Welcome to my Guestbook! Here you can meet all other pianists who visited my site.

Sandie - 04/28/00 23:11:27
My URL:http://sandiesloveshack609.homestead.com/webpage.html
My Email:sand_witch@hotmail.com
age: 15
location: Michigan
instruments: piano

groovy site

Anna Baker - 04/28/00 18:36:27
My URL:http://annaelaine.homepage.com/
My Email:gilbertb@characterlink.net
age: 15
location: Conway, AR
instruments: Piano and voice

Hey, Shannon! Love your site, keep up the good work! I love to sing and play the piano. I've been playing the piano for 9 years, and practice about 2 hours every day. I really enjoy it!=) I'd love any one to email me - especially those who are homesc ooled like I am. Thanks!

Kaundria Gilmore - 04/27/00 22:35:00
My Email:Kgil743584@ Aol.com
age: 12
location: Houston ,Tx
instruments: Piano and volin

I think that you have done a wonderful job on this web site.

Chris - 04/27/00 04:42:24
My Email:newies@telusplanet.net
age: 33
location: Calgary
instruments: piano

I was a piano teacher in Vancouver and moved to Calgary 3 years ago and am teaching here. I am very impressed to find your site and enjoyed all of your information and links! I hope some of my young students will be as enthusiastic as you as they grow older!

Valerie - 04/26/00 22:45:06
My Email:www.Camilo.com

This is very cool.

Elaine - 04/24/00 23:36:32
My Email:elaine1216@hotmail.com
age: 14
location: TX
instruments: piano, flute

This is a great page for piano players. I really like it. I learned a lot more than I used to just by visiting your site.

KaTrInA IBonIa - 04/22/00 13:22:21
My URL:http://!#$$%^
My Email:kat_i@mailcity.com
age: 16
location: Philippines
instruments: PIANO, violin

hi there! great page!..I'd say this is the best piano website i've ever viewed!=)..i'm glad to know there are lots of piano fanatics like me around! especially those near/ same age like mine...i definitely love piano! i especially love pianists/ composers like c opin, mozart, grieg, etc. =)..hope i could know u better! ciao!

cherie - 04/21/00 05:46:41
age: 18
location: US
instruments: piano

I'm glad to find that there ARE other people that are huge piano dorks such as myself! When others discourage you from piano, just think of the feeling you get after a great performance. They'll never experience loving what you do so much it makes you c y. I love the piano!!!!!! Cool website.

kinsey - 04/20/00 01:20:43
My Email:sunshinebabe00@yahoo.com
age: 13
location: Illinois
instruments: piano, violin, horn

This is a great place for piano players! It's great to see how many people love playing (just like me!) Piano players rock!! :)

Anna Baker - 04/19/00 18:46:37
My Email:gilbertb@characterlink.net
age: 15
location: Conway, AR
instruments: Piano

Shannon, just wanted to say what a great sight you have here! I've played the piano for 9 years now, and really, really enjoy it. Thanks, and may God bless!!!!!

Stefan Kutrzeba - 04/18/00 17:02:15
My URL:http://www.myfreeoffice.com/pianoart
My Email:oppinet@hotmail.com
age: 54
location: Finland
instruments: piano

The piano playing could make us all really happy... - it is the truth, somebody of us still need the Method. The Chopin's one is just The Best. I am sure you will enjoy, too! Let you try! With my Best Wishes!

Ruth - 04/18/00 02:31:51
My URL:http://www.egroups.com/group/piano_chat
My Email:unns@pc.jaring.my
location: Malaysia
instruments: Piano

Well done. Keep up the good work. Is it possible for you to include music activities for teenagers?

