Welcome to my Guestbook! Here you can meet all the other pianists who visited my site.

PAULA - 11/25/00 01:47:32
age: 11 GOING TO BE 12 IN DEC
location: NEW BRITAIN
instruments: PAINO,AND VILOIN


Sara Hong - 11/22/00 20:55:50
My Email:hong_sara@hotmail.com
age: 13
location: asuncion, paraguay
instruments: piano, violin, flute

good info about piano!!

Molly - 11/22/00 02:56:26
My Email:noyesmolly@hotmail.com
age: 11
location: Michigan
instruments: Paino,Flute,Piccolo,Clarinet

I love piano, I've been playing for one year. Tmmorow I am going to a person who might be my new teacher this web site gave me lots of great tips!

Hayley McCutcheon - 11/21/00 19:33:26
My Email:haylez35@yahoo.co.uk
age: 14
location: Wales
instruments: piano, violin, viola, vocal(soprano)

Well done this is a very usefull,and well put together web site.Because i have only been playing for 10 months I havent picked up many tips, but your site has brought me up to date.Thank you

David Laurin - 11/18/00 20:33:41
My Email:gilles.laurin3@sympatico.ca
age: 17
location: Montreal
instruments: piano jazz

thanks for your help, yours tips and all your information. I'm a pianist since I'm four year-old and now I've been playing a lot in all the possible kinds of gigs. My teacher is Lorraine Desmarrais at the College Saint-Laurent and I was very surprised to ee how much a young pianist has assimiled all theses knowledges. Good luck in your pianist career. You seem to be better than all other pianists I've heard before.

Trong Bui - 11/17/00 23:38:04
age: 25
location: Montreal,Canada.
instruments: guitar and piano

Thanks for the history class. (regarding the piano history segment.)

Christopher Peralta - 11/17/00 00:56:12
My Email:AP12690
location: Miami, FL
instruments: Piano

I am amazed at all of this information.I am a pianist myself,too.Thanks to you i'll learn how to curve my fingers while playing piano!

Edwin Jr. - 11/13/00 21:55:32
My URL:http://www.hometown.aol.com
My Email:edwinjr16@hotmail.com
age: 16 years old
location: Miami, FL, USA
instruments: Drums, Bass, Piano, Timbales, Congas, Bongo, Harmonic.

Hey Shannon: Congratulations, i like your page and it is very useful. Good Luck !! Edwin Jr.

Lucy - 11/13/00 13:32:30
age: 16
location: England
instruments: Piano, saxaphone, flute, piccolo

I took my Grade 3 exam this morning. It was hell. I've taken up to Grade 8 on the sax and flute, but have never been this nercous. Once I got in there I could not play a thing and there is no way on earth i HAVE PASSED. I would like to tell n e 1 else tha in the grand plan of things it does not matter. It may feel like it now, but in ten years, you really wont remember. Don't frett, who is that going to help , Luv Lucy

AH - 11/13/00 04:47:50
age: young
location: NY
instruments: Piano

Hey, it seems like you've got a good page. Good work. I like it.

Donna - 11/11/00 19:06:29
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/knitnan/Iloveapiano
My Email:BirdNonna@webtv.net
age: 52
location: PA
instruments: piano

Hi I'm enjoying your site! I created a piano graphics site that might interest you.

Eduardo - 11/09/00 13:11:29
My Email:skaleluyah@latinmail
age: 17
location: Puerto Rico
instruments: piano

Quisiera saber si tienes piezas cristianas disponibles que me pudas mandar por e-mail. You have christian songs sheet music?

Chivonne - 11/09/00 00:43:40
My Email:total_32bellsouth.net
age: 17
location: Washington,DC
instruments: guitar

Your web site is great for piano lovers. Keep up the good work.By doing a wonderful job at a young age you made me consider taking piano lessons. If you are not so tided up maybe E-mail me and give me some pointers. Your friend, Chivonne

Maggie Dominguez - 11/02/00 00:33:55
My Email:cutie_pie1_90064@yahoo.com
age: 18
location: L.A ,California
instruments: Piano

Great Page!!!

pythia - 11/01/00 21:54:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/psquido
My Email:i_saw_the_potato@hotmail.com
age: 16
location: Ohio
instruments: recorder

Hello. I'm from AP Central.

Ming - 11/01/00 09:56:20
My Email:mingliu8@yahoo.com
age: 15
location: Australia
instruments: Piano

hey, nice page... me just done grade 8 piano... ur so good! keep it up!

Robert Shy - 10/31/00 02:06:14
age: 18
location: Florida
instruments: Key Board

Keep up the good work, I'll be checking in from time to time to get your updates.

Alex Davis - 10/26/00 22:40:46
My Email:alexrock@sprynet.com
age: 18
location: Tallahassee
instruments: Piano, French Horn, Guitar

Your site is nice! I was just curious about what kind of stuff you're studying now. I am a piano performance major at FSU, and I'm always curious about what my peers are playing.. Hope all is well :-), give me an email and we can talk piano sometime

Erin - 10/26/00 01:16:33
My Email:japan_gang@yahoo.com
age: 16
location: Arizona
instruments: piano,clarinet,recorder

I have been playing the piano for seven years now. The piano is one of the most important things in my life, it helps me in situations where I need to either calm down or just sit, relax and play a song. I will never find an alternative.

