1 stick butter or margarine (or more)
1 No. 2 can pineapple, crushed or tidbit
with some juice drained off
1 No. 2 can blueberry pie filling
1/2 cup black walnuts, chopped
1 package yellow cake mix
Melt a little butter in the bottom of an 11 x 9 inch pan or pyrex dish. Add the pineapple and blueberry pie filling. Sprinkle chopped walnuts over this. Spread yellow cake mix (dry) over it. Add melted butter on top, to your own liking. Cook in 325 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until bubbly and ready to brown. Turn oven up until nice and brown. Serve with whipped cream. For variation, you may substitute apple pie filling and use pecans and spice cake mix.
© 1998 Ann Johnson Donovan. All Rights Reserved. arsnova@worldnet.att.net
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June 16, 1998