Kim - 04/17/00 17:13:30
age: 12


Aramani - 04/16/00 10:32:27
My Email:aramani7@hotmail.com
age: 17
instruments: piano


sue - 04/15/00 00:15:22
My Email:tracer108@yahoo.com
age: 42
location: dakota territory
instruments: piano

I am just learning piano. Got my Wellington for $10 at an auction. Im in lessons now 6 weeks. Have started playing some Jazz but mostly what is in the lesson book. Have a teacher who is great and alittle surpised by my progress. My first recital is i June. My one problem is my left hand. Its slower to catch on then the right. Reading notes for the left hand is harder too. Yours is a great site. Keep up the good work. So many young kids in you guestbook!

Katy - 04/14/00 00:55:54
My Email:k_humpert@hotmail.com
age: 15
location: Kansas
instruments: Piano, Voice

I think that it is a good thing that you love the piano so much. I came to your site looking for some different info that wasn't here, but it was very interesting to see your page. I have been playing the piano for about nine years, and I am glad to see a fellow piano lover! Keep it up

Debbie - 04/13/00 17:12:52
My Email:Sleeping_Beauty@apexmail.com
age: 20
location: Malaysia
instruments: Piano

You have done a great job. Keep up the good work.

julie - 04/11/00 17:05:02
My Email:julieana1989@hotmail.com
age: 11 going on 12
location: bayside ny
instruments: paino, trumpet, and recorder

i really like your site please e-mail me and mabe we will become friends!

Aaron Malcolm - 04/10/00 16:50:24
age: 18
location: U.K (Stockton)
instruments: Piano and 42 others

Great site and i hope you will consider the job offer from us

laura longman - 04/07/00 18:33:23
My Email:laursi2000.yahoo.com
age: 11
location: notingham
instruments: piano

cool website, it was just what i needed to look at to help me with my exam

Ashley Haugen - 04/07/00 03:11:44
My Email:ashleyhaugen@hotmail.com
age: 16
location: Butte
instruments: piano, trumpet

It's so cool to see other young people who enjoy piano as much as i do.. i love it to death and probably play about 2 to 3 hours a day.No joke. i teach piano to 3 little kids and i also take piano lesson and a theory class.... I have taken for 9 years.. a d my mom is also a teacher... email me....

Anthony(Tony) Skeryanc - 04/04/00 00:08:36
My Email:skeryanc@swbell.net
age: 54
location: Houston,TX
instruments: Piano

Mostly self taught and of limited technical ability and training. Of all the many interests I've pursued over the years, none have given me the joy and peace I find at the piano. Trying to learn to stylize at the present time.

Rainey - 04/03/00 00:40:42
My Email:raintoad@ix.netcom.com
age: 10
location: Forestville,CA
instruments: piano


Derek - 04/01/00 00:31:06
My Email:derek_shi@start.com.au
age: 15
location: Australia, Melbourne
instruments: Piano, Viola

Great site for piano music. Particularly liked the Humour page... Have you ever played the Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini by Rach? That's one of my favourite pieces. (though I can't really play the whole thing).

sarah - 03/31/00 22:08:45
My Email:mzzpiano1@aol.com
age: 10
location: wisconsin
instruments: piano

some day it would be fun to be as good as you, Shannen...

courtney - 03/31/00 22:07:52
My Email:mzzpiano1@aol.com
location: wisconsin
instruments: piano

it would be neat to hear from other 7 year olds who play the piano. this address is my piano teacher's and she will send the mail to me.

chelsey - 03/31/00 22:06:57
My Email:mzzpiano1@aol.com
age: 12
location: wisconsin
instruments: piano and clarinet

You've done a super job!

Damanpreet singh - 03/31/00 14:02:31
My Email:s_damanpreet@hotmail.com
age: 22
location: new delhi,india

the site was very nice and encouraging!

katharine - 03/31/00 06:02:52
My Email:katharine@acenet.net.au
age: 21
location: Australia
instruments: piano and flute

I am a piano teacher and I love coming up with newand exciting things for my students to learn and think about. I especially love to hand out incentive prizes and like any new information about piano trinkets that are available

Kathy House - 03/31/00 00:11:08
My Email:KGH2@aol.com
age: 42
location: Pewaukee, WI
instruments: piano, cello, guitar

One of my favorite piano students and I are currently looking at your site and having a great time....you've done a super job and are inspirational for us all!Thank you!

