The Bible


Generations follow generation---yet it lives.

Nations rise and fall---yet it lives.

Kings, dictators, presidents come and go---yet it lives.

Hated, despised, cursed---yet it lives.

Doubted, suspected, criticized---yet it lives.

Condemned by atheists---yet it lives.

Scoffed by scorners---yet it lives.

Exaggerated by fanatics---yet it lives.

Misconstructed and misstated---yet it lives,

Its inspiration denied---yet it lives.


As a lamp to our feet,

as a light to our path,

as the gate of heaven,

as a standard for childhood,

as a guide for youth,

as inspiration for the matured,

as comfort for the aged,

as food for the hungry,

as water for the thirsty,

as rest for the weary,

as light for the heathen,

as salvation for the sinner,

as grace for the Christian.

To know it is to love it, to love it is to accept it, and to accept it means life eternal!

Author Unknown

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Last Updated November 13, 1997 by
Bob Cleek

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