Only The Word

The Potential Of The Gospel

Can I Know I'm Saved?

What If

Jesus Calls Us

Removing God From Our Knowledge

Clarity Of teaching

Only The Word

"He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. And He said to them, 'Take nothing for the journey, neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money and do not have two tunics apiece. "' (Luke 9:2-3)

Christ sent out His disciples to preach the kingdom of God, but without daily essentials. Under these circumstances, in going they were truly putting the kingdom first. Christ had previously made a promise- "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matt. 6:33) According to this promise, when disciples put the kingdom first in their lives, God in some way in His providential care provides the necessities of life. At a later time Jesus asked His disciples, When I sent you out without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything? So they said, 'Nothing. "' (Luke 22:35)

With only the word they were adequately equipped to preach the kingdom of God.

When accurately applied, the word of God can do wonderful things.

1.It can defeat the strongest temptations of Satan. Jesus proved that Satan has no power of temptation equal to the power of God's word to overcome. "Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, 'If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. But He answered and said,"It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. [Deut. 8:3] Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him oil the pinnacle of the temple,and said to Him, 'If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down, for it is written "He shall give His angels charge over You, "and, "In Your hands they shall bear You up, lest You dash your foot against a stone. " [Psm. 91:11,12] Jesus said to him, 'It is written again, "You shall not tempt the Lord your God. " [Deut. 6:16] Again, the devil took Him up on an exceeding high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, 'All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.' Then Jesus said to him, 'Away with you, Satan! For it is written, "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve." [Deut.6:13] Then the devil left Him,and behold, angels came and ministered to Him " (Matt. 4: 1 -11).

Christ's disciples are well equipped today to defeat Satan in the warfare of good and evil. They w ear an armor too strong for Satan to penetrate. "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God " (Eph. 6:13-17).

2. It can reach and save sinners, even those guilty of grievous sins. It can reach the crucifiers of the Son of God. On the cross Christ prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do (Luke 23:34). Some seven weeks later this prayer was answered when on the day of Pentecost about three thousand guilty of crucifying Christ were baptized for the remission of their sins (Acts 2:36-41). It can reach the blasphemer and persecutor. Saul of Tarsus was both. ". Although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief' (I Tim. 1: 13). He was reached with the gospel, God's power to save (Rom. 1: 16), when he was baptized into Christ (Rom. 6:3-4). It can reach the fornicator, the homosexual, the drunkard-you name it. After mentioning those guilty of such monstrous sins, Paul wrote, "And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but your were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God" (I Cor. 6:11).

3. It can keep people from sinning. The psalmist said, "Your word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against You" (Ps. 119:11). Concerning the word of the Lord John wrote, "My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. " (I John 2: 1). The word of God clearly defines sin, with the warning that those who practice such are condemned to eternal separation from God. It gives the great principles for godly conduct. It describes the life of Christ, the perfect example for us to follow (I Pet. 2:21). It then is the roadmap to heaven, for Christ said, "No one comes to the Father except through Me " (John 4:6).

When Christ sent out His disciples with "only the word" they were fully equipped to do what He intended for them to do- "to preach the kingdom of God "

When we live by it, we are fully equipped to reach heaven.

The Potential Of The Gospel

Did you ever count the seeds in an apple? However tedious the task might be, it can be done. ever try to count the number of apples in one seed? To do this task precisely is impossible, but to ask the question is to suggest the amazing potential in a seed. Whatever kind of seed it is, the results produced by it will likely be multiplied many times in the first generation, not to speak of the multiplied results of all future generations of plants made possible by the one seed. What an investment!

So it is with the seed of the gospel of Christ. Jesus compared the Word of the gospel to seed. Implied in His comparison is the power of the gospel to reproduce after its kind in the spiritual realm, thus setting in motion numerous offspring for the family of God. The apostle Paul spoke of the gospel as God's power to salvation in Romans 1:16.

When Jesus commissioned the apostles to go forth teaching, it was the gospel that He identified as their message (Mk. 16:15). To hear the gospel with an honest and good heart is to give the seed fertile soil for its work of spiritual reproduction. The responsibility of sowing the seed of the kingdom is ours, but the giving of increase belongs to God (I Cor. 3:7).

From the analogy employed by the Lord, several necessary conclusions follow:

1. Because the seed still has its power to reproduce after its kind, it is still possible to reproduce the first century fruit; Christians. The seed of the kingdom does not have the potential to produce denominations. They are the inevitable result of sowing tainted seed. To deny the possibility of New Testament Christianity in our day is to deny the power of the seed to do the work for which God designed it. Just as it is impossible for the pure seed to produce denominational people, so it is also impossible for tainted seed to reproduce Christians.