Sandy - 03/30/00 02:08:49
My Email:sddl@hotmail.com
age: 30
location: Las Vegas, NM
instruments: guitar & piano

Love your site, it's inspiring for me. Just getting started learning the piano, need a good lesson book. Any suggestions? Wish you well, Sandy

Olivia Savidge - 03/29/00 23:18:52
age: 11
location: Greenville SC
instruments: piano and bass

Hi!! I go to Bob Jones. Yes, that is the place that has been on the news. It is not racial!!

- 03/29/00 03:12:10
My Email:elvis_aaron52@hotmail.com
age: 15
instruments: piano-trumpet

This is a cool site. Helped me alot.

Anne - 03/28/00 17:09:45
My Email:zmrzlina_35@yahoo.com
age: 36
location: Washington DC
instruments: piano

Excellent site! Very informative - you have excellent information that's helpful for all pianists of all ages, beginner to advanced. My lesson is this afternoon - I'm gonna tell my teacher about your site!

Jas - 03/25/00 09:40:42
My Email:Sorry, I am not aloud to give these details
age: 12
location: Sorry.
instruments: Piano, Recorder, Harmonica, Guitar

I thought this was a very good site, bacause it has a lot of things that interest people

Eileen - 03/23/00 10:38:38
My Email:eyelene85@hotmail.com
age: 14
location: here
instruments: duh!!

It's me again....my Grade 6 piano exam is tomorrow!!! Yikes!! I'm gettin nervous...

izzi again - 03/22/00 18:52:41
My Email:ditto
age: ditto
location: !!
instruments: !!

Sean you are a snob! What is grade 10???. Over in Scotland (and the rest of britain, we only go up to grade 8)

isobel Jones - 03/22/00 18:46:55
My Email:izzi_h2o@yahoo.com
age: 13
location: milngavie, Glasgow
instruments: violin,piano

well done for your page. I was looking up impressionist music for my music history project and found your page. Very useful! I am 1st study violin (Gr6/7) and second study piano(Gr4/5) thanks!

Larry - 03/20/00 01:30:36
My Email:LarryShowpan@aol.com
location: chicago
instruments: piano/recorder, vocal

Nice site, and outlet for pianists. What does URL mean, I am new at this internet stuff? Please help as I am just learning. Thanks Larry

Sean - 03/19/00 06:57:04
My Email:none of your business
age: 13
instruments: piano, cello

Hi shamoney Have you ever played rachmanninoff's concerto no.3? i have so i must be better than you. do you have a grand piano? i do. i have a steinway so i must be richer than you.

Tesha - 03/13/00 19:34:37
My Email:tesha@angelfire.com
age: 20
location: Vancouver
instruments: Piano/Voice

Excellent page, keep up the good work. If your ever wondering what Music's like at the college/university level give me a shout. TTYL

Roemer Leal - 03/13/00 06:52:55
My Email:BunBoy2@msn.com
age: 13
location: Califonia
instruments: Piano, Tuba, BaritoneB.C., Bells

I Love the piano, man!!!!!!

Justine - 03/12/00 16:57:46
My Email:not telling
age: 16
location: cornwall
instruments: piano, clarinet etc


kristen - 03/11/00 00:02:37
My Email:dcreek432
age: 14
instruments: piano

One of the best piano sites I've viewed on the internet.

innocensta - 03/09/00 03:38:16
My Email:innocensta@hotmail.com
age: 18
location: Sydney
instruments: none

I want to learn piano, but I'm 18 already, is it to late?

Eileen Apostol - 03/08/00 12:50:49
My Email:eyelene85@hotmail.com
age: 14
location: here
instruments: piano...and that's it

Woah! I just finished reading your guestbook and everyone here seems to be a genius! I'm 14 and about to do my 6th grade exam...very nerve-racking! This is the first exam I've had when I've been this nervous....anyone got any tips please? Well, as for th s site, it's really cool!! You know what would be real neat? If you recorded yourself playing that Fantasie piece and put it on here for all of us to listen to while we viewed your stuff! (though I don't know if that's technically possible...) Well best o luck for the future Shannon, though you probably don't need it...wish me some instead! Ciao!