Grazina - 10/22/00 21:34:53
My Email:kym01@meltonsc.vic.edu.com
age: 14-15 in december
location: australia-VIC
instruments: piano,flute,vocals,

Hey! i remember reading somewhere in your site that Beethoven was born on the 5th of December like me but for some reason i can't find that info - not even on the page about the classical era. is it true he was born on that date? Keep up the good work.

Catherine - 10/21/00 21:13:23
My Email:catherineluk@yahoo.com
age: 19
location: Vancouver
instruments: piano

hello shannon! thanks for visiting my homepage ^-^ anyhow, you got a pretty nice one too! keep up the good work.. ^-^ see you in concert!

K. Virginia Bond - 10/20/00 01:15:55
My Email:musiclady007@yahoo.com
age: 34
location: Northern NYState
instruments: French Horn, flute, vocal

What a great page! I'm a music teacher and I found it while looking for a piano site to share with my junior high music students. What a great overview of music history! I will be back again with some of my students! Keep up the great web work and good luck in all future endeavors!

Robert Bye - 10/19/00 18:01:59
My Email:birchnote@yahoo.com
age: 46
location: birch bay washington
instruments: piano

nice site, very well done, and very enjoyable to visit. Keep up your good work, and be mindful that lifes distractions (sex, booze, drugs) can ruin everything for the serious musician. May sound boring, but not as boring as looking back someday at what mi ht have been. all the best.

a.c - 10/17/00 20:02:44
age: 10
instruments: piano

this website has helped me alot to get ready for my grade 1 exam which i'm taking soon!!

Sparkle Porter - 10/17/00 17:16:02
My Email:Sparkle_Porter@hotmail.com
age: 18
location: college
instruments: voice:1st Soprano

This was a nice educational yet informational cite. keep up the good work.

Lisa - 10/17/00 17:02:38
My Email:toppa_toppa@hotmail.com
age: 15
location: Ontario
instruments: Piano and voice

I really enjoy piano, and 14 years is a long time. Some of the things on this website were helpful. I hope that they will improve my playing.

mosue - 10/17/00 13:00:41
age: 81


Ayako Miki - 10/16/00 21:30:14
My Email:ayax6@hotmail.com
age: 18
location: Sweden, hopefully Denmark soon.
instruments: New York Steinway grandpiano (An old model).I allso play a little bit flute.

Wow!!! I don´t now what to say. You have done a remarkable jobb! I haven´t seen the whole site yet, but I´m already impressed! I wish I could do something like this, but I´m not really good at computers. Anyway, I think this is a very good meetingplace - or whatever I should call it - for young (or old) people in the "classical music world". Here where I live there´s not many people who can understand my life with the music. None of my closest friends re so serious about their music studies. So, I just want to say: Thank you for this site!!

Jeannie - 10/16/00 02:32:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/music2/fasthands83
My Email:rockogus@netxn.com
age: 17
location: CA
instruments: piano, drums

gr8 page.. i've also been playing the piano for most of my life. do u know of any sites with a picture of a really old (maybe first model) piano? i'm doing a speech on the piano's history and music on saturday and my teacher suggested that i have an old p c of the piano :) thanks if u can help !

Jenna Schroeder - 10/15/00 00:24:15
My Email:yomega_88@hotmail.com
age: 12
instruments: Piano, Clairnet

Hey! I love your website and absoulty lhine you did a wonderful job. I have been playing piano for almost six years and I love it. I just started playing clairnet in the school band and am progressing quickly. I am ahead of the class right now and wonderi g if any one has any SHEET MUSIC that you could send to me. If so, Please do!

Dylan King - 10/14/00 04:00:10
age: 12
location: Sydney, Australia
instruments: piano

I enjoyed the Piano Place.

Caitin - 10/12/00 17:00:32
age: a lot older than you
location: Houston
instruments: Piano

Great page. I commend you on your dedication and willingness to share your musical insights.

chris - 10/11/00 16:39:20
My Email:christian_clown
age: 27
location: alabama
instruments: piano;drums;learning misc others


Cindy Pratt - 10/09/00 18:48:34
My Email:cynthiapratt@hotmail.com
age: old enough to be your mother
location: Maryland
instruments: piano, flue

What's brown and sits on a piano bench? Beethoven's Last Movement!!

¤ÓªÅ¾Ô¤h - 10/09/00 15:26:50
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/orlando_lei/frameindex.htm

hihi, ¦hÁ§A¤¶²Ð®I§Úªººô­¶,§A¤µ¦¸¥u«Y§ó·s÷¤@­¶jaØ{. ­n´X®É¥ý¦Ü¦A§ó·s¦hd ar. ¥ò¦³´X®É±o¶¢,¥h¥´¤Uªi

Hollmaca - 10/09/00 13:46:52
age: 20
location: Macau
instruments: Wesberg -Piano

I really appreciate the effort you have put in the homepage. It is wonderful.

Grazina - 10/08/00 21:29:14
My Email:kym01@meltonsc.vic.edu.au
age: 15
location: Melbourne-VIC
instruments: piano and Flute

I really like your site and i can totally relate to the practice thing i've played the piano for 10 years-since i was 5 Keep up the good work!!! From Grazina

Julie - 10/06/00 02:28:32
age: 15
location: USA
instruments: baby-grand PIANO!!