2. He grave responsibility of sowing the seed faces every Christian. "Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, brother, all along the fertile way?" When someone has made it clear that his heart is infertile soil for kingdom seed, do you try then to sow in another's heart? Be thankful for different fields for sowing. Sow to God's glory that souls might be saved. Generations yet unborn will be helped.

3. Before there can ever be reproduction, there must be the sowing of the seed. God has not promised to reproduce new spiritual life through the new birth apart from the sowing of seed. In previewing the gospel age, the prophet said that all would be taught of God Jn. 6:44-45). Without the teaching of the gospel, there can be no faith, no obedience, and no spiritual life. It is easy to see that the latter part of the process depends upon the seed, what Jesus referred to as the Spirit in His teaching about the new birth in Jn. 3. He used a common figure of speech when He put the Spirit for the seed (the cause for the effect, known as metonymy). There is no new birth apart from spiritual seed, no conversion without the gospel. God's system of salvation in Jesus Christ is truly marvelous.

Don't ever underestimate the gospel's power to inform, to conform, and to transform people . In doing so it also will deform every undesirable element of life. Thus the gospel powerfully works in hearts, minds, and lives for salvation. Just think of the number of apples in one seed. Just marvel at the people that can be converted to Christ by the seed of the gospel.

Bobby L. Graham

Can I Know I'm Saved

The Bible teaches that salvation is offered to all men. Paul writes that God "would have all men to be saved, and come to a knowledge of the truth" (I Tim. 2:4). But what is the evidence of salvation? Many think it is some strange feeling or direct manifestation of the Holy Spirit that tells them they are saved. But the Bible does not speak of such as evidence of salvation. The fact of the matter is that most just "believe" they're saved because some man has told them that they are.

In considering this question, let us first remember that salvation is dependent upon justification. There are but two ways one can stand justified in God's sight: either through innocence or by pardon. The Bible plainly states that no one is innocent in God's sight, "for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Therefore, man must depend upon being pardoned in order to stand justified before God. Consequently, salvation is reached only through the grace and mercy of God as He forgives our sins.

But is God's pardon conditional? There are many in the religious world that teach that salvation is unconditional and that man can do nothing per se to obtain remission of sins. But the Bible says it is only through the blood of Jesus that man can reach forgiveness of sin (Romans 5:9). One must have faith in Jesus as the Son of God and in the power of His blood to save. "Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5: 10). Faith then becomes a condition of our salvation.

Many seem to confuse the faith that saves with their own feelings of pardon. Does man reach God's pardon by simply believing that he's saved? If this be true, salvation takes place in the mind of man. But the Bible says, "It is God that justifieth" (Romans 8:33). Man makes a grave mistake when he forgets that pardon takes place in the mind of God, for only God can forgive sin. It is God who sets down the conditions of pardon and forgiveness. Just because one feels he's saved or believes his sins are pardoned, such is not sufficient evidence of salvation.

Our feelings are based upon information, and if we are misinformed our feelings may not accurately-reflect our true condition- Remember Jacob who was told his son Joseph had been killed? He "rent his garments," put on sackcloth and "mourned for many days" because he believed Joseph to be dead (Genesis 37:31-35). But he was misinformed; Joseph was still alive. This misinformation bought feelings, genuine as they were, that did not accurately reflect the true situation.

So it is with many today who "feel" that they are saved but who whose feelings, though genuine, are based upon misinformation and are, therefore, not accurate evidence of pardon. Jesus spoke of such individuals who do "many mighty works" in His name, yet He says to them, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Matthew 7:21-23). They are rejected because they did not do the will of the Father. James reiterates this truth stating that man is not saved by faith only, but through his obedience to the will of the Lord (James 2:24). Herein is true evidence of salvation. When we believe in the Lord enough to do His will, such obedient faith saves us from our sins and is accurate evidence of pardon. Not because we just "feel" saved, but because God says we are.

Market Street Bulletin

What If

What if our nation was seriously threatened by an enemy nation? I believe a spirit of patriotism would come into the hearts of most true American citizens. Those of us who lived during the World War 11 era saw patriotism at its highest level. Our country was threatened by both Germany and Japan, but our teamwork led to victory. Even though there is much corruption in our nation today, I am confident that every true American would cease his complaining and join forces with fellow Americans to protect our nation from the forces of an enemy nation.

What if our family was about to suffer the loss of a loved one? What would be our attitude toward our relatives? We have seen this happen many times. During trials family members have a more understanding attitude toward their loved ones. They quit taking one another for granted, a lot of the old sores of the past are forgotten, and the family unites because they share a common burden of losing someone dear to each of them.

