THE OTTAVIANI INTERVENTION Short Critical Study of The New Order of the Mass Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Antonio Cardinal Bacci et. al Commentary by Fr. Cedaka TAN Books and Publishers $7.00 When the New Mass was introduced, Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci sent a critique of the Novus Ordo Missae to Pope Paul VI on 3 Sept. 1969. One statement from the letter reads : " The Novus Ordo Missal represents as a whole and in detail a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Holy Mass as it was formulated in Session XXII of the Council of Trent, which erected an insurmountable barrier against any heresy which might attack the integrity of the Mystery.." Written when the Mass was just introduced, the Cardinals' critique reads like prophecy. Father Cedaka provides a clear background with many notes .DIVINE INTIMACY
OPEN LETTER TO CONFUSED CATHOLICS Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre Angelus Press 148 Pages, $8.95 This is the Archbishop's popular major study of the crisis in Catholic belief and practice, written at the request of conservative Catholics. Chapters on the Mass, Sacraments, the Priesthood, the New Catechisms, Ecumenism, etc. , all demonstrate that the new spirit in the Church has given rise to doubt and confusion among the faithful. He gives examples to support his underlying thesis: that the Second Vatican Council was used by Modernists as their opportunity to first confuse the faithful and then change their Faith. He records the reasons for dinding his seminaries and lifts the curtains on his relations with Rome. In a key chapter on what Catholic obedience really is, he answers the charge of being a "rebel" . The book is controversial, but the author's love for the Church is evident and he presents, charitably and clearly and irrefutably a case no critic can answer.
THE GREAT SACRILEGE Fr. Wathen Paperback TAN Books & Publisher $10 This book examines the liturgical changes made after Vatican-II. One of the finest books written on this subject. Examines liceity and validy of the Novus Ordo as well as the canonical status of "Quo Primum Tempore".
NEW MASS IN LIGHT OF THE OLD Fr. Paul Trinchard, S. T. L.. Catholic Treasure, $8.95 Presents some of the stark contrasts between the "old" and "new" liturgies. Fr. Trinchard builds on and applies that most insightful remark of Cardinal Ottaviani that "the new Mass expresses an alien theology", and alien religion. 256pp. PB
IN THE MURKY WATERS OF VATICAN II Guimaraes, Atila Sinke TAN Books & Publs. A complete study of the Second Vatican Council , based on 15-years of work. Numerous quotations. Excellent.
IOTA UNUM Angelus Press 816 Pages Romano Amerio, $29.95 Written without emotion or polemics or name-calling of any kind, it is a very sober, serious, and thoughtful book that takes a thorough look at what happened just prior to Vatican II, at Vatican II, and after Vatican II. Romano Amerio wass an Italian theologian and philosophy professor who worked on the original documents of Vatican II on behalf of his bishop, who was a member of the Central Preparatory Commission for the Council. His "on the spot" insights and precise theological analysis of the Liberal errors make this book the definitive "reference manual" for the Catholic who has always wanted to know what happened at Vatican II, but didn't know who to ask. Once you finish reading it, you will have a complete understanding of how the Liberals in the Church during the 1960's - even bishops and cardinals - cleverly injected their radical ideas at the Council through subtly vague wordings in some of the Council's key documents, and then systematically implemented their "novelties" in diocese after diocese around the world.
On Other Topics:
Meditations on the Interior Life for Every Day of the Liturgical Year Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D. Translated from the seventh Italian Edition by the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Boston. This is the classic Carmelite work on how to obtain an intimate union with God by following the Teresian way of prayer. A book held in the highest esteem by many, it has just been reprinted and bound in attractive black leather with gold imprinting. Teresian spirituality is the spirituality of divine intimacy, that it, it tries to nourish in souls the ideal of intimacy with God and it directs them toward this ideal. Beginning with the first Sunday in Advent, each day of the liturgical year is the topic of a meditation and then an approptiate response, or colloquy, emphasizing the positive topics of virtue and spiritual progress rather than the negative ones of vice and sin. Each day is a feast filled with instruction and inspiration from the great Carmelite masters of spirituality. The calendar which is followed is pre-Vatican II and the daily meditations are arranged so that over the course of a year the most important problems of the spiritual life have been reviewed. Based squarely on Catholic Tradition and the spiritual teachings of St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, and Sr. Elizabeth of the Trinity. This heirloom edition is a must for all. 1,226 pp. Sewn Leather with Ribbon Marker.
The New Missal Latin was originally published by the
Marianist Fathers in 1941. It is an excellent book for anyone wishing to
learn Latin, and can be used as a self-study guide, in a classroom or for
home-schooling. The vocabularly is mainly from the Roman Missal although
the grammar will allow the student to understand other Latin material in
addition to Ecclesiastical Latin. Book One has 51 lessons with grammar,
vocabulary and exercises. The Ordinary of the Mass is presented with the
complete vocabulary needed for understanding the Mass. This provides the
student with a greater appreciation of the Latin Mass. There are many tables
which make learning the grammar easier. A Latin-English vocabulary is included
in addition to the three-hundred most commonly used words. Book Two familiarizes
the student with the various Collects, Secrets and Postcommunions from
the propers of the Mass. The propers selected for this section are representative
of most such propers found in the Missal. Once the student has made himself
familiar with these, he should be able to translate and understand most
of the other collects, secrets, and postcommunions of the Roman Missal.
A fine selection of prose "meditations", has been included in Book Two.
These are from the writings of Cardinal Bona on the Mass, as well as from
the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X. To these are added some of the Church's
most beautiful hymns such as "Adoro Te Devote" , "Pange Lingua", "Veni
Creator" and others. The first volume mainly aquaints the student with
the Ordinary of the Mass. The last volume of the course will allow the
student to understand the more complicated propers of the Mass, and provide
him with a sound background in the Latin language should he wish to continue
his studies. Book Two of "The New Missal Latin" completes this two-year
course in the Latin of the Roman Missal as was planned by Fr. Baumeister,
S.M and the Latin Committee of the University of Dayton. It is suitable
not only for the classroom, but for individual study as well. Having complete
book two of "The New Missal Latin", the student will be able to understand
some of the more difficult propers of the various Masses, and should be
ready to tackle the lessons in the Roman Breviary or move on to the study
of classical Latin literature. Throughout the book, there are various illustrations
and pictures, which make it easy to read. In this way it is different from
most text-books. Glancing at one of the lessons you will find various illustrations
or pictures, and you begin to actually enjoy studying. The fact that this
book has been used successfully for years by the Marianists, and that it
is based on the Mass rather than Classical Latin literature further adds
to its usefulness. The New Missal Latin, fulfills its aim of teaching a
greater understanding of the Liturgy, and does so quite well. I highly
recommend this book to Catholics of all ages who seek a greater understanding
of the Mass and Liturgy. Available From: St. Mary's Publishing Company,
Box 134 St. Marys, Kansas 66536 E-Mail:
THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE Leatherbound, 1407 pages Imprimatur 1899
TAN Books & Publishes $25
A careful word-for-word translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible. In these days of "ecumenical Bibles" and "inclusive language" , Catholics must use only an approved translation of the Vulgate.
This is a reprint of the famous Challoner edition of the Bible with the Catholic Commentary compiled by Fr. George Leo Haydock, originally printed in 1959. Includes all of Fr. Challoner's chapter summaries and footnotes, plus the comments of over 200 Church Fathers, Doctors, and Scripture scholars. The beautiful illustrated dictionary and scripture history complete this set. All three volumes have a high-quality laminated cover.
High Easter Mass, Narrated and explained by
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Available from:
Keep The Faith
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