Kim,Hui-Jeong - 03/08/00 08:16:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/darnbi
My Email:darnbi@hotmail.com
age: 22
location: republic of Korea (south)

How're you doing?

i'm so impressed from your site...you know i think the most beautiful job in the world(my personal opinion) is PIANIST. i love it i love it.. i love chopin.. your favorite song all the time is Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu? yeah mine is Waltz..^^ but i don't play it... ^^ i'm not pianist 8)

oh let me introduce myself to you... i'm korean univeristy student. and i also have home page of chopin.. I Do hope you will come and Drop your message in GUEST... and this is my asking for you... in Q & A, could you leave your feeling when you're playing the piano, (chopin)? if you did it i'll so~~~much happy... i'll wait your fast reply... Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin

Alissa Pappas - 03/08/00 08:05:33
My Email:FunkyBabe6@hotmail.com
age: almost 14
location: Buderim, Sunshine Coast, QLD Australia
instruments: Piano!!

Hey Shannon! Your page is really cool. I've been learning piano for almost 10 years now; I'm about to do my 7th grade ameb exam and your information pages were just what I needed to rescue me from a nonexistent general knowledge!! Just wrote this to say h , please email me!! From Alissa!!

Dita - 03/07/00 08:07:02
My Email:zaikovd@ciue.edu.ee
age: 19
location: Estonia
instruments: piano

This page was very helpful for me. Thanks to you, who did it!

Katie Thomas - 03/06/00 02:18:52
My Email:thomas.2@icubed.com
age: 15
location: PA
instruments: piano, trombone, clairnet, xylophone,etc.

I love the piano and think that it is cool that you set up this web page for it! Way to go!

Ruth Cook - 03/06/00 01:43:51
My Email:rmctgc@aol.com
age: 48
location: Pa.
instruments: piano

I love the piano and I wished there were more sites with free sheet music on it. I have no time to go to a teacher and I love to continue on my own.

John McClean - 03/05/00 20:11:51
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/site10a
My Email:jay_mcc69@hotmail.com
age: 14
location: Northern Ireland
instruments: piano, violin, guitar

hi! brilliant site, im doing my grade 7 on piano on tues 7th march 2000!! byeeeee....john

Tran Luong Anh - 03/03/00 23:14:22
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/fredericchopin/
My Email:fredericchopin@yahoo.com
age: 21
location: Vietnam
instruments: piano

Hi, I like your page and your man, pianist!

dan onion - 03/02/00 12:02:21
age: 34
instruments: clarinet piano


Stefan K. - 02/26/00 22:09:59
My URL:http://www.myfreeoffice.com/pianoart
My Email:oppinet@hotmail.com
age: more then I need
location: Finland / Poland
instruments: piano & piano

Dear Young Piano-Lover! As I see, your piano ambitions are for real. My Sincere Congratulations. You like Chopin's music - which is what I personally like very much, too. My Congratulations again! Though, do you have heard sometimes of the famous Chopin's Method? If not - you re lly should to...! Having a look at HIS piano-order you will get the NEW LOOK on the piano in its wholeness. I wish you the very generative trip to These Great Sources! Take care & Be Happy! Yours sincerely - Stefan K.

Francine Tone - 02/23/00 23:46:40
My Email:tonelaw@jps.net
age: 43
location: Truckee, California
instruments: piano

Excellent web site--informative for both young and older pianists. Good luck in your musical endeavors.

Sheila Prince - 02/21/00 04:19:07
My Email:pianochicsheila@aol.com
age: 15
location: Bristow, OK
instruments: piano

Your page is wonderful!! It's on my favorite place list!

natasha - 02/19/00 16:16:48
age: 13 years old
location: Patuxent medical plan
instruments: piano/flute/singing


- 02/19/00 16:13:22
location: Patuxent medical plan


Laura - 02/18/00 20:53:56
My Email:LJG84@hotmail.com
age: 16
location: England
instruments: Piano, violin, clarinet

This is a really great website which includes some useful tips that any pianist will appreciate.

