How To "Fire" Your Preacher


As Christians we never reach the point where we are Completely satisfied with the accomplishments of the past. However, when the whole congregation is working together as it should, we can feel that we are making much progress. Many times a congregation realizes that it is not accomplishing nearly so much as it is capable of doing. Eight times out of ten the preacher is blamed for the lack of progress. (And sometimes it is his fault.) Elders and members often think that the best thing to do in such a case is to "fire" the preacher. I will agree with them that such should be done. "How should it be done?" It is the purpose of this article to point out how to "fire" your preacher. But when I use the term "fire", I do not mean "to get rid of." Many times the need is to "fire" the preacher instead of getting rid of him. "Fire" him with new zeal and determination to do more for the cause of Christ. Engenerate within him the desire to work harder and more profitably in the saving of souls. How can this be done?

The first thing I suggest is this: "Sit in the preacher's place." Look at the work from the preacher's point of view. Try to realize the great and solemn charge that is given him. "Preach the word." (2 Tim. 4:2) Remember that if he should fail to warn the wicked of his way, his blood would be required. (Ezek. 3:18) Or should he fail to warn a righteous man who turns to iniquity, it would also be required. (3:20) By understanding these principles, you can see why it is necessary that a preacher teach on certain things. Too many times all of us (preachers included) look at things only from our own point of view. Each of us needs to sit in the other fellow's place and see things as he sees them. In the words of Ezekiel, "I sat where they sat." By applying this principle in the work of the church, we can understand and appreciate one another's place and work in life. So, look at the Lord's work from the preacher's viewpoint. It will help you to "fire" him.

When a preacher teaches something that is false or when he is failing to preach the whole counsel of God, he certainly should be corrected by the church. Firm discipline should be applied. On the other hand, when he is preaching the gospel, the church should stand squarely behind him giving him all the help and encouragement possible. This is sure to help and "fire" him with more zeal and determination. You can show that you are backing him by bringing your friends and neighbors to hear the gospel proclaimed. The church member who never brings others to hear the gospel preached is hindering the cause. However, this person is not hindering the cause so much as the one who apologizes to the visitors for the truth's being preached. When a preacher tells his audience what the Bible teaches, you should never be guilty of saying, "I don't think he should have preached that." Remember, anything other than the truth is error; the person who does not obey the truth is lost. So, "fire" your preacher by standing firmly behind him.

Another sure way to "fire" your preacher is to do personal work teaching ourselves. To see members of the church-doing personal work is on most encouraging things there is to the preacher. Also, why not invite the preacher into your home to talk with your friends about the Bible? You can "fire" the preacher immensely by introducing him to people who are capable of being taught the gospel. We often hear it is said that comparatively few will hear the gospel today. The preacher works hard preparing lessons to present, yet but few attend. Many times this is the fault of the congregation instead of the preacher. Yes, you can "fire"him by doing personal work.

One of the most discouraging sights to any gospel preacher is to see members of the church indifferent in regard to spiritual things. These brethren are not interested in the church's growth. They care so little for the services that they seldom attend. They become worldly minded and sinful. Elders and faithful members can often do more to wake up and restore such members than the preacher can do. You can help "fire" your preacher by waking up the church.

The scriptures teach plainly in regard to the preacher's right to material support. "What soldier ever serves at his own charges? Who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not the fruit thereof.? Or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?"(1 Cor. 9:7) "Even so did the Lord ordain that they that proclaim the gospel should live of the gospel." (v. 14) As suggested at the beginning of the article, you need to sit in the preacher's place. By doing so you will see what his financial needs are. Then, make sure that he has them. Brethren, it will "fire" the preacher when you pay him.

After all, the important thing is cooperation between the church and preacher. Preachers, do your part by preaching the word. Brethren, cooperate with the preacher in every way possible. Pray for him.

Instead of "Getting rid of' your preacher, why not "fire" him?

Market Street Bulletin

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Last Updated November 19, 1997 by
Bob Cleek

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