"The religiosity is the Maximal Expression of the Culture"
Textual appointment of "Formation of the Superior Culture"
In the Centuries of The Centuries, inside the Venezuelan jungle
geography, "Sorte" the Mountain, guard imtact, the
place of the Divine Goddess.
The mestizaje, remember the tabu with those that historically are
question the Religious Pagan Manifestations, underestimate to a
stratum secretely magic, occult and hermetic...
Who know their Culture, the one could make with it which their
intuition designates, study it, adore it or discard it. But to
who don't know it, it could discard him up...
That do you Know about Sorte?
Relate the history of the Humanity, that in the city of Ife, in
Nigeria, Africa center-occidental, lived the Yoruba town, of
which is said is the oldest of the planet, from there the Culture
religious Yoruba emigrated to America being located it in the
island from Cuba, and particularly in the mountain of Sorte in
Venezuela, where apparent now, a descendants religious mestiza
named SANTERÍA. The Yoruba culture bases the belief of God
through the Cult to the elements of the nature, it mention to the
creator giving the divine name of OLODUMARE, to the
representative of God in the earth OLOFI and in the sun generator
of life OLORUM, this triad, like in the Catholicism, it conform
an only God. The ORICHAS or pagan divinitys, they are the first
children of God and each one governs an element of the nature.
The BABALAWO, supreme priest, is consecrated with the divinity
named ORULA and complete the list of spiritual orientator. The
SANTERÍA communicates the earthly world with the spiritual
through the Oracle predictory of the Snails. The Oracle of Ifa,
invoking the EBBÓ or formulate that it give the ORICHA in order
to resolve social problems, of health, economy and reach of the
spiritual evolution; the ritual consists in the touch of the
sacred drum BATA, with the that are invoked AÑA, spirit that
lives within the drum, is touched by OMOAÑÁ, musician son of AÑÁ
and responsible of channeling the messages that it emit the
sounds of the drum from the further on. The Initiation is
achieved through the ceremony of BECOMING the SAINT, where the
person is consecrated with their Angel of the Guard or guardian
ORICHA, with the imposition of sacred collars and the ILDEFÁ DE
ORULA, that is a bracelet of green and yellow bills that is
placed in the left wrist and it symbolize the pact that made
ORULA with the death so that this respects the life of the
initiate until OLUDDUMARE determines that it should leave the
worldly dimension, according to the rule and ceremonial of KARI
OCHA. This ceremony is determined by OLOFI and the ORICHAS,
previous tribute surrendered EGÚN, or previous spirit, the
ritual is carried out in the Spiritual Vault, place where it
surrender learned offering glasses with water, flowers, fruits,
honey, liquor, tobacco, candles, homemade foods and candies. The
SANTERÍA is open to all the cults of God, it is as well as it
permit the Catholic marriage and the cult to the ORICHAS without
being SANTERO. Many ORICHAS divinitys exists belong to the Panteón
YORUBA, they in America know each other:
ORICHA owner of the roads, the which honor with offerings and
ceremonies in the mount.
One of the first Saint that he came to the earth, founder of the
YORUBA town and organizer of the first civilizations.
He is the greater Saint to whom everything belongs to the white,
the understanding and the heads of the human beings, it is owner
of the purity and he govern in the mountain.
Divinity mother
of all the Saint, owner of the maternity. She govern in the seas.
Queen of the Spirits, it is the spiritual channel in the journey
toward another dimension. He govern in the cemeteries and in the
First son of God in the earth, tipe of the masculinity, this
divinity is owner of the popular dance, the music and the
happiness of living. He govern on the red color, the thunder and
surrenders you cult in the figure of a Royal Palm or in a Ceiba.
The more youth between the ORICHAS, govern on the rivers, is
owner of the love and like many of the money, the which don't
hesitate to give their children and guarded. She share the being
the first daughter of God on the earth with Changó.
ORICHA owner of the work and the war.
