Summer School 2000
Summer and Regular Student's Application/Registration Form

BCI/Opera Italia - Summer and Regular Student's Application /Registration Form
Indirizzo/Address _______________________________________________________
Telephone/Fax:  (___)____________________________________________________
E-mail: <_________________ >
Data di Nascita/Birth date: ____/____/____
Luogo/Birthplace _______________________________________________________
Cittadinanza/Citizenship _________________________________________________
Programma/Program: Programma Estate/Summer School______________________
Scuola Regolare/Regular School____________________________________________
Voce/Voice and type______________________________________________________
Studi/Vocal studies_______________________________________________________
Problemi di Voce/Vocal problems:__________________________________________
Maestri/Teachers: ________________________________________________________
Curriculum Artistico/Singing Experience:______________________________________________________________
Inizio Studi/ Date & time of arrival and departure_____________________________
Type of accommodation:      Shared____Hotel____Single____Family____Own_____
- Please, include with this application a cassette tape with aria or art song of choice
as well as your picture and the BCI/OI Application/Registration fee of $ 50 usd.
- Per Favore, spedire una cassetta registrata con un'aria o romanza del repertorio
lirico, fotografia, questo  modulo e il pago dell' iscrizione $50 usd.



Maestri/Teachers:Curriculum d'insegnante/Teaching Experience:________________

- Use additional pages to briefly describe your method
- Aggiungere pagine addizionale per indicare metodo

Note: Tuition fees are not reimbursable, only if student is not attending for reasons
of illness, (a medical certificate will be required and fee applies). In case of cancellation,tuition fees can be applied to the next summer program or regular term. The deferral is valid for the period of two years only. Students must observe a neat appearance as well as to show respect to teachers and fellow students.
Le tasse d'istruzione sono fisse.
Please request your payment schedule.  Tuition Fees:
Summer Program $2200 USD  -  Regular Program $9600USD - Teacher's Summer Course $2500USD.
Please respond to all questions and return this form signed with your
Application/Registration material
Mo. Carlos Della Mora, Direttore / Director
Web Site:
Summer School 2000 - Payment Plan:
Tuition for the Summer School 2000 is of $ 2.200 USD.
Application/Registration form: $ 50 USD payable to Opera Italia together with application material.
Payment plan: Upon acceptance all students must make a deposit of $ 500 USD.
The balance for the complete tuition payment ($1700 USD.) can be made in three payments:
1st installment: $ 500 USD -
2nd. Installment $ 500 USD -
and 3rd installment: $ 700 USD.
A particular personal payment plan can also be proposed for the Summer School 2000 only.


TEACHERS: Please submit your CV with this application.
Please include with this application a cassette or video tape with an aria or art song of choice, your picture and the Application/Registration fee of $50 USD.
This is the short form application for your convenience. Once admitted the student must complete the registration form.

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in your search for excellence ! "


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