                             Opera Italia Summer School 2000
Bel Canto Italia
Opera Italia
School of Opera
Summer School  2000
Florence - Italy
July 5 to July 31, 2000

Beginners - Intermediate - Advance and Professional levels
For the fourth consecutive summer we offer a comprehensive vocal summer program dedicated to provide solid technical basis while helping to solve fundamental technical problems.
Students will have the opportunity to learn in a different place, always in a rich historical and cultural environment.  The chance to bridge to other cities of Italy and Europe, parting from the distinctive beauty and exclusivity of Florence, is available by land, sea, or air.
As we have learned from our past teaching experience, a month of vocal training in the Italian Traditional Voice Method, at the birthplace of Opera and western civilization, provides the summer students with a new perspective.
The approach is as close to reality as it can be regarding the vocal needs of each individual.
Three private lessons per week, Italian for the Opera Singer, Master Classes, Workshop and,
Repertoire/Score analysis and lecture are the different subjects of the summer program. Two international guest teachers and two Italian Repertoire Teachers will participate in the different courses.
Two complete operas will be studied and students will learn the different assigned characters. Special role training is available for the intermediate - advance students or for those in need of role learning for audition or performance.
A final public concert will be schedule with the student's participation.
Students will live a month of enjoyment while acquiring a great learning experience as well as the chance to indulge themselves with the abundance of leisure resources and cultural richness of the area.
Space is limited and accommodation must be reserved in advance.
Payment plan is available for students registering before March 31, 2000

For more information please see http://www.oocities.org/vienna/opera/4645/
Applications for regular students (Term: September 15 - May 10, 2000/01) are currently being accepted.
Maestro Carlos Della Mora, Director
E-mail: <bciso@texnet.it> Telephone (39)394-6159868
Mailing Address:BCISO CP 444 Firenze Centro
Via Pellicceria - 50100 Firenze - Italia

BCI/Opera Italia -Summer and Regular Student's Application /Registration Form

Data di Nascita/Birth date:......../........./.......... Luogo/Birthplace.................................................................
Cittadinanza/Citizenship.................................................. Occupazione/Occupation...................................................
Programma/Program: Programma Estate/Summer School.........................................................................................
Scuola Regolare/Regular School.................................
Voce/Voice and type........................................................
Studi/Vocal studies...........................................................

Problemi di Voce/Vocal problems:...............................................................
Curriculum Artistico/Singing Experience:................................................
Inizio Studi/ Date & time of arrival and departure.......................
Type of accommodation:  Shared...............Hotel...............Single...............Family...............Own...............
Please include with this application a cassette tape with aria or art song of choice as well as your picture and the
BCI/OI Application/Registration fee of $ 50 usd.
Per Favore spedire una cassetta registrata con un'aria o romanzadel repertorio lirico, fotografia, questo  modulo e il pago dell' iscrizione $50 usd.
Maestri/Teachers:Curriculum d'insegnante/Teaching Experience:..................................................................................................................