Purcell's Works

Portrait of Purcell

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)

[Z001-Z065] Anthems Anthems/Services
[Z101-Z200] Hymns, Sacred Songs Anthems/Services
[Z230-Z232] Services Anthems/Services
[Z240-Z293] Catches Songs/Arias/Catches
[Z320-Z344] Odes/Welcome SongsOdes/Welcome Songs
[Z351-Z547] Songs Songs/Arias/Catches
[Z570-Z613] Theater MusicIncidental Music
[Z626] Dido and Aeneas (Semi-)Operas
[Z627-Z632] Semi-Operas (Semi-)Operas
[Z641-Z850] Keyboard and InstrumentalInstrumental

This index presents all Purcell's works divided into the categories shown in the table.

Note that some arias in the theater music are also listed on the Songs/Arias/Catches page. Not all of these will stand very well when separated from the context of their stage show.

The 'Z' numbers are as assigned in the Zimmerman catalogue:

Franklin B Zimmerman
Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music
MacMillan and Co Ltd
St Martin's Street London WC2

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