Hi, I'm just dropping a 'note'! I really like the site, and will try the practice tips.. I've been playing for almost 9 years, and we just got a baby grand~I REALLY love it!!!

marcy - 10/04/00 01:49:12
My Email:mc16140
age: 11
instruments: flute & piano

I like both the flute & piano

Ruaan Kellerman - 10/03/00 20:45:18
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/box088
My Email:box088@yahoo.com
age: 19
location: South Africa
instruments: none

An excellent and authoritative page by someone who clearly is truly dedicated to such a noble practise. I can see that you like your playing, and that is the most important thing, for anybody who wants to make a success out of their career needs to reall love what they do.

Claire Marriott - 10/03/00 18:10:55
My Email:claireyem@yahoo.com
age: 16
location: Kettering, England
instruments: Flute, Piano

I really like your website and it helped me with my a-level music coursework

anna - 10/02/00 18:27:25
My Email:robert@snape.p3online.net
age: 12
location: lancashire
instruments: piano,clarinet,recorder

I think that this page is great for young players to come and look at.Keep up the good work

joinhim - 10/01/00 03:05:51
My Email:joinhim@email.com


odd - 09/25/00 15:24:59
My Email:auddy@shymail.com
age: 18
location: bsb
instruments: piano

what a refreshing webpage.... very good!!!! good luck in your pursuits *odd*

- 09/24/00 18:05:00


Karen Bekkala - 09/21/00 21:04:54
My Email:karenraebekkala@hotmail.com
age: 13
location: Mt.Iron, Minnesota
instruments: piano, clarinet

I love playing the piano even though I just started about 1 year ago.

mlsiddens_03 - 09/21/00 03:17:16
My Email:megsid_03@hotmail.com
age: 15
location: U.S.A.
instruments: piano, clarinet, flute, organ, bells, harp

The La Cathedrale Engloutie by Claude Debussy is an awesome piece. I just learned it and i love it.

Anne - 09/20/00 23:05:56
My Email:annemarianniska621@hotmail.com
age: 14
location: Minnesota
instruments: piano

I love your site! I've been playing for 8 years now find your site very useful. thanks! P.S. I would love for someone from Australia to e-mail me! I plan to live there someday! Thanx!

Clarence Texada III - 09/20/00 12:16:15
age: 22
location: USA-Dallas, Texas
instruments: Piano, trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone, tuba

Keep up the good work and good luck on the piano exams. bye,bye

A.Sninski - 09/18/00 01:56:56
My URL:http://PROCUTSSALON.homestead.com/procutssalon.html
My Email:snin@ptd.net
age: 20's
instruments: Piano

Great Job! I really like your page. Thanks

Dan - 09/18/00 01:12:43
My Email:Webster5894@yahoo.com
age: 16
location: New York
instruments: Piano, Euphonium, Voice

Overall excellent page some great tips. I don't agree with everything (like the some Tips on Piano Accompaniments page) Perhaps you could put a music recording exchange section so musicians could share some of they're own recordings on-line. Very nice pag .

Sue - 09/12/00 07:17:20
My Email:aloha_lala@yahoo.com
age: 28
instruments: PIANO

hi, i really appreciate ur great work. i have twin daughters and they've had a piano course for 3 months. you are a witty young pianist. wish you be successful in every steps of life. Sue

Lea Oliver - 09/12/00 05:49:33
My Email:leamusic21
age: 49
location: Los Angeles
instruments: piano, voice, conducting

I teach piano at the Hamilton High School Academy of Music, a music magnet high school similar to Ne York's Music and art high School. I will recommend this site to my students who, I'm sure will enjoy it and find it useful.

Corrine - 09/10/00 15:15:21
My Email:Guffy192@aol.com
age: 13
location: New York
instruments: Piano, flute, marimba, and bells

I started taking piano lessons for my school band about a year ago (in 1999). I found this page, and it helped me a lot. My instuctor wanted to know how I knew all of the things he was planning to teach me at my next lesson! Thanks for making this page

Allie - 09/10/00 07:26:02
My Email:Dazzle785@yahoo.com
age: 15
location: Lousisana
instruments: Piano

Hey! I absolutely love your site! It's so awesome. Anyway, I think all the experience that you've had is just so amazing. I could definitely learn sump'n or another from you! LOL Well, today, I just came back from a Piano Concert that featured five of the past winners of the Wideman Competition. OH MY GAWD - they were amazing! Eh, well, just thought I'd share that with ya. Okay, keep up the great work! See you later! Love, Allie
Teri ni
- 09/04/00 22:00:47
My Email:sara15_2001@yahoo.com
age: 15
location: non of your bissinius
instruments: viola clarinet piano


Kristi - 09/04/00 15:37:55
My Email:Singer4Lyfe@aol.com
age: 15
location: florida
instruments: piano,voice,guitar

I love your sight! Keep up the great work!

Frankus Face - 09/02/00 14:30:56
My Email:petrus@thecia.net
age: 34
location: Boston, MA
instruments: Piano/Keyboards

I have not had the time to explore you site yet but I think it is a great idea and hopefully an inspiration to all piano players.

Tamara - 09/01/00 20:57:46
My Email:tums4piano@yahoo.com
age: 16
location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
instruments: Piano (main), flute, tuba, alto saxophone, guitar, percussion

I have been playing piano since I was 2. I am at the same level as you, but I still have 4 more theory exams to do!! I love piano...it is my passion....I study at the Royal Conservatory of Music with one of the top pianists in Canada. I also teach piano Do you? I find it very rewarding, and it's a job I absolutly love!!!! You can write me back if you wish.....no one else really understands my passion for piano.....it's good to know I'm not alone!!!

