To those who comfort with a mother's hand,
We thank you.
To those who encourage with a mother's praise,
We applaud you.
To those who love with a mother's heart,
We honor you.
Not just on Mother's Day --- but always.
This webpage is dedicated to the loving memory of my mother, HETTIE MAY LONG JOHNSON , who was the inspiration of my life. She taught me perseverance, self-determination, and to believe in myself. She was the living example of love, kindness, and giving. Her heritage lives on in her children and grandchildren, and they truly "rise up to call her blessed."
by Floyd Johnson*
The family all gathered in joyous reunion,
Every leaf of the table stretched out
Pottery dishes on a dainty table cloth
And Mama bustling about.
Her hair done up with pins real pretty
Sensible shoes with cotton hose
She would be wearing her Sunday-best apron
Not caring for high-fashion clothes.
Soon Mama would say let everyone have a seat
And the atmosphere was really great
Then the talk would erupt and flow everywhere
We knew love was in that place.
Now my Mother's house is no more
My Mom and My Dad are gone
I look in the mirror, and wonder about myself
But time doesn't go backwards, but goes on.