientific and primitive - , feel-good clap-trap, and set to search, like all Magi before them, for AUTHENTIC SCHOOLS OF INITIATION.

So these earnest seekers of Spiritual Evolution are horrified when they find a true Order - for there is always another true Order with which much time and energy (which could otherwise go into Initiating the entire human race) is BLASPHEMED, i.e. wasted, by constant bickering, internet attacks, claims of "magickal warfare", and pricey, spiritually degrading litigation. Save for the internet, such Emotional Plagued nonsense has been around as long as Social Orders of Occult Initiation themselves. One may begin to despair ...

But there is hope! For all of the (apparently) dozen or so "Mc O.T.O." 's out there - all working the System, in varying degrees of success, of the most powerful Initiatic current known to modern wo-man: that of the Magick of Thelema, the Child of the Magus TO MEGA THERION (known to the profane as "Aleister Crowley") - there is emerging a growing NEED for COOPERATION, in the negative sense of the term, as meaning "leave each other the Hell al-one! " Yet, as this phase of the Thelemic Cold War thaws out, we can already begin to see signs of COOPERATION in its positive aspect, namely, pooling of resources to aid individuals, Lodges, and communities to revolutionize our common MAGICKAL TECHNOLOGY, and hence, to expedite the Accomplishment of the Great Work.

In 1992 e.v. , the Holy Order of Ra-Hoor-Khuit (H.O.O.R.), began initiating, based on the Magickal Technologies of Thelema (as purified by their link to A.'. A.'.) - yet, in a radically different fashion. Firstly, H.O.O.R. took the "Just Say No!" approach to Cold-War dispersion, and took the apparently unique step of NOT claiming to be another "O.T.O.". So now, 8 years later, we find the Holy Order of Ra-Hoor-Khuit breeding future Adepts, while striking a blow to the dispersion of Thelemic Cold-War. Suddenly, people with dual membership in H.O.O.R. and an "O.T.O." are spreading paradigm-shifts instead of hatred; infecting their new Brethren with enthusiasm for a melting pot of methodologies, rather than infecting with puerile obstructionism.

The Movement of Thelema is witnessing its own inevitable dance into the technological and historical fact of Internationalism. The accursed dyad, which manifests CHORONZON through isolationism, cannot keep up with the free exchange of ideas and techniques that international economic and technological forces have rendered obsolete. A New Age is indeed dawning - a New Age of the Child experiencing the Natural processes of growth and nourishment. Our Cold-Warrior founders, for all their remarkable achievements, have also left the Child with some severe psycho-social and magickal handicaps, such as mistrust, paranoia, rumour-mongering and gossip; and, most crippling of all, endless (and useless) infantile bickering and litigation over lineages.

In one way or another - and the Cold War mentality of many readers will lose their Yama over this sentence - Aleister Crowley, Karl Germer, Marcello Motta, Grady McMurtry, William Heidrick, Ray Eales, Kenneth Grant, Michael Bertiaux, Michael Staley, Robert Anton Wilson, Peter Carrol, Tabitha and Chick Cicero, David Allen Hulse, David Bersson, Nema, Jane Wolfe, Israel Regardie, Nancy and James Wasserman, Eschelman, William Breeze, Joshuah Zintel, Anton LaVey, Gregory von Seewald, and many another have ALL contributed important upgrades in helping us to revolutionize Thelemic Magick and systems of Initiation.

Now, the typical name-calling starts, "But X stabbed Y in the back, S is a Vatican Agent and P is a Black Brother!", etc. , AD NAUSEUM. We - however - of the younger generation, the CHILDREN OF THE BEAST 666, are constantly learning new techniques and ideas from "friends and enemies" alike - so far as the Cold Warriors would label them. And this is not to deny the Necessity of Magickal Warfare; but, as von Clausewitz pointed out, Warfare is merely an extension of Politics. Chuang Tzu tells us that the best War is one where Victory is attained without the need for direct assault: it is achieved, after the smoke clears, through diplomacy. When "Magickal Warfare" appears as a necessity, it is an admission that diplomacy has either failed or was never given a fair shake. I propose the latter to explain the otherwise inexcusable factionalistic bickering and worse between Orders who need now (more than ever) to drop all the old baggage (while maintaining the healthy mistrust that, for practical reasons, underlies all such diplomacy) and grow the hell up in a hurry. To what end?


Mind you, there is great danger in these runes, as they say ... for though some groups may truly express the WORD of the Aeon in Action, others may do so in Theory, or vice versa; some express both, others neither. It hardly goes to say that anyone who is about to invest their go-ing in a Magickal Order is most wise to investigate, with a critical eye, the Order to which they aspire. This CANNOT be done by filling one's head with propaganda hurled all over the Thelemic community, but rather by talking with real people in different Orders, and judging one's study of their literature in relation to the deeds of those real people they seek to learn from. This is a perilous approach, however, for it is much easier to believe propaganda about group X, refuse to read the literature of group X, and expend no mental energy to learn about group X from first-hand sources. When such an attitude is churned down the throat of the Aspirant by Order Y, this is the worst kind of Black Magick.

We all have cringed , many atime, in our attempts at contact with the profane, when we mention the name, 'Aleister Crowley'. "He was a Satanist", "He was a witch", "He was a Black Magician", "He was a Madman", etc. , we have all heard them say. So we suggest that they cannot possibly know what they are talking about without reading it straight from the Horse's mouth themselves; of course, these people never read Crowley, nor tried to understand Thelema, themselves. Is this not despicable? Well, is it not despicable when the Cold Warrior Thelemites from Order X a priori dismiss Order Y without reading the writings and investigating firsthand the teachings of Order Y? Still worse, these Cold War would-be brethren encourage censorship and avoidance of such "heretical" groups and texts, much as did the Roman Catholic Heresy.

In short, it is not my purpose here to seek to stamp out such magickal bigotry in the Cold Warriors - they are, for the most part, too set in their ways, afraid of change, afraid of life. Rather, this Manifesto is addressed to those of us just recently coming into Thelemic Orders or studying the Ultimate Discipline of Thelema. The Great Work is about intense self-discipline, dedication, study, and years of hard, painful and ecstatic Work. It is We, the post Cold-War Children of the Beast, whom History charges with casting off the prejudices of our forebearers, while maintaining their pioneering Spirit.

Because - in case you haven't noticed - the religions and conventional moralities of the World have not let up their attacks on us, but rather continue to foster dispersion in the Thelemic Community by encouraging ad-hominem, groundless gossip and accusations, thus keeping the Child stunted in growth.

We post Cold-War Thelemites declare, here and now, an end to the sophmoric and endless settling of old scores. Let the Dead bury their Dead.

We need not officially recognize Order X any more than Order Y, but we are perpetuating a needless Cold War if we shut ourselves off from learning from millions of fellow Aspirants to Adepthood and beyond.

Given on Dec. 1, 2000 e.v. -

Marking the Beast 53 years to the date of His Greater Feast.

Love is the law, love under will.