Brandi Yurcisin - 09/01/00 14:19:10
My Email:bunny_nicole@hotmail.com
age: 19
location: Clarion University
instruments: clarinet, trombone

Your website was a very quick reference for me for writing my paper on the history of the piano and piano music. I am a sophomore music education major at Clarion University.

Laura Ashley - 08/31/00 22:55:34
My Email:xX_Kiwi_Xx@webtv.net
age: 13
location: Ga
instruments: None


Andrew Davis - 08/30/00 18:10:42
My Email:PianoRun
age: 15
location: Fairfield CA
instruments: Piano

Hey, you wevsite is cool! I have a question. Lately I've encountered some problems with my scales. (Particularly between the 4th finger and the thumb) How can I obtain a constont lagoto sound?

Scott Arni - 08/29/00 17:59:12
My Email:Cyberscotty1@hotmail.com
age: 16
location: Alma,Mo
instruments: piano,bells,bass and snare drum


Kate Burge - 08/28/00 07:52:52
My Email:mwburge@capri.net.au
age: 14
location: South Australia
instruments: Piano, Clarinet, Saxophone

This internet site is fantastic. I really enjoy practicing now thanks to all the tips. I love Music and I am involved in a few bands. I am looking for some pen pals that loves music. I would love to hear from you.

shulien - 08/27/00 07:39:41
My Email:shulien@usa.net

Hey.. help me out? I'm gonna buy a piano... got tips on buying one? brand name, features to look for.. I'd appreciate whatever comments you can give. whether you answer or not, thanks!

emma sotto - 08/26/00 12:41:25
My Email:emmasotto@yahoo.com
age: 28
location: philippines
instruments: keyboards


Rawlins Apperson - 08/24/00 21:41:16
My Email:Rawlinsapp@aol.com
age: 76
location: Terrebonne OR
instruments: piano 8 months

I have always wanted to learn to play the piano, just for myself, so at 75, I thought I had better get started. I am really enjoying it.

Kelly - 08/23/00 22:53:47
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com./kelclef/myhomepage/clubs.html
My Email:Smile74383@aol.com
location: Wadsworth,Ohio
instruments: teach piano,violin also play flute,clarinet and other instruments

This is a wonderful site for students! My own will enjoy the advice from "one of their own" instead of me telling them this stuff all the time. I've been playing for 19 years now and teaching for 6. Anyone out there in my area needing lessons I have times for homeschoolers and anyone wanting to learn. Please tag any mail RE:LESSONS. (serious inquiry only) Thanks!

Cleo - 08/23/00 12:03:13
My Email:koyizi@kellychen.com
age: 15
location: Hong Kong
instruments: Piano

i was inspired by your enthusiasm about the piano! although i've played the piano for 8 years, it seems that i discovered nothin indeed. and i even feel practicing the piano is a kind of misery! your page saved my life in learning music, thanks! i really appreciate you, shannon! e-mail me if you have time :p

sal - 08/23/00 09:45:54
age: 15
location: australia
instruments: piano


Kayla - 08/21/00 19:10:04
My Email:Bball0player
age: 10
instruments: piano


Sarah Steinhardt - 08/20/00 19:54:30
My Email:steipi@aol
age: 50
location: Atlanta
instruments: Piano

Shannon--what a wonderful website! I'll tell my students about it. Every day I wake up more fascinated by the piano than the day before--and I've been playing for 46 years! I wish you the same. Remember--piano playing should always feel marvelous. If it hurts, it's wrong.

SweetSmile83 - 08/19/00 18:36:10
My Email:SweetSmile83@aol.com
age: 17
location: USA
instruments: PIANO!!!

Twelve years is a long time to practice. I have only been taking lessons about a year and a half now and I absolutely love it. I think I'll stay with it! =)

alice Donovan - 08/19/00 03:00:11
My Email:DD5210503@aol.com
age: 45
location: MA
instruments: piano


Emily - 08/12/00 00:59:59
My Email:mlelm@zoomtown.com
age: 18
location: Ohio
instruments: piano, viola, violin, some clarinet and alto sax

I think your page is cool. I love to play the piano. I'll have to try out the two pieces you say are good. I've been playing the piano for seven years. Two pieces I think are cool are Hungarian by MacDowell and Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum by Debussy. E-ma l me if you come across any other neat pieces.

Anja Böhme - 08/08/00 11:00:12
My Email:Dubi2000@t-online.de
age: 16
location: Eisenhüttenstadt (Germany)
instruments: piano, viola, recorder

I`m looking for pals who just love music as much as I do and wants to write to me.

Carolyn Lund - 08/04/00 06:57:47
My Email:scarlett14_99@yahoo.com
age: 15
location: Japan
instruments: piano, harp, flute, tenor sax, trumpet, violin

Hello, I just wanted to say how this website is really good. But it would be really cool if you could also put a few sound clips of you playing your favorite songs or something. I've been playing piano for 10 years, and I would like to be the best I can possibly be! Thanks for all the tips. I'm going to start learning Fantasie Impromptu or whatever because a lot of people are saying that they love it. Thank you! And anybody email me if they want a piano penpal to talk about tips and music, etc. CYA~ Carolyn

Tami - 08/03/00 22:20:16
My Email:tami@louish.com
age: 21
location: provo, utah
instruments: piano

What is the ARCT i have never heard of it?

