
Angel's Clarinet Page !

Fingering Charts, Study Guide, & Information

Hi, My name is Angel Hernandez. I'm a professional 6 year player. In this web site you will find lot's of information about the Clarinet. If you have a question about the clarinet, just click were it say's Email me! You'll find lot's of info in the Clarinet study guide. If you would like to see it, just click below!! If you would like to see a chromatic fingering chart, clarinet pictures, or the history and background information on the clarinet, and other cool stuff! please see below!! Or you can try our new Clarinet Search System!!

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I hope you will find my web page interesting and I hope you get the answers you are looking for. To see Clarinet pictures please see my second page which is where it says " Here is my Next Page!" Thanks!!!

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Marching Band(Clarinet sec.)


light_bullet Clarinet Study Guide!!

light_bullet Chromatic Fingering Chart 1 E-Bb

light_bullet Chromatic Fingering Chart 1 B-F

light_bullet High Chromatic Fingering Chart 3 Middle E-High High C#

light_bullet Literature & History of the Clarinet

light_bullet A Copy of the Program of my All-County Orchestra Performance

light_bullet Ms. Shendell (My Ex Band Instructor), Teacher of the Year!!

light_bullet How To Clean Your Clarinet!

light_bullet Clarinet Basics


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Here is my Next Page!

Clarinet Fingering Charts & Sheet Music Clarinet Pictures Clarinet Faq's & Sheet Music Links Go To My Home Page About Me! Hear Sound Clips of Clarinet Songs


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