What if the church was having to suffer great persecution from worldly powers? Would you keep on worshipping and serving the Lord? Some might weaken, but I believe the majority would continue serving the Lord faithfully unto death if necessary. The petty differences, the personality conflicts, the bitter feelings and the hurt feelings would soon be forgotten. We would probably clasp our hands and hearts together in opposing our common foe. We would appreciate the value of beloved brethren,, and I_-believe we would encourage one another in our great persecution.

We ought not to have to suffer bitter opposition and tragedy to make us realize the value of our nation, our families and our brothers and sisters in Christ. What an honor to be an American! What a blessing to be a part of an earthly family! What an honor and blessing to be a member of the Lord's church, the kingdom of God! God ordained the earthly family, civil government and the spiritual family. I consider it an honor to have been the son of Roy and Hallie Stevens. I also consider it an honor to be a citizen of the United States of America. However, the greatest honor and privilege of all is to be a child or God, a citizen in the everlasting kingdom of God.

The truth of the matter is this our nation is being threatened by enemy forces our families have lost and will continue to lose loved ones the church of the Lord is being threatened by the forces of Satan. So it is not a matter of "WHAT IF"! The word of God teaches us to "be subject to the higher powers of our nation." (Rom. 13: 1) God's word also instructs us to love our wives, our husbands, our children and our parents. (Eph. 5:22-32; Titus 2:4). God's word further instructs us to love the Lord with all our hearts (Matt. 22:37), to love our brethren with a pure heart fervently (I Peter 1:22). This is something we must do when the sailing is smooth as well as when the sailing is rough.

There is a great need today for our pulling together as citizens of our nation. There is a great need today for families to pull together. There is a great need today for members of God's family to work together in fighting our common enemy. Jesus said: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." (Matthew 12:25)


Jesus Calls Us

Jesus calls us o're the tumult Of our life's wild, restless sea,

Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, Saying "Christian, follow Me."

Jesus calls us from the worship Of the vain world's golden store;

From each idol that would keep us, Saying "Christian, love Me more."

In our joys and in our sorrows, Days of toil and hours of ease;

Still He calls, in cares and pleasures, "Christian, love Me more than these."

Jesus calls us; by Thy mercies, Savior, make us hear Thy call,

Give our hearts to Thine obedience, Serve and love Thee best of all.

These marvelous words from the old hymn speak of the Lord's call given in the gospel of Christ. It is edifying to observe some of the salient points of the song.

Notice what the Lord says : Follow Me, love Me more than these experiences of life. What a challenge He issues to those claiming to be His people. All can become Christians, and to them He also gives the invitation to follow Him. The special emphasis of this song, however, is on Christians. Are we following Him? Are we truly His disciples, or are we content to wear the name of Christ?

Observe next how the Lord does His calling. The words of the song do not actually address this question, but the Scriptures tell us that the call is exerted through the gospel (2 Thes. 2:14). The subjective experiences of life do not issue a call, but in the midst of them God's Word might come to mind to prod us to make needed changes. God providentially operates in all kinds of situations, but He speaks only by His Word. Dreams, visions, and feelings are unreliable vehicles, but the Word of God is a firm foundation. Dreams and such mean different things to various people, for the Lord has not provided boundaries for their use; but in the Scriptures He has revealed His will to human beings. Some have wondered about the phrase "in cares and pleasures" in the third stanza. This phrase does not indicate how the Lord calls, but the areas or situations of life in which His call often comes. Remembrance of His Word in such situations wonderfully strengthens us against sin (Psm. 119:11).

Why should I listen when the Lord calls? Notice the mention of the mercies of the Lord as the motivating factor for hearing the call of God in the last stanza. Hearts thus moved will be given to love and obey God, serving Him above all else.

Jesus is calling; are we listening?

Removing God From Our Knowledge

The tragedy of knowing God is the decision to forget Him, to remove Him from our knowledge. That decision is highlighted by the apostle Paul in Romans I as a critical one in the Gentiles' ever degenerating course away from God and right., He first mentioned their failure to glorify Him as God even when they knew God. Its manifestation in their ingratitude, vanity of mind, darkness of heart, idolatry, and immorality is further described.' The choice to remove God from their knowledge, seen in verse 28, involved their not liking to retain God in their knowledge.

It is significant they did what they liked to do instead of what God wanted them to do. Because His will interfered with their wishes, they did not "like" to keep God in their knowledge. Somewhat like a younger brother or sister who might "get in the way," their knowledge of God, with its implied demand for holiness of life, would have been more of a hindrance than they wanted with their present attitudes. Is it possible that people today have made the same choice because of their determination to have their own way? Current Applications.