- 08/03/00 05:23:54
My Email:pianolove84@yahoo.com
age: 16
instruments: piano

hi, your site was very interesting; i especially noticed that you're studying chopin's fantasie impromptu also. i love that piece! i've been studying the piano for just over 8 years now, and have had 2 teachers. . my 2nd has helped me soooo much. i also play the violin, but the piano is my main instrument. please write me back as to how much you practice per day, and what kinds of competitions you are in.. . also if you are attending a music school for the university? thank you

Mimi - 08/02/00 01:56:48
My URL:http://www.musicplay.com
My Email:mehreen@thedoghousemail.com
age: 17
location: Asia
instruments: Pianos

Hi ... I'm Mimi...i turned 17 this june ... ure web page is cool ... i purchased a key board some 3 months ago ... its a Yamaha PSR 530 model... its pretty cool... the place where i live, acquiring piano lessons from real teachers is difficult n expensive so i was looking up on-line piano tutorials ... I wanted to give u a suggestion .. i hope that u'll work on it :) why don't u start ure own on-line free piano tutorial page? I mean, right now, my only source of learning the piano is Mr. Land's web site, RL: www.musicplay.com... do add it to ure url list :) ... that has been helping me out ... but ppl like me are always on the look out for free tutorials online ... most of the sites ask for bucks, and believe me, its not easy for me to pay! I believe you ill be appreciated a lot more if you start a tutorial page :) that will be very nice for a lot of people. Again, your web page is brilliant! Keep up with the good work ... can you contact me? Take care. Best regards, Mimi mehreen@thedoghousemail.com

sirobert - 07/30/00 22:23:26
My Email:sirobert@lava.net
age: 101
location: Honolulu, Hawaii
instruments: so many past forgotten

Youngster, value our talent and exploit your youth and when in college, the club is Phi Mu Alpha (professional music fraternity)... yes,t this is where I learned to perform and met lots of yesterdays and todays eventual talent ... go with God's blessings ..sirobert

carynn ng - 07/28/00 16:36:18
My Email:ning_gi@yahoo.com
age: 16
location: malaysia
instruments: piano

cool site man!i love it.with all the tips,i think i'll have more intrest to play my piano more often.and relax during exams.

Jackie - 07/27/00 22:13:07
My Email:Galaxy240@aol.com
age: 16
location: California
instruments: piano and flute


Chris Ortiz - 07/24/00 23:11:19
My Email:chrissortiz@yahoo.com
age: 15
location: San Mateo
instruments: piano

I really liked your tips on exams

Michael Albrecht - 07/24/00 02:29:30
My Email:rnt@ikansas.org
age: 14
location: Herington, Kansas
instruments: Piano,Trombone


Ashley - 07/22/00 17:23:07
My Email:ashlee_84@hotmail.com
age: 16 in August
location: Missouri
instruments: flute, piano

Your site is really cool!! I've been playing the piano for about 7 years. I really like it a lot. I also play the flute but I'm better at the piano.

Katerina Perdikomati - 07/22/00 12:35:51
My Email:kperdikomati@hotmail.com
age: 22
location: Athens, Greece
instruments: Piano

Lovely work, especially for piano students! I particularly enjoyed the simplicity and yet thoroughness of all your tips! Keep up the good work, Katerina

Tiong Mun Wee - 07/22/00 09:32:33
My Email:mwtiong@hotmail.com
age: 8+
location: Singapore
instruments: Piano

You are wonderful.

Haydee Miranda - 07/20/00 19:15:32
My Email:Hmira1945@aol.com
age: 55
location: NJ
instruments: piano

I am very young at the piano, but I enjoy it. Good luck to you. Haydee

steven - 07/20/00 06:09:48
My Email:trisinoò


Laura Wedemeyer - 07/18/00 21:34:59
My Email:heis4us@mindspring.com
age: 40
location: Capitola, California
instruments: piano, voice, guitar

Hi Shannon, I want to thank you for the information on your website. I am a piano and vocal instructor and will refer my students to your site. God bless you!

Anabel - 07/18/00 03:09:06
My Email:anabellelee27@aol.com
age: 26
location: Bronx, New York
instruments: Piano

Great Website. Very helpful. I admire other pianoist and hope to one day be really good at it. I wish I had started sooner in life. I also wish I was more disciplined, but with time, I will be. I am just starting out. Much success to you!

Kristin:-) - 07/17/00 07:40:24
My Email:rosemont@gil.com.au
age: 8 and a half
location: australia
instruments: piano and recorder

I loved it so much that I sent you an email:-)

Emma and Caitlyn - 07/17/00 07:00:18
My Email:rosemont@gil.com.au
age: 13 and 10
location: Aussie
instruments: Piano,Flute,Sax,Recorder

Fabulous Shannon!

Anna Morrison - 07/15/00 19:31:52
My Email:amorris@alltel.net
location: Georgia
instruments: piano


Vipercat - 07/15/00 11:18:54
My URL:http://mozart.web.com/
My Email:hanne@musician.org
age: 16
instruments: Piano and Clarinet

Hey Shannon, still looking wonderful! Your site is so cool I always come back to check out the new things. Please check out my site if you wish. Piano is the BEST!!!! Regards, Vipercat :-)

Gareth Harrison - 07/13/00 21:01:04
My URL:http://www.gharrison.co.uk
My Email:gareth.harrison@usa.net
age: 29
location: Sheffield UK
instruments: Piano

I enjoyed reading your tips on practicing and was very impressed with your current repertoire. I am lucky enough to own a Steinway piano which is beautiful to play. You sound like a dedicated musician to me and I wish you all the best. Incidentally, do 't forget about my web site, at some point in the future I will be placing some of my own compositions on there.

