A challenge To The Catholic Faithful
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Something extremly important is happening. Everyone is extremely
quiet for they are participating in a most extraordinary event. They have
been blessed with the grace to be part of this wonderful event because
they opened their minds and hearts and therein God revealed the truth to
Not all of you will open you minds to what I am going to tell you,
but the matter is of such importance that you must read, and open you hearts
and minds; so that by the grace of God you will understand what I am going
to relay to you. Let me begin by relaying what occured at Mount Tabor ...
Our Lord took SS. Peter, James and John with Him up Mount Tabor, where
He was transfigured in glory-- His face shining like the sun and His garments
white as snow. The apostles were a group of young, fearful men; yet our Lord
had chosen them. Shortly before taking them up to Mt. Tabor, He had given
His disciples the doctrine of the Cross: 'If anyone wishes to come after me, let
him deny himself, take up His Cross and follow me'.
It is at this point that Jesus allowed them this glimpse of His glory.
This vision of glory was to strengthen the apostles faith . In the same manner,
you and I are also given a foretaste of Heaven.
One often sees signs painted on roadways, "Jesus Saves." Now this is indeed
true, but the important question is how does He save? What relation have we
in the twentieth century to Christ in the first?
If Christ is only a memory of someone who lived centuries ago, then it is
rather difficult to see that His influence will be any different than that
of Socrates or Buddha. We see in the Novus ordo, a narrative of past events
rather than a re-enactment of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This is what
the protestants did, thus destroying the Mass. A Sacrifice occurs in the
present and involves action-- it is not a story of something that happened
a long time ago; it is a true unbloody Sacrifice.
The answer to the question of how Christ saves is to be found in the
sacraments-- and of these seven fonts of grace, let us examine the most Bl.
In the Traditional Mass, the priest turns towards the East, rather
than facing the congregation. In the Novus Ordo the priest faces the people;
this emphasises the 'community' more than the actual Sacrifice of the Mass.
The purpose of the Mass is not a community gathering, but the offering of
the Holy Sacrifice.
Our Lord's entire life, His entire purpose for being was to offer the Sacrifice
of the Cross, to offer Himself as Victim for the remission of the sins of the
world. He instituted the Mass at the Last Supper, meant to apply the salutary
effects of His Redemption to our sins. With the words "Do this in memory of me"
He institued the Sacrifice of the Mass.
This Sacrifice instituted by Christ is performed on our altars by the
sacrificial action of the Redeemer Himself, truly present under the
species of bread and wine, offering Himself as a victim to His Father.
And by partaking at Communion of this Victim, we unite ourselves to the
Body and Blood of Our Lord, and offer ourselves also in union with Him.
The Sacrifice of the altar is a true Sacrifice, it differs from that of
the cross only insofar as the Sacrifice of the Cross was a bloody Sacrifice,
while the Sacrifice of the altar is an unbloody one. The sacrifice offered
on the Cross filled the infinite reservoirs to overflowing with healing
waters but those who thirst after Him must come with their chalices and
draw out what they need to quench their thirst-- thus the Mass.
At each Mass, the Sacrifice of Calvary is repeated-- it is not a "copy",
but it is the exact same Sacrifice of the cross in which Christ is offered
to His Father. Imagine yourself on Calvary on that certain Friday... what
thoughts and feelings would be going through your mind? When you enter the
Church to hear Mass, you are going up as it were to Calvary, to be present
at the death of the Redeemer. With what great devotion then, should you
assist at each and every Mass knowing that Christ will be offered as Victim
to God before you!
Let us enter into the Mass-- The Mass has three important parts: the
Offertory, the Consecration, and the Communion. In the Offertory of the
Mass, we offer the gifts of bread and wine, or its equivalent, that which
buys bread and wine. The bread and wine are the symbols of a person
offering himself to Christ. Since bread and wine have traditionally
nourished man and given him life, in bringing that which was the substance
of his life, he is equivalently giving himself.
In the Offertory, therefore, the faithful are offering themselves to Christ,
and uniting their prayers with those of the priest; who offers his prayers
on behalf of the faithful. The entire congregation unites in prayer offering
themselves to Chirst, just as He offers Himself on the altar. Hence, the
priest says: Pray, brethren, that my Sacrifice and yours may be acceptable
to God the Father Almighty.
As we reach the silent Canon of the Mass, the priest prays that his Mass
may be blessed and accepted by God (benedictam + ,adscriptam +, ratam +,
... acceptabilemque facere digneris) to effect this Sacrament and Sacrifice:
( ut nobis Corpus + et Sanguis + fiat dilectissimi Filii tui Domini nostri
Jesu Christi). All is silent throughout the Holy Mass.. the entire congregation
humbly pray in awe as they are about to participate in a most sacred act.