Robert - 02/17/00 07:40:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Vienna/5000/zineterview/zineterview0100.html
My Email:cl_kaulana@yahoo.com
age: Renaissance
location: Hawaii
instruments: scalpel, tweezers, toe nail clippers =]


supposedly a graphic li
k to my website

Hi Shannon, just going through your site for the Vienna Award and having a good time. Great piece of work you've put together here. You should be proud. Keep it up and join us for chats in the Vienna Residents Club some Friday. Robert

Ryley - 02/17/00 01:37:32
My Email:buffysummers@vampirehunter.com
age: 16
instruments: everything

You should put more info on the history of the PIANO not just the music

Amber - 02/16/00 20:18:12
My Email:mmartin11@home.com
age: adult
location: Canada
instruments: piano

Hi! I hope you do not mind, but I am an adult. I want to learn to play the piano, but cannot read the music.I am slightly handicapped, therefore it is difficult for me to get out for lessons, and they say you must know how to read the music in order to take l ssons. Can you help me, or give me some advice. I would appreciate any help that you might be able to give me. I thought that perhaps their may be a free program on the internet.Maybe someone could help me to learn how to read the music. I feel a little e barrassed to say to the other programs that I am an adult for fear of feeling foolish, this is why I chose this one. I hope you understand. I am called Amber. Thank you again for your time and trouble.

Shirley Camfield - 02/16/00 20:03:35
My Email:Camfield@cwcom.net
age: 34
location: Hampshire, England
instruments: Piano

Very helpful and interesting site. I'm a very nervous performer and practising for Grade VII London College. Dont want to fail!

Susan Bailey - 02/16/00 18:36:04
My Email:sbhoa@strayduck.com
age: 43
location: Dukinfield Cheshire England
instruments: Piano

I like your site. The history pages were useful for my theory exam.

Luca Revelant - 02/15/00 22:24:01
My Email:rmnuar@tin.it
age: 17
instruments: piano/ voice

I love music

Brick - 02/15/00 17:34:47
My Email:brick_macan@hotmail.com
age: 16


Steven Le - 02/15/00 03:54:06
My Email:medivh@rocketmail.com
age: 13
location: California
instruments: Piano

Ahhhh i love ur web page, it has helped me a lot on practicing tips. Only if i could practice more cuz got a performance tomorrow. = (

Bjorn Kwok - 02/13/00 17:45:13
My Email:pbjkw9@hotmail.com
age: 13
instruments: Piano

Very nice webpage but could u put some information on different pianist.

Daisy - 02/13/00 05:18:21
My Email:cookiedee@hotmail.com
age: 16
location: Ontario
instruments: piano =), flute, trumpet, keyboard (for swing band)

Hi Shannon, You and I have quite a bit of similarities - I'm also doing my ARCT right now, but I'm taking my time in this grade (not like what I did with my grade 10 exam - I totally rushed it). I'm still having a hard time picking out my List C and D - I'm looking f r a major piece in either one or the other - quite stressful for me, actually. I really like your page - it's very well done! I'm working on a music page myself, but it's under major and slow construction! Well, good luck on your ARCT exam and other festi als - I'm sure you'll do a great job =) I'd like to hear back from you if you have the time to email me.

Lisa webb - 02/11/00 16:38:37
My Email:sbhoa@strayduck.com
age: 13
location: Dukinfield,Cheshire England
instruments: piano

hi i hate the piano

jacqui fine - 02/11/00 06:40:45
My Email:jacquifine@hotmail.com
age: 43
location: Sydney, Australia
instruments: a little piano, a little altosax

Congratulations. You have a terrific web site. I'm so impressed with your abilities, with playing and communicating. You are riding a shooting star! All the best to you.

