Wolfgang's World Wolfgang Mayer, Austria

Welcome to
Wolfgang's World
You may ask yourself, "What am I gonna find here?". This page is basically a jumplist to interesting places on the net. You may jump to Apple Computer related sites (shall be known as: Virtual Apple Tree, VAT *will not be updated *sorry, MacOS Platform is NOT supported any longer!). There are also links to Austrian sites...

smile :-)

A special HELLO to all surfers from Vienna, Austria ;-)

(Servus Wien !
Wanna chat?)

  • Austria: links to interesting Austrian sites. 
  • Download Sites: links to i.e. WinMac (a MacOS like shell for your Wintel PC, mac95icons, MacOS emulator...),these goodies give you some funky Macintosh Operating System (MacOS) like experience on your Wintel PC
  • About: who is Wolfgang (bio and photo)*under construction (short stories are temporarily unavailable)
  • Feedback: send 
  • Note: constantly under construction (especially the music links)
  • Bookmark: to bookmark this page press Ctrl+D (or Strg+D)

Macintosh Advocacy Sites 


Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist and Apple Fellow excellent

Macintosh Advocacy Site 


Download Sites

WinMac, MacOS shell for Wintel PCs (very good)
MacOS Emulator for Wintel PCs (Executor 2, ARDI)
MacOS icons, shells and more for your Wintel PCs (Mac95!)

Macintosh Advocacy Sites 

Mac v Win95 Contents Page
Down to the Wire
Ten PC Fairy Tales

Macintosh Advocacy Sites

Dwight Silverman's home page 
Mac Debate 

  • Mac links

Mac Education   


Other Internet

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U don't know Wolfgang

under construction

Queries and comments to Wolfgang.

Apple, the Apple logo, FireWire, GeoPort, HyperCard, Light Bulb logo, ImageWriter, LaserWriter, Mac, iMac, Mac OS logo, Macintosh, MessagePad, Newton, OpenDoc, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, QuickTake, QuickTime, QuickTime logo and StyleWriter are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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