Denton Alumnae Chapter Online Newsletter

Summer 1997


I trust everyone has had a fine summer so far. Hopefully by now eveyone has made plans to attend our Summer luncheon get-together on Saturday, August 23 at Rama's Courtyard Cafe at 11:30.

Well, Convention '97 was exciting! Colorado was beautiful! (I almost didn't want to come back.) We do have some fantastic news: the next SAI Convention for the year 2000 will be held in Dallas at the Fairmont Hotel. I'll have a full Convention Report, complete with photos, at our next meeting.

Aileen Todd and Nancy Merrell-Robertson both performed spectacularly at the Denver Convention. It was so nice to see our Denton Alumnae Chapter so well represented. A big HUGE thank-you goes out to both of these fine ladies for a job well done.

I also want to thank those of you who have already signed up to host, co-host or perform for meetings and events so far this year. We still need a hostess and co-hostess for our March 9 Informal Meeting. We still need a hostess and performer for the Husband/Guest dinner, a co-hostess for the American Musicale on March 29, and a performer for the last Formal Meeting on May 4.

Also, remember that dues ($55.00) are due soon. You may bring them to the end-of-summer luncheon if you wish.

Please ... If anyone knows of any prospective new affiliates, invite them to one of our meetings, or bring them to the summer luncheon. If you wish, I'll be glad to give them a call. Just let me know. We lost a few members last year, and believe we may lose a few more this year. So we really need to build our membership back up!

I look forward to seeing you all at the luncheon. Until then...

Yours truly,

Catherine E. Gilstrap

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