Instruemental Music

Instrumental music is that music produced by playing upon a man made device. Therefore, is it acceptable to worship God by playing and singing with a mechanical instrument of music? Often times the people who support the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship will base their arguments upon their use in worship during the Old Testament dispensation of time. However, we are not living under the law of Moses but of Christ. Therefore, what does the New Testament say about the subject?

In Eph 5:19 and Col 3:16 we learn that we are to "speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,SINGING AND MAKING MELODY WITH OUR HEARTS also to "teach and admonish one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, SINGING WITH GRACE IN YOUR HEARTS unto God. (emphasis mine, KH) I want us to notice the phrases I have underlined, Eph 5:19SINGING AND MAKING MELODY -IN YOUR HEART. Notice, Paul tells us that in our singing the melody is to be made in our heart. Certainly this would tell us that the melody is not to be plunked out on a piano or any other instrument of music. Also Col 3:16 SINGING WITH GRACE IN YOUR HEARTS." it is the heart of man that God looks into and it is there that the "true worshipper of God" Jno 4:23 is revealed. Unlike the Old Testament law which was ceremonious and appeased the carnal nature of man the New Testament law stresses the importance of the growth and development of the spiritual man. It is those who worship God in Spirit and Truth that God is pleased with.

The practice of instrumental music in worshipping God infringes upon the silence of God in the scriptures. The plea of speaking where the Bible speaks and being silent where the Bible is silent is lost among the chords and strings of instrumental music! Some use the argument that the instrument is an aid to the singing. However, to prove that instrumental music is an addition and not an aid let me illustrate it by the following chart.


Baptize--------------------Pool------------Sprinkling, another kind!

Lord's Supper-----------Table-----------Hamburger, another kind!

Sing-------------------------Book------------Instrumental, another kind!

Surely one can see from this chart that instrumental music in worshipping God is an addition to the Word of God and those who practice such have no part with the Father. "Whosoever goeth onward or abideth not in the teaching of Christ, hath not God: he that abideth in the teaching, the same hath both the Father and the Son. 2 Jno 9

Instrumental music is wrong because it is an invention of men. We need to constantly be on guard against the devices of men and the devil. We need to "try the spirits" constantly, like the noble Bereans "examining the scriptures daily," that we may stand steadfast having our hope assured in the Word of God.

Manslick Road

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Last Updated March 16, 1998 by
Bob Cleek

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