Divinity charged with giving sustenance to the towns. Owner of
the justice and the hunt, it is hunter of the good opportunities
and the wrong spirits.
The Miraculous Queen María Lionza.
The Worldly Sacrifice.
Belief of the Divine Aid, infinite gift, Remedy, Cure, Comfort
and legal profession here Land.
The cult demands Pray of Knees and with Infinite Devotion the
following sentence: Infinite beauty, Queen Hunch, Make me Blessed,
your cult is the glory, your name is María, Concede me
everything, in this great day.
The Great Power of God
King, Yogui, Master. The Adoration.The Magic and The Wit.
The cult to the Divinity bases an opinion on the Sentence and the
Contact Committed with the Kindliness.
The Indian Guaicaipuro.
Indian hero, parades the more valuable reward, the of Indian
The cult to this Pagan Entity, concist in lighting a votiv lamp
for the lapse of seven days, where dedicates you a Prayer in
order to get their Divine Wit.
The Great Spirit of the Black Felipe.
The Powerful Spirit. The Exemplary Soul, The Kindness and The
Warring Anger and Winner, payee of Opportune Gifts for the sick
person, and Broken-hearted. Capable of Lending the Soul In order
to Look at and Return the Wickedness to the Enemy.
The Cult to this Deidad, it consist of requesting permission to
the Illuminated queen of Sorte, María Lionza, so that she
invoking the spirit of the Devote Brother Black Felipe.
The tradition is precise when it refer to the manipulation of the
information contained in the Sentences and it highlight the
unconvent of sharing this sentence with another person, ambient
in an atmosphere of intimacy and confederacy between the Deidad
and the Devote.
The seven Capacities.
Miracles around the Saint and of the Saint.
This Divinity protects the Lively and Inanimate Creation, gift
Sweet Peace of Spirit and Material Prosperity. Is capable of
distancing from the Houses, the causes of the wrongs without that
they never torment again.
The image of the Seven Capacities, it illustrate the ritual of
the cult, it depict their content allowing to observe Symbols
like the Rooster, the Tamiz with the face of Christ, the Calavera,
the Stairway, the Serpent, the Broken Heart and the Seven Imágenes
that they are object of Adoration.
San Pancracio.
Divinity that concedes Hopes in Engaged Virtues. The Trust in The
Forethought allows to get work and gift of Success in the
companies in order to satisfy the own necessities and the of the
Family. This Divinity is capable of facilitating and reach the
Wit need in order to have health and work.
The cult consists of presenting in front of the image of the
Saint and thank for the received favors.
San Judas Tadeo.
The Glorious Apostol. Martyr near of the Jesus teacher, Difusor
of Faith, until in distant earths and between Barbarry people.
The cult, based an opinion on the Sentence and Exclusion of the
Wrong Sinful Habit, the Grave Temptations, the Aid in the
Desperate Moments. This Saint is a comunicator with the Heavenly
Homeland, it is the Special Boss of the Hopeless Causes.
Dr. José Gregorio Hernandez Cisneros.
Venezuela, the Homeland of the Servant of God, guard a special
place in their collective soul, in the Mountain of Sorte, for
their Saint, Hero and especially, Virtual for their Burning Faith,
an Angelic Purity and a Lit Charity.
The cult to him consists in the Devocional Petition for their
Associates him with the Virgin of the Grace in order to get the
Famous Wit of the Exaltation. To Santa Teresa de Jesús, invoking
their power of high value. Associate too with the Saint Seráfico
San Francisco de Asis, Merit conceded the Dr. José Gregorio
Hernandez, by belonging to the Order Third of San Francisco de Asís.
A cultural phenomenon in the religious of Santería occurs, that it call SINCRETISMO to a current alternative that it compare the SANTERÍA and the ORICHAS, with the Catholic Saint and compose new divinitys to the cult. Although they are not the same, the current is born of the necessity of the YORUBAS slaves by protecting their culture in front of the colonisation. So was born the custom of calling the ORICHAS with the name of the Catholic Saint.