Amber Douglas - 07/11/00 22:08:36
My Email:dougfamily@etortress.com
age: 13
location: Little Rock, AR
instruments: Piano

This is a great site! This web-site helps me perfect my piano skills in many different ways.

Ray Kerry - 07/09/00 10:40:53
My URL:http://raykerry.theshoppe.com
My Email:raykerry@kabelfoon.nl
age: 58
location: Holland
instruments: Piano

It's the best laid out and constructed web site I've yet seen. Absolutely beautiful!. For those of you who wish to have unobtrusive 30 second mp3 previews of your own music playing at the bottom of your pages,go to the above site,have a listen, then email me and I will tell you all you need to know to do this.

sean plaatjes - 07/09/00 08:16:39
My Email:plaatjessq@sabc.co.za
age: 27
location: south africa

its great!

Crystal Walker - 07/09/00 03:06:19
My URL:http://www.expage.com/crystalpiano
My Email:crystalpiano@yahoo.com
age: 18
location: Columbia, South Carolina
instruments: Piano and voice

Wow I love this page! I have been playing the piano for I believe 9 years now. I'm a choral music education major in college with emphasis in piano. I think this page is fabulous and it has great information! I love playing the piano...it is my life.. nd if I thought I could make It I would be a piano performance major and just play. but I love the Idea of teaching a choir. I'd love to put a link to this page on my web page....if that's okay with you that is! :)

Matt - 07/08/00 17:27:01
My Email:deuce_bigalow123@yahoo.com
age: 15
location: Tampa, Fl
instruments: Piano, French Horn, Trumpet, Baritone

I started the playing the piano about a year ago. I already know moonlight sonata, Fur Elise, Hungarian Dances No. 4, The Polonaise, The Entertainer, The Can-Can, William Tell, Greensleeves, The Wild Horsemen, and Allegretto from the third symphony. Not t mention all of the songs from the training books. According to how far I am in the training books, I should only be at level 3. I guess its wrong. Tell me If I'm doing good or bad. See ya.

Fang Li Wang - 07/06/00 05:04:45
My Email:Fang_li_wang@yahoo.com
age: 43
location: Vancouver
instruments: Violin

Great site, I am very proud of you! keep up good work.

Emily - 07/05/00 16:35:00
My Email:animalem18@excite.com
age: 13
location: Brasilia, Brazil
instruments: piano and trumpet

Cool page. I was wondering if you knew of a site where I could find some easy duets that I could play with my nine year old beginner brother. E-mail me if you do!

Terri Cox - 07/04/00 01:17:02
My Email:my3sons@globalfreeway.com.au
age: 36
location: Australia
instruments: son plays piano

My 8 year old son plays piano and has his first exam in November. I was looking up piano exam sites and found yours. Great site! My son just had a concert the other day and received a trophy which he thought was the best! He has been playing piano for 18 onths and loves it MOST days, others though he says he doesn't want to practice, but once he starts he doesn't want to get off the piano then. Thanks again for this great site.

Emma - 07/03/00 21:35:45
My Email:flowergirl@postmark.net
age: 10
location: New York City
instruments: Piano

Your website is very cool! I like the practicing tips and the jokes. It's nice that there is a site for young people who are serious about classical music.

Bruno Mintz - 07/03/00 01:03:45
age: 16
location: Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
instruments: Piano

Believe it or not, you made my Sunday better. I hadn't touched my piano for almost a month, but as I surfed into your homepage, I just felt something in my fingers to which I couldn't resist! This "charm" somehow drove me back there to play a little again People like you make me feel like I can do it too. Thanks a lot, my dear!

Ali Mostafavi - 07/02/00 08:38:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/ali_mk
My Email:kaiser@tm.net.my
age: 46
location: Malaysia
instruments: Guitar

Dear Shannon Wonderful site. Wonderful personality. It's great to know someone quite so young, yet so dedicated to art and science. You have recently joined my club United Science International and that is the way I came to know your site. I am proud that you are a me ber of my club. You are going to be a kind, gentle, dedicated scientist... That's what I just see in a bright future for you. I will prey for that. Best wishes and good luck! "Ars longa, vita brevis." Art is long, life is short. - Latin proverb. Respectfully, Ali Mostafavi a.k.a. ali_mk

Lyn Fanlo - 07/01/00 02:52:34
My Email:harpian16@hotmail.com
age: 17
location: North Carolina
instruments: Harp and Piano (1) and Flute (2)

I just want to say that even though I am a harpist longer than being a pianist...I still consider myself as a devoted pianist myself. The reason why I play the piano is because it helped me through playing the harp....all you PIANISTS need to give yourse ves a hand...'cause you play one of the most difficult and most complicated instrument there is....the harp is just like the piano but accuracy on piano is way challenging! I still love the harp too. By the way....I learned a lot on your web page Shannon ..you are a real devoted musician...and we should all be like that....remember..."Music expresses things what can't be expressed through actions." Thanks again Shannon!

