Many people wonder what basis is used to determine promotions and merit increases at Fortune 500 companies. Read carefully if you're still employed and striving for advancement. What follows will also assist those who do not wish to advance their careers but are interested in continuing their health benefits and salary increases with a minimum of stress and "face time." This wisdom applies to most industries. Large companies are similar to the military or the Federal government; if you're successful in one branch you'll likely be successful in another.

Above advice will be helpful to career employees not hustling to break the top management sound barrier. They can watch the show with the actors playing their roles, appreciate this corporate comedy for its entertainment value, and fall back on the "don't worry - be happy" mentality.

If you have any suggestions to improve the career prospects of those still hard at work, please E-mail them to the address shown below.

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Revised Jan. 20, 2004 ©Copyright & copy October 2000

J. C. Margo
9624 Doliver
Houston, TX 77063