Kristina Ogren - 02/09/00 20:50:51
My Email:k_hope48@hotmail.com
age: 16
location: Tuscaloosa, AL
instruments: piano, flute, guitar

My piano teacher (Pam Gordon) told me about your page. It's really cool! I have played the piano for 7 years. I'm playing Fantasie-Impromptu also, and of course it's my favorite piece! Best wishes!

Matt Jordan - 02/08/00 13:58:59
age: 19
location: Juneau, WI
instruments: piano

You have alot of great information. I love your page

Pam Gordon - 02/08/00 04:32:46
My Email:PGG1234@aol.com
age: 45
location: Tuscaloosa, Al
instruments: piano

I am very impressed with your maturity in your approach to playing the piano. Your practice tips are excellent for all pianists. Keep up the good work. I would love to have a student like you in my studio.

CHING P. CADELINIA - 02/07/00 09:12:07
My Email:mitch.cadelinia@eudoramail.com
age: 20


Veronica Montilla - 02/04/00 01:25:01
My URL:dont have one
My Email:veronicamontilla3@hotmail.com
age: 10
location: Texas
instruments: i am in 5th grade cant have one yet

Your page is awesome!I am researching on piano history.Unfortunetly,I didnt find what I was looking for! I have some questions for you.So, can you please e-mail me as soon as possible so that i can ask the questions. Thank you,

sharyn - 02/03/00 21:39:09
My URL:http://www.sharyn.boykin@gte.net
instruments: piano


It's Eileen again - 02/03/00 20:41:35
My Email:eyelene85@hotmail.com
age: 14
location: London
instruments: just piano

Hi, I didn't mean to leave my comments space down there blank but I didn't have enough time, so I'm writing my comments now. They are: your site sucks!!...no, jk it's really really good, and useful too. I've been learning piano here in London since I was ine and now I'm about to take my Grade 6 (in the system here) exams in March. Wish me luck cos I'm gonna need lots of it...

Jessica Munn - 02/03/00 18:54:19
My Email:poisonavery@hotmail.com
age: 12
location: Fort Frances ontario
instruments: Piano

I'm 12 and I have been playing the piano since I was four!!!!

Eileen - 02/03/00 12:59:23


marisa - 02/03/00 06:54:26
My URL:http://bidadari.pinkbutterflies.com
age: 16
location: malaysia
instruments: piano, learning guitar

this page is very informative! hee hee . . . you seem like you love the piano very much! :) anyway, this is a very nice page and good luck on your playing! (i'm not very good although i love my piano very much . . . :P)

Denise Hinchcliffe - 02/03/00 00:32:23
My URL:http://www.hinchcliffe.org
My Email:denise@hinchcliffe.org
age: 36
location: Columbia, MD
instruments: piano

I have just began playing the piano, although I have wanted to play my whole life...other things always were more of a priority.

vera - 02/02/00 19:44:16
My Email:verapera@dolfijn.nl
age: 12
location: holland groningen
instruments: keyboard

hai!!!! doo jou have som songs that a can play on my keyboard?????? bye bye vera

Alexander - 02/02/00 01:45:45
My Email:journeyman9@hotmail.com
age: 14
location: Florida
instruments: Keyboard/Piano

This is a great site. Keep up the good work.

Caryl - 02/01/00 13:22:16
My Email:amicozam@zamnet.zm
age: 22
location: Zambia,Central Africa
instruments: Piano,flute,guitar

A really nice few pages, I am very talented but I never practice. Perhapse this will drive me to practice more. Thank you

Deanna - 02/01/00 00:54:24
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/music/musiclover0/main.html
My Email:musiclover0@gurlmail.com
age: 16
location: USA
instruments: piano, flute, violin, a little recorder, guitar, and just learning the piccolo!

