The Country's Profile:

Islamic republic of Pakistan

Geographical Location:    

Between 23 degrees and 37 degrees North Latitude,
61 degrees and 76 degrees East Longitude.


North:  China
North-West:  Afghanistan and Iran
East:  India
South:  Arabian Sea


Area:  796,095 square kilometers
Cultivated:  20.8 million hectares
Forest:  3.13 million hectares


Population: 132.32 million on January 1, 1996
Density:  147 persons per square kilometer
Population growth rate:  3.1%
National Language:  Urdu
Official Languages:  Urdu and English
Currency:  Rupee
Capital City:  Islamabad
Sea Ports:  Karachi, Mohammed Bin Qasim, Gawader and Pasni
Dry Ports:  Hyderabad, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Peshawar and Quetta
International Airports:  Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta
National Airline:  PIA
Average Rainfall:  762 mm/anum
Literacy Rate:  34% (1991-92)


GNP: Rs.  1215 billion (1991-92)
Per capita Income: Rs.  10,358 (1991-92)
GDP growth rate:  6.4% (1991-92)
Foreign Trade:  33.55% of GNP (imports + exports)
Exports: Rs. 171.335 billion
Imports: Rs.  236,334 billion
Major Crops:  Wheat, Rice, Sugarcane, Grms, Cotton, and Tobacco
Major Industries:  Textile, Cement, Fertilizer, Leather Garments, Chemicals, Agro-based, Engineering, Electrical/Electronics Industries
Major Exports:  Cotton, Cotton Yarn, Leather & it's products, Rice, Seafood

National Anthem Translation:

Blessed be the sacred land,
Happy be the bounteous realm,
Symbol of high resolve, Land of Pakistan.
Blessed be thou citadel of faith.
The Order of this Sacred Land
Is the might of the brotherhood of the people.
May the nation, the country, and the State
Shine in glory everlasting.
Blessed be the goal of our ambition.
This flag of the Crescent and the Star
Leads the way to progress and perfection,
Interpreter of our past, glory of our present,
Inspiration of our future,
Symbol of Almighty's protection.


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you think I should include and I would appreciate any
comments and suggessions.

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