This is my class of my church Sunday School , Enlish senior class ( my church is actually mandarin speaking ) . The girl in black is Xteveny Wong . Let me clear that she did not dye her hair , it's natural . She is now studying in Metropolitan College . The Lady in white ( haha...sounds like the movie ) , is our class teacher , her name is Esther . She's a very nice person and is very patience to teach us everything she knews . she is also a music teacher and currently trying to get her master degree in music . The guy in black is Janan , well...frankly speaking that he is not suppose to be in our class again as he is over age . He is now in UK for his studies and usually come back in the mid or end of the year . He is also an extremely holy person I have to say . The checkers shirt one is obviously me . Actually , Joel is also in my class but in this case , he is our camera man . Besides , there's also another girl name Phaik Yee who is working now actually as part time and also studying in college . We got the smallest group in the whole sunday School but it's full of fun in our learning and I would like to say it's alot better than the Chinese Senior which actually consist of about 12 people . I joined that class once as Esther was absent , it was so boring..... luckyily I've made a good choice . Ha ha !!