We all are familiar with the saying "If the shoe fits. . We know that it is a statement that points a sometimes uncomfortable truth toward someone or even ourselves. Some of the shoes below may pinch and hurt somewhat, but only we can take the steps to change what shoes we are wearing. Which shoe fits you?

Loafer - This person wants to get by with as little work for the Lord as possible. He wants to do just enough to miss hell and barely get into heaven. In Matthew 25:26 the one talent man was called, "wicked and slothful." In verse 30 Jesus says, "Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness." This punishment was not pronounced upon the man because he only had one talent, but because he did not use the one talent he had.

Slipper - This person slips into worship services at the very last minute and then slips out as soon as possible. He wants quick and easy services. He doesn't want to give any more of himself than is absolutely necessary. He wants to just slip by in this life, and then slip into heaven.

Flip Flop - This person is faithful for a few days and then is quickly unfaithful. His life as a pattern of faithfulness then unfaithfulness to the Lord. He is not happy in the world, neither is he happy in the church. The Lord addresses this attitude of the Laodiceans in Revelation 3:15. "So then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold not hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."

High Heel - This shoe fits the haughty, proud individual. This person simply feels he is better than others because of position, money, influence, etc. The Bible warns against such attitudes. We are told in Romans 12:3 that a man ought ". . . not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think." Psalm 10 1: 5 warns, ". . . him that hath a high look and a proud heart will not I suffer."

Overshoes - Just as a person puts on overshoes when the weather is nasty, this person puts on Christianity when life becomes rough. I have visited unfaithful Christians in the hospital who tell me that when they are better, they are "going to church." Often they will for a while, but they soon forget about their resolution to God. They are like Rehoboam. We are told regarding him in 2 Chronicles 12:1, "And it came to pass, when Rehoboam had established the kingdom, and had strengthened himself, he forsook the law of the Lord, and all Israel with him."

House Shoe - This type person wants easy and comfortable living. He is scared off by anything that requires effort and faith. He is afraid to begin programs that might require additional giving of time and money. He is happy with the size and strength of the local congregation. He is comfortable with the status quo. We are told in Amos 6:1, "Woe to them that are at ease in Zion."

Sunday Shoes - This person concentrates his Christianity around the first day of the week. Granted, we are to worship and meet together on the first day of the week, but we are to practice Christianity around the clock. Christianity is not a special pair of "Sunday Shoes" that we slip on when we want to return back to our non-Sunday way of life. Christianity must be daily. Jesus said in Luke 9:23, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take us his cross daily, and follow me."

Work Shoes - This is the type of shoe we all must wear. We all must be willing to work. No matter what our number of talents, we are expected to do what we can.

One of the above shoes probably describes each one of us. If we are not wearing work shoes, let's take off the other shoes and put on shoes fit for working in the kingdom.

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Last Updated October 13, 1997 by
Bob Cleek bcleek@niia.net