Young and old, men and women ; together with the priest who offers look
toward the altar, the candles and the Crucifix.
At the Consecration the congregation kneels, while the priest makes present
what took place at that Last Supper: "...took bread into His holy and
venerable hands.." In order that priests might perform this self-same act
of Christ,
they were especialy anointed and blessed by the bishop who ordained them.
Thus, -only- the priest and only he is to touch the Bl. Sacrament.
At the moment of the Consecration of the Mass, when the priest as Christ
pronounces the words "Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum (For This is My Body)" the
substance of the bread becomes the substance of the body, soul and divinity
of Christ-- it remains under the appearance of bread, but is TRULY and FULLY
the Body of Our Lord, just as surely as you are reading this. Further, each
and every particle of the Bl. Eucharist contains the full body, blood, soul
and divinity of our Lord.
At this instance, Christ is fully present; He has come as Victim
for your sins, in this unbloody Sacrifice. What thanks and adoration you
must have for Him ! The bread is no more-- what appears to our senses as
bread is now truly and fully the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ.
St. Chrysostom writes that:
'The priest is himself at that solemn moment surrounded by angles and
the choir of the heavenly powers unite with him; they occupy the entire
space around the altar, to honour Him who lies there as the Sacrifice.
The angels are jubilant and triumphant-- since here on the altar the most
supreme act of worship and adoration is rendered to God the Father. "
Can you then, desecrate the Eucharist by taking it in your hand, lest minute
particles should fall unto the ground?? Do you understand what you do when
you commit such an act? It is pure sacrilege!
The Mystery of Transubstansiation is one which we cannot fully
comprehend in this life. However, if we consider how when we eat bread and
drink wine; our bodies change the bread and wine into muscle and blood-- we
will be able to better understand the great Mystery of Transubstantiation.
The priest who offers the Sacrifice merely lends to Christ his voice and
his fingers. It is Christ Who is the Priest; it is Christ Who is the Victim.
When Christ came, He the Priest offered Himself as the Victim. In the Mass,
it is Christ Who still offers Himself and Who is the Victim to Whom we
become united.
With Christ and His Church is associated in third place the celebrating
priest, since he is the representative through whom the real and the
mystical Christ
offer up the sacrifice. The priest, when consecrating, acts in the person of
Christ-- this is why the words "For this is my body" are used rather than
"for this is the body of Christ".
The moment of communion is that special intimacy reserved to real lovers.
These men and women, young and old, have travelled many a mile to witness
this great miracle and the most wonderful taste of Heaven on earth.
He only asks that we should purge our consciences of sin and come to Him,
ready to receive what He wants to give us for He knows that we need Him.
The benefits of the Holy Eucharist are many: just as bread gives strength
to the body, so does the Eucharist give health to the soul, strength against
temptations, and a most intimate union with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Cherish those precious moments of union with Christ, recieving Him
often, devoutly and reverently. Those who worthily recieve our Lord, will
most surely be strengthened in their faith -- what a wonderful gift Jesus
gives to us; He gives us Himself in the most holy Eucharist; let us not
refuse but rather like St. Peter say "Lord, it is good for us to be here".
This is the communion of body and blood with body and blood in the oneness
which lasts not long, but is a foretaste of Heaven. It has been instituted
by Christ to give us the strenght and graces we need to persevere in faith,
just as He gave His apostles a foretaste of Heaven during the transfiguration.
Such is the greatness of the Holy Sacrifice of Mass-- you are
privileged to be at Calvary, to recieve our Lord and unite yourself with
Him ; this my friends, is the Mystery of Faith. May you always remember
what the True Mass is : the gate to Heaven, our salvation through the Lamb
that is slain.
Pray, pray-- will you continue to subject yourself to the sacrilege
which is called the Novus Ordo , or will you choose what our ancestors, popes
and saints have done for 2000 years : Go unto the altar of GOD? Your very
salvation and that of your family depends on your answer to this question.
May you remember this on Sunday and each time you have the
great privilege of assisting at the True Catholic Mass.
| "The Churches Shall lament with a great lamentation, for |
| There shall be offered no more oblation nor worship acceptable |
| to God. The sacred buildings of the churches shall be as |
| hovels; and the precious Body and Blood of Christ shall NOT |
| be manifest in those days; the True Liturgy shall become |
| extinct." -- St. Hippolytus |
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