AWESOME page! Very impressive! I really enjoyed looking at it! Great content! :) That's so cool that you've been playing for 11 years! wow! You must be awesome! Great webpage! I can tell you've put alot of hard work into it! God Bless, Deanna

Stephanie - 01/31/00 23:55:01
My Email:Steph8090
age: 10
location: New Hyde PArk
instruments: Peaion, and Veoila

I liked the web sight alot!!! I am glad I looked at it!!!!!

Eamon Light - 01/31/00 04:07:53
My Email:lighthouse8@primus.com.au
age: 16
location: Lancefield, Vic, Australia
instruments: Piano, Bass guitar, drums

Excellent site

pierre - 01/30/00 22:12:18
My Email:pflensborg@usa.net
age: 20
location: argentina
instruments: piano


Adam Foster - 01/28/00 11:46:20
My Email:foster_adam@hotmail.com
age: 17
location: Austrlia
instruments: Piano, Flute, Voice

Nice page. I don't think I could practive for 3 hours a day for any reasonable period though! ICQ me on 990645

Kevin Tan - 01/27/00 02:35:23
My Email:SS123Vigeta@aol.com
age: 12
location: Union City , California
instruments: Paino


Wendy - 01/25/00 03:02:49
My Email:christinalou@intergate.bc.ca
age: 16
location: West Canada
instruments: piano and vocal

Superb webpage! I suppose you really like music too! I'm a big fan of Chopin, just can't resist his music. I've been studying piano for 3 years now, and currently just finished the grade 8 exam. Feel free to email me. It's always great to have friends who loves music.

Leanna - 01/25/00 01:14:40
My Email:toucan60@hotmail.com
age: 10
location: Oakville
instruments: Piano

Hi! Great page!

Brendan - 01/22/00 21:12:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Troy/6247/
My Email:breilly@alumni.nd.edu
age: 21
location: NY
instruments: piano, harmonica

Well - you're 15 and have been learning piano for eleven years - makes me feel like a slacker. ;) You've got an impressive page here; keep up the good work. BTW - 157 cm is about 5'3".

Sarah Brown - 01/21/00 22:21:14
My Email:sani@viaccess.net
age: 16
location: virgin islands
instruments: piano,cello,violin,clarinet,hand-bells, and voice

Your web site is totally cool andit gave me alot of ideas for mine. Live from the American Paradise.

Janet - 01/19/00 21:23:53
My URL:http://piano_players.homestead.com
My Email:j_suess@excite.com
age: 13
location: Missouri
instruments: trumpet and piano

Thanks for viewing my site. As you proboly could tell I just started my webpage. And the one thing that incouraged me to start one was your page. I think it is a great site and doesn't need to be changed (but if you wanted to it still would look awesome) Thanks!!

Brian Wright - 01/19/00 04:35:42
My Email:afn49482@hotmail.com
age: 14
location: FL
instruments: Trombone, Piano, Trumpet, Percussion(Mallets, Snare, etc.,) Guitar & Bass (learning Clarinet)

I find this site to be very informative. Several of the pointers have aided my studies in music (as I am a self-taught musician). This web site has helped me very much in learning to read treble and bass clefs together. ( NEED HELP with music reading! Any Suggestions Welcome!!! )

Janet - 01/19/00 00:33:26
My URL:http://piano_players.homestead.com
My Email:j_suess@excite.com
age: 13
location: Missouri
instruments: trumpet and piano

awesome site I like it. Please come see my site.

Reima Raijas - 01/16/00 13:30:11
My Email:reimaraijas@email.com
location: Athens, Greece

Bravissimo !

Kat - 01/15/00 05:45:16
My Email:torifly@hotmail.com
age: 16
location: Interlochen, MI
instruments: classical guitar, voice, and piano

Great site!!! I live in New York but go to boarding school (Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan) to study classical guitar. I just started learning how to play the piano four months ago (well, better late than never I guess...) I practice piano about fou hours a day and the little pointers are really helping me out, this is a very informative site and the first one I've seen from someone who's not, like, 60 years old. Keep up the good work!!!

jen - 01/14/00 21:15:43
My URL:http://www2.ucsc.edu/~lepi_cat
My Email:lepi_cat@cats.ucsc.edu
age: 19
location: santa cruz, ca
instruments: piano and voice

i love your page. i've been playing the piano for almost 10 years and your tips are really on the mark

Kelly Fajna - 01/11/00 21:53:12
My Email:Bug A Boo0908@aol.com
age: 13
location: Pennsylvania
instruments: keyboard, clarinet, french horn, drums, and bells

This page is awesome!