Brenda - 06/30/00 22:20:56
My Email:xtravagenta2chickclickmail.com
age: 17
location: ca
instruments: flute

you should have a couple of sound clips

lauren - 06/27/00 15:43:04
My Email:peanut1203@juno.com
age: 15
location: st.louis
instruments: piano

i like your page! i would have never thought of making one. i've been playing for 11 years and your tips are great!

guillermo rosales - 06/26/00 19:38:58
My Email:g_rosales@usa.net
age: 58
location: mexico city
instruments: piano

congratulations talented children l was wondering where can l learn to read music by the web. if you have any tip , please let me know. stay happy. guillermo

Kelly White - 06/26/00 00:49:01
My Email:KELOWHITE@aol.com
age: 32
location: North Carolina
instruments: piano

I enjoyed viewing your website! You seem like such a thoughtful, together young lady. I am a piano teacher and church pianist, and was browsing the web for some piano ideas this evening. I am so impressed with your positive attitude and your passion fo music. What a terrific role model!

Elle lewis - 06/25/00 06:50:37

I think this site is very good and I think I't looks great.The site has given me a lot of information.I look forward to looking at the site again some time.by for now from elle

Syderia - 06/24/00 22:08:42
age: 15
instruments: Piano

I've been taking piano for 7 years.

Samantha - 06/22/00 08:19:57
age: 13
location: Australia
instruments: piano

good website - worthwhile visiting

mirna villarreal - 06/22/00 04:09:40
age: 16
location: Texas
instruments: piano and violin

This is a great web site!

Bradley Robinson - 06/16/00 01:45:23
My Email:nibbles83@home.com
age: 17
location: Toronto
instruments: Piano, and Viola

I really liked the site. Love talking about Piano and string quartets. If you have the same interests drop me a line.

adam - 06/14/00 19:50:37
My Email:ald624@aol.com
age: 16
location: heflin al
instruments: piano guitar


Joseph De Winkle - 06/13/00 00:43:40
My Email:musicboy4@juno.com
age: 11
location: Wyoming, MI
instruments: piano, french horn, perc.

I love to play music. I play french horn and percussion in my school band. I love to sing, too

anna - 06/13/00 00:40:41
My Email:alelias10@aol.com
age: 11%
location: MN
instruments: piano

i like your site!!!!!!!

Thien Ern Ooi - 06/12/00 05:44:10
My Email:thien.ern.ooi@intel.com
age: 28
location: Penang, Malaysia
instruments: Piano

Hi, Nice website. Do you have know of any newsletters discussing piano technique in general? Thien Ern.

Brittany - 06/11/00 21:44:57
My URL:http://www.straughter.com
age: 11 years old
location: dallas
instruments: clarinet,chello,piano

i've been playin piano for 8 years and my private teachter moved and now i dont have a piano teacher no more so i was wondering if you could teach me now thanks.

Heidi - 06/10/00 21:40:34
age: 13
location: Canada
instruments: piano

Cool page. I learned alot!

Sarah Van Nostrand - 06/10/00 02:27:35
My Email:SarahVanNostrand@worldnet.att.net
age: 18
location: Ohio
instruments: piano, fhorn, melaphone

I am giving my senior recital tomorrow and needed a break from practicing and I found your site. It is great, I love it.

Wendy - 06/08/00 21:36:23
My Email:wendy.lin@att.net
location: n.j.
instruments: Piano


Sarah - 06/06/00 19:23:17
My Email:Sezmeister@aol.com
age: 13
location: Birmingham, England
instruments: Piano

Hi, this is a brilliant website for pianists. I really enjoyed browsing it but, as I am English, I don't really understand the exam schemes you have in Canada. The ABRSM (exam board) in England only has eight grades. This is a really helpful site. Thanks!

Erin - 06/05/00 16:39:56
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/koolkidsbooks
My Email:pkracett@northnet.org
age: 13
location: USA
instruments: piano

I like your page and will benefit ffrom it. I've been playing for over 6 years and love it!! Anybody who is having trouble starting, try to quickly get through those dumb beginner song and get to the good stuff!! It's hard, i know but playing the piano is a joy when you love the songs!

Mrs. Conner - 06/05/00 01:28:28
My Email:Lwlpiano@aol.com
age: old
location: Iowa
instruments: all, main - piano

Shannon, I love your web site! I have put it on a list for all my teenage students! Best of luck!

Jennifer Preuschoff - 06/04/00 15:44:42
My Email:peace_girl_2000@hotmail.com
age: 13
location: Canada
instruments: Piano

I like your page, but I was looking for information on history of the piano. I know most of it, I was just hoping for more. thanks anyway -Jennifer

alycat - 06/01/00 01:09:36
My Email:aly_ssa90@hotmail.com
age: ********
location: ****
instruments: Trombone, Piano

I'm doing a project on piano.(In french)And just need to know the basics.Like who it was invented by and when.It's due friday, (In good)And if you could send the simple stuff like that, i'd greatly apriciate it.Thanx

Shannon - 05/30/00 19:52:13
My Email:Shabeth@juno.com
age: 16
location: Idaho
instruments: Piano

Hey thanks for your websit. It's really cool! I enjoyed it and it looks like a lot of other people do too. =o) Well, thanks again and enjoy playing the piano. Shannon

Gerald (again) - 05/30/00 00:29:03

Shannon, under Malaprops--was the deliberate, about Contributions...is?

Gerald - 05/30/00 00:21:50
My Email:gerald_thomas_21c
age: 59
location: Torbay, NF
instruments: My own trumpet (I blow it)

Well done Shannon! An excellent piece of work and bravo for the award!

Eric Bollman - 05/29/00 15:35:51
My Email:bman0@gateway.net
age: 22
location: Tucson, AZ
instruments: piano, guitar

great site!

