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Advanced HTML by Florian Keller

Click to ask me any question about HTML!
This is where the fun begins - I will show you some simple tricks, like additions to tags you might already be using, called Attributes, that will change the look and the feel of your pages. I used these techniques for my own site. This is mainly for PCs. I currently don't have a MAC.
Knowing the attributes, you can experiment with your design to your hearts content, like I did!

Netscape Bugs (HTML)

General tips: always check your pages in Netscape AND Internet Explorer for compatibility. Netscape puts more automatic space around the pages and is much less forgiving about little misspellings or omitted end tags. Please e-mail me if you ever need help with a compatibility issue. Both browsers have many proprietary tags as well.

Known bugs:
Style Sheets are fun - but not so much for Netscape (version 4.7).

  1. If you use styles Netscape doesn't support, the whole page might go bananas! Netscape should simply ignore what it doesn't recognize like IE does.
  2. If you use style sheets, Netscape DOES NOT make room for simple inline images (it overlaps them with the text). Remedy: you have to use an extra table for the image.
  3. If you use inline styles, Netscape might refuse printing the page!
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Hot Tips

There is one anchor you SHOULD NOT tell your browser about: the "top of page" anchor:

All you have to do is put these tags anywhere farther down on your page:

<A href="#top">Top of page</A>

Clicking on the link will get you to the very top of the page! With any other anchor you will have to use these additional tags:

<A name="chapter one">Chapter one</A>

I used to put those tags just below the "Body" tag for the "top of page" anchor. That will NOT get you to the very top!

The seldom used "Title" attribute (NOT recognized by Netscape Communicator browser):

Recently I discovered this great attribute for hyperlink tags:

<A href="flowers.html" Title=" click here for more info ">Roses are beautiful</A>

It looks like this: Roses are beautiful. Now move your pointer over the link...
It is the equivalent of the ALT tag for images and it gives me the chance for extra info without wasting space on my pages.

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One word about centering:

I decided to work in a resolution of 800x600. To make pages look good on higher resolution screens, the best way is to center the content. Now, centering text like these paragraphs is not always nice. But I am using TABLES a lot and the text within a table can have any format. But I am centering the whole table like this:

<Table align="center">

Here is an example of a centered table with different text formatting within:

Florian Keller
Florian Keller and his wife
and daughter
Florian Keller and his wife

Now the same table without the border, which shows you the page formatting power of tables:

Florian Keller
Florian Keller and his wife
and daughter
Florian Keller and his wife

Nobody has to know that this is a table! Here are the HTML tags of the table above:

<TABLE cellpadding="3" cellspacing="4" border="0" align="center">
<TR><TD align="center" valign="top">any text</TD><TD align="left" valign="middle">text</TD></TR></TABLE>

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Nested Tables

By putting a table inside a table you can achieve amazing effects. Two examples:

The picture frame:

On the right:
see the beautiful picture:

Here are the tags:

<TABLE border="0" align="center"><TR><TD>text</TD><TD>
<TABLE border="3"><TD><img src="picturefile.gif"></TD></TABLE>

The second line is the nested table. Not so complicated, really, but a great effect!

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Simple layering with a background image:

This picture depicts:

Florian Keller

The tags:

<TABLE border="3" align="center"><TR><TD>This picture depicts:</TD><TD>
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="50" height="50" background="picturefile.gif">
<TD align="center" valign="bottom">your subject</TD></TABLE>

Make sure you set the width and height to the exact dimensions of your picture.
Instead of an image you can set a different background color for individual cells with this tag:

<TD bgcolor="color name"></TD>

You can use all these color names, also for the text color with this tag: <FONT color="color name">text</FONT>

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Spacing Attributes:

If you want your pictures and graphics to "breathe," there are two attributes for the <img> tag:
HSPACE (space on the sides) and VSPACE (space above and below)

First example: HSPACE on the first line only, and the images touch with no VSPACE:

Download today
and tomorrow!

The tags:

text <img src="picturefile.gif" hspace="3" align="middle"> text<BR>text <img src="picturefile.gif" align="middle"> text

Now with VSPACE and same HSPACE for both images:

Download today
and tomorrow!

The tags:

text <img src="picturefile.gif" hspace="3" vspace="3" align="middle"> text<BR>text <img src="picturefile.gif" hspace="3" align="middle"> text

Remember that HTML only recognizes ONE space between entities (text or images). Using HSPACE and VSPACE gives you the most precise control over image spacing. Especially the vertical spacing.

For extra spaces in text, use the NON BREAKING SPACE entity, like so:

Florian &nbsp;Keller

which looks like this: Florian  Keller
and you can add any number of the (&nbsp;) entity.

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The Pixel Shim:

A pixel shim is a tiny transparent gif image that is also used for spacing in many situations. One example:
If you want to add extra space ONLY on any one side of an image or text paragraph.
You should use it this way:

<img src="transparent.gif" width="1" height="1" hspace="3" vspace="4">

Only alter the values for HSPACE and VSPACE for browser compatibility.

Here is a transparent gif for your private collection:

You can't see it, but it is an image!

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The great HTML loophole:

Overlapping table cells (Netscape chokes on this when images or background colors are added):

row 1/cell 1 row 1/cell 2
row 2/cell 1
row 1/cell 1 row 1/cell 2
row 2/cell 1 row 2/cell 2

The lines of the cell borders demonstrate nicely how the cell contents overlaps. The nested tables on the right give you even more design options. By using any other table attribute of your choice you can tweak the display in many ways. Look at the bottom of my German homepage to see how I implemented this concept for totally hiding the banner exchange (IE users only).

The tags:

<TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1 align=left>
<TD>row 1/cell 1</TD>
<TD rowspan=2>row 1/cell 2</TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=2 align=center>row 2/cell 1
<TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1 align=right>
<TR><TD>row 1/cell 1</TD>
<TD rowspan=2>row 1/cell 2</TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=2>
<TABLE border=1 bordercolor=red><TR>
<TD>row 2/cell 1</TD>
<TD>row 2/cell 2</TD></TR></TABLE>

The secret is to COMBINE the two table cell attributes ROWSPAN and COLSPAN.

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This is it for now. I will add more with time and on request.

To my home page!