A sizable number have decided to abandon the process of ascertaining God's will on a matter because they have apparently chosen to pursue their own will. The "old hermeneutic" of seeking divine authorization for belief or practice by scriptural statement/command, approved example, or necessary conclusion has been jettisoned in favor of a "new hermeneutic," resting primarily upon subjective thought. The result of that new approach to the Scriptures is not nearly so restrictive, thus allowing each to decide for himself what he wants to believe and practice. It really amounts to the Scriptures' being bent to the shape of each one's desires, whereas in the approach used by Jesus and the apostles the Bible student's attitude is "have thine own way, Lord."

A second current illustration some seeking to remove God from our collective knowledge as a society is the work of the Jesus Seminar. This group of scholars seeks a "radical reformation" of Christianity and to "set Jesus free " from the mythology of His divinity, virgin birth, miracles, and resurrection. One member of this, group, a filmmaker, plans to produce a movie about Christ based on the Jesus Seminar's work. Their desire to be "politically correct" will be their justification for depicting the Son of God as mere human. The effect will be a major reworking of people's belief about Jesus and a gigantic undermining of morality, based on diminishing faith in Christ. Why remove faith in Jesus as divine? So that we can do whatever we want, without the inhibitions imposed by such faith. The normalizing of homosexuality is proceeding at a rapid pace on television, ac to articles dealing with these matters. A number of barriers that previously stood against such programming have fallen in the past year, resulting in some of the major networks receiving praise from some groups in the vanguard of the effort to gain acceptance for this deviant lifestyle. According to Romans 1, this form of immorality, while no more a violation of God's will than others, results when God is removed from people's knowledge. God gives people over to a debased mind to do things that are not fitting, like the various practices of homosexuality specified that chapter. A knowledge God does not comport well with %A g one's own thing-." The person who loves God will act according to God's will, but the one who loves self more than God will live to please self.

Another way in which we affect our lives by removing God from our knowledge is in the television/movie fare that we chose to watch. How many of us justify watching on the screen those activities that we would not have thought about watching "in the- flesh"? Acts that we would scorn to view in "real life" somehow become acceptable on television or in a movie. Why? What makes it right in one situation but wrong in another? Why does it embarrass us in one situation but not in another? By watching with delight do we not give our consent to the rightness of the action. Do we not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think when we think we can view this kind of "entertainment" without being affected by it? Consider the Lord is warning against such proud thinking in Romans 12:3.

Finally, we live in a society that barely pays homage to God. For many, the main point of reference to God is in the frequent vain references to God in words of swearing or cursing. How tragic! Christians must resolve to do better than they have done. They must speak out against what is happening from lives lived in consecration to God, so that what they say will be heard. Only from a clean conscience can powerful protest be mounted and heard.

Let us determine to keep God in our knowledge and to help restore the knowledge of God to those that we can influence for good. When the moral/spiritual foundations of our country are destroyed, what shall the righteous do?


Clarity Of Teaching

The Bible itself is clear in its teaching, leaving no doubt about our responsibilities to God. The reason for such clarity is the nature of God's will: it is a divine revelation, designed to make manifest the things of the Lord for the benefit of man (I Cor. 2:5ff; Eph. 3:1 ff). The Lord has not left us wondering or guessing about the path of acceptable service. Truth is narrow, demanding, and precise in its very nature, whether the field be geography, mathematics, or Biblical truth.

Those teaching Biblical truth must be sure that they teach truth, not their ideas, opinions, or ways. When they teach truth, they ought to do so in love, kindness, and genuine concern for souls. These motivations and manners in teaching will also demand that they teach it clearly, so that all present might understand. Too often teachers leave their students in the fog of wonderment or the haze of confusion. This should never happen. Truth is too important, souls too precious, and eternity too real for teachers to approach their task so haphazardly. They do nobody a favor by failing to tell them what God wants them to know and to do; they deny them the word of life found in God's Book and endanger all souls involved---- teacher's and taught's souls.

It is easy for teachers to allow clarity to become the excuse for hateful words, just as it is easy for them to claim love as their reason for withholding truth. The truth is that love will never withhold any needed truth, just as truth will never countenance any vestige of hate in the teaching of truth (2 Tim. 2:24-26).

Those listening to Jesus and the apostles might have gone away not accepting their teaching, but they never had to wonder what they had taught or their motive in teaching it. All Bible teachers and preachers must strive for the same objective.

"Some of our preachers are so vague, some times they are months trying to get the people to understand what they meant and what they didn't mean. There is no necessity for this. What the Bible teaches on any subject may be so presented that the people will understand it- -cannot help but understand it." So wrote F. G. Allen in 1879. N.B. Hardeman used to say that he believed a preacher ought to be able to answer a Bible question about matters of salvation on a postcard and still have enough space to tell Aunt Mary and Uncle Johnny hello. 'When teachers teach with question marks instead of exclamation marks, they need to go back to the Bible to learn again what they need to know so they can teach it.

Bobby L. Graham

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Last Updated April 8, 1998 by
Bob Cleek

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