Allissa - 05/29/00 03:34:45
My Email:robinlp8@juno.com
age: 16
location: texas
instruments: #1-piano, #2 fhorn, clarinet,harmonica, violin, trumpet

My dream is to become a professional pianist. This year, I'll be homeschooled and attending a community college. Since I wont be in regular school, I'll have the opportunity to practice 7 hrs. a day. It's going to be alot of hard work, but I know I cando t. See, I'm not a person who started "good" lessons at the age of 4 or 5. In fact I started real lessons at 10 and then stopped taking lessons because it was inconvenient for my famly and they coulden't afford it. That didn't stop me from playing, though. As soon as I turned 15, I got a real job (fast food) and payed for real, expensive lessons. This year was my first year competing; I did OK, but I want to be the best.

Yana - 05/28/00 15:30:34
My Email:Butterfliz2001@hotmail.com
age: 12
location: Needham
instruments: Piano !

your site dodn't help me it was a good site but i wanted to knowwhen it was created who created it how it changed over the years and i didn't seee that on the page but it not your folt you can't satisfie everybody well if you have any pages that would hav that in fo contact me at......................

sally - 05/25/00 11:58:08
My Email:tambysally
age: 21
location: manila, philippines
instruments: piano

thanks!i'll visit u more after this!

Trevor - 05/24/00 19:32:16
My Email:go.duke@juno.com
age: 16
location: littleton,CO
instruments: piano

I have also played for 12 years and I love your site.

suzie - 05/24/00 00:10:56
age: 90
location: Fredriton, Newbrunswick
instruments: piano saxaphone chello voilon drums recorder quatar

your site dodn't help me it was a good site but i wanted to knowwhen it was created who created it how it changed over the years and i didn't seee that on the page but it not your folt you can't satisfie everybody well if you have any pages that would have that in fo contact me at...................... .........................................

GINO THOMAS - 05/22/00 18:07:27
age: 29
location: NEW YORK
instruments: DRUMS


Mad_composer - 05/21/00 14:31:40
My Email:mad_composer@musician.org
age: 17
location: Markham, Ontario, Canada
instruments: PIANO

I found your site very useful. I have a recital comming up and I loved your site. I just finishing mastering the Hungarian Rhapsody #2 (liszt) I just love piano and keep up the site!!!!!!!!!!!!

kozon - 05/20/00 20:40:11
My Email:kozon53@hotmail
age: 54
location: ky
instruments: piano

just started the piano.

Mary Rey - 05/20/00 20:10:10
My Email:mrojas@cyberclub.net.co
age: 10


KIM E. HARTMAN - 05/18/00 19:09:21
age: 44
location: WEST VALLEY,CA


brad pit - 05/17/00 12:17:58


steph - 05/16/00 22:28:04
age: 12
instruments: piano only


Anne Gorley - 05/15/00 21:58:26
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/agorley/default.html
My Email:agorley@hotmail.com
age: 18
location: Toronto
instruments: Piano

I love your website and keep up the good work!

Angelo D'Ostilio - 05/11/00 17:13:21
age: 16
location: Ont. Canada
instruments: Piano, Sax, Organ

I think that you are a very good pianist and has very good knowledge about music. I think that you should start teaching students or get in a music group. Well, I have to go now so take care of yourself and good luck on your ARCT exam.

Hann - 05/10/00 20:52:08
My URL:http://mozart.web.com
My Email:dolfynh@hotmail.com
age: 16
instruments: Piano and clarinet

Hi Shannon! Wonderful, wonderful site!!! I think it's absolutely fabulous!! You must be a great pianist already. I'm working on it...Haha!! Well, congrats and keep up the great HTML!! ~ Hann

nancy - 05/10/00 03:02:26
My Email:fungus729@aol.com
age: 14
location: ny, brooklyn
instruments: piano

I think people like you have won alot of music competition. I hope I can be one of you guys but better. Be prepare!! I'm ready for you guys. Truth is that I don't know you.

Sarah - 05/09/00 23:36:28
age: 16
location: new jersey
instruments: piano and violin

Nice webpage! Enjoyed your piano humor very much! :) Great to have a webpage for young pianists!

michelle - 05/09/00 20:34:26
age: 21
location: staffordshire, england
instruments: piano

thanks, i found your site helpfull although i am doing the london college of music. bye

elmo - 05/06/00 22:59:26


James Robinson - 05/05/00 17:41:47
age: 14
location: Houston Texas
instruments: piano,gutair


marianna kapsetakis - 05/04/00 21:09:29
My Email:julie@her.forthnet.gr
age: 9 yrs
location: heraklion crete
instruments: piano

very pleased to find you. perhaps someone can tell me how to get info on junior piano competitions going on around Europe. Thanks

vera aquino - 05/02/00 06:45:55
age: 37
instruments: PIANO


Linda - 05/02/00 05:23:44
My Email:lmcalark@aol.com
location: Arkansas
instruments: piano


Diego Novak - 04/30/00 02:36:18
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/wallstreet/floor/4490/
My Email:novak@lvd.com.ar
age: 20
location: Argentina
instruments: piano

Super congratulations on your wonderful page! I loved reading all of them. My name is Diego and im in Argentina, Buenos Aires, im 20 years old. I decided to be a pianist last year. Im currently studying with a person who studied together with Martha Argerich, and is her friend. I would like to have a canadian pianist friend. Email me when you have a minute, greetings from down the globe.. Diego

Shannon (webmaster) - 04/30/00 02:34:03

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