Wash and rinse shrimp. Cut sausage into 2 or 3 inch lengths. Fill one 8 to 10 quart pot (or two smaller ones) half full of water. Add 1/2 cup butter and salt to water and bring to boil. Add Tabasco to taste.
Put corn in water and boil 5 minutes. Add sausage to water and boil 2 to 3 minutes. Add shrimp to water and boil 3 minutes or until shells begin to separate from shrimp. Drain and serve from one large bowl, serving butter with corn and sauce with shrimp. Serves 12 to 14 people. Extra vegetables are often added --- such as potatoes (especially) or cooked cabbage and carrots, if desired.
This is a wonderful meal and popular for group gatherings and reunions. It's great cooked outdoors if you have a gas burner. In the low country (Savannah/Charleston area) this is often served, immediately when done, poured in a heap on newspapers spread on tables --- no plates, no forks. A complete meal --- one of the most pleasant surprises I found upon moving to Savannah!
© 1998 Ann Johnson Donovan arsnova@worldnet.att.net
Updated April 25, 1998.