Ashvin Nair - 01/11/00 07:52:50
location: Perth, Australia
instruments: Piano


Carlos - 01/10/00 12:50:51
My Email:piano_lover_2000@yahoo.com
age: 16
location: Puerto Rico
instruments: Piano, trumpet, french horn

Hi, I am a piano lover and i'm interested in talking to you one of these days. I never took a piano class but i have the talent. I play classical songs like fur elise, minuet, canon, and others. I want to play as good as you do. I am going to study music hen i'm out of school. Sometimes I play and can't even believe that its me playing. In my school there is a piano and I practice there when ever i'm not in class. I have casio, you know those electric keyboards.I am starting now to play in school activiti s and I played in a hotel the song Titanic. At first I was really nervous but like you said in your page, everytime it gets better. Well, send me an email sometime ok.I am often in yahoo chat as piano_lover_2000.BYE

Julio Barrios - 01/10/00 02:23:58
My Email:jureba@hotmail.com
age: 17
location: Guatemala City
instruments: Piano

I think you have a great web adress, and elavorated, with all kind of information about the piano. I am thanking you for helping me, I found the performances tips especially veryusefull in the future. I'll expect to come back sometimes, for the tips.

Liz Owen - 01/08/00 16:00:59
My Email:fizliz16@hotmail.com
age: 16
location: England
instruments: Piano,a bit of singing, and just started the guitar.

I think your website is brilliant. I can relate to so much of what you say. I am doing a project for my school at the moment on A Beginners guide to playing the piano. I am writing it for ages 8+. It is so hard to know what to write, as I have a word limit of 2000 words!! What grade are you on the piano? I have signed up for the piano place club in Yahoo! It's so nice to know that sombody shares the same interest as me. See ya, from liz owen

Donna Oberlin - 01/05/00 03:10:00
My Email:tdao@gateway.net
age: 37
location: Kent,OH
instruments: piano

I think it is great that you have this web-site! I will recommend this to all my students. What I think is nice is it is written for young pianists by young pianists. Keep-up the good work, 'cause the future of music is in your hands!!!!

Nicole Ladd - 01/04/00 01:40:25
My Email:philpaig
age: 14
location: Ohio
instruments: piano

I love your website and it has helped me out alot because I needed info. of the history of the piano and how it works.

Mauricio Rosas - 01/02/00 21:25:52
My Email:maroba@mpsnet.com.mx
age: 25
location: Mexico City
instruments: piano

It great to know about someone who at age 15 can play Fantasie-Impromptu, who has a her own homepage about what she loves and wants to share her knowledge.

Kate Redente - 12/30/99 20:18:04
age: 15
location: Colorado
instruments: piano and cello

I've been playing the piano for about 10 years. I think it's great that you have this web site! :0)

Dennis "Buck" Rogers - 12/29/99 21:03:09
My Email:DRogers742@aol.com
age: 46
location: Kansas City
instruments: Piano

"Thank you" for helping me. I found the practice tips to be especially useful. I also enjoyed the history page. I expect to make regular visits to remind myself of the basics, and to pick up new tips and techniques. "Thanks" again!

Kim - 12/28/99 01:43:07
My Email:kimbo_rb42@hotmail.com
age: 19
location: CA
instruments: piano,and mallet percussion (xylophone,marimba,glockenspiel,etc.)

Hey, this is a pretty cool site. I have been playing the piano for about a decade now, and it is always good to hear tips and learn from others experiences. Keep up the good work, and may the joy of tickling the ivories stay with you for many years to co e!

Shannon (webmaster) - 12/27/99 20:17:51

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