A Tribute to the brave men and women in blue who gave their all

Memorial for 1999
(In Memory Of...)

Welcome to the page dedicated to my heroes -- cops.  If you would like to see the statistics for 1998, please visit  http://www.oocities.org/EnchantedForest/4562/1998.htm .   Unfortunately, you and I know that soon this page will be full of heroes to remember.  Even though there is no one on this page yet, please remember what the Police do for us.  Have you ever stopped to think about it?  They aren't high - paid, they aren't given any hours they want, they have to work all of the holidays (including Christmas), and people generally treat them like crap.  So when you get pulled over by a cop, remember that he/she has probably has a lousy day too, and they're just trying to do their job.  Please do not repay their great efforts by forgetting their memory.  167 officers were killed in 1998, surprisingly down from the 176 killed in 1997.  This is good news, and I hope this trend will continue through 99.  Hopefully this year will bring fewer officers to this list.

Officers killed as of December 17, 1999 Total:  115 (U.S. only)
Gunfire 42
Hit by vehicles/car accidents 54
Other 19

Please remember that May 9-15 is National Police Memorial Week. Take a minute to remember our
fallen heroes. "In valor there is hope"

I always try and have a new poem or story for this page.  Here is a story I wrote for my English class in 7th grade, but I've never posted it.  Please take a few moments to read it, and think about it.  To all Officers reading this page, I thank you. First, here is a new poem.

(Loving A Cop)

The policeman stood,

infront of a mirror.

He was making sure his badge,

was shiny and clear.

His wife looks at him,

and sees determination.

The policeman looks at his wife.

In her eyes, he sees fear.

Will he make it home tonight,

Or will he pay the ultimate price?

What would happen if he was not here?

Who would feed the children?

Who would catch the crooks,

so everyone could sleep without fear.

Would his memory live on or be forgotten?

These are all questions, minus a lot,

that you have to ask

If you marry a cop.

Why Did He Fall.

He had to fall,

and give his all.

Why did they take him?

I guess you'll never know.

In your heart,

he is still there.

And in your memory,

He is very near.

But in reality,

He is an eternity away.

Never again will he be

your parnter on the street.

You won't see him at roll call tomorrow,

and won't take him to dinner.

He may be gone, but will always be here,

And so tomorrow, when you lay down to sleep,

Know he is watching over you,

And taking care of you on your beat.

And yes you were his partner,

Until the very end.

But that does not mean,

You can't still be friends.

--Back To The Story..PS..this week at least once, please thank a cop for what they do..and remember they are just like me and you.


There once was a boy, who always wanted to be a Law Enforcement Officer.  One day, he finally made it out of the police academy and onto the streets, hoping someday he would become a Chief of Police.  His parents were VERY proud of him and bragged about him wherever they went.  This Officer's name was Officer Clayton Trooper.  From the first day of his patrolling duties, until his last, he would be one of the best helpers in the community.  He met a lot of nice officers that made sure he found his way to the donut machine, oh , and of course got to briefing at 1300 hours.  It would have been bad to get written up on his first day, you know.  His first call was rather mild.  A son and his mother were fighting, and soon Officer Trooper had the situation under control.  Although it was a little call, Officer Trooper was very proud of his first call.  The next day he had a few traffic stops, and a cat stuck in a tree.  Nothing would have prepared him for the choice he would have to make the next day.  A little girl was crossing the road when an oncoming train was about to hit her.  Without thinking of the danger he was putting himself in, Officer Trooper quickly jumped out of his patrol car.  He was probably just as scared as she was right then.  The next moment the train had passed and both the child and the Officer had made their way safety to the other side of the tracks.  He was so proud of himself, and so happy to be of such assistance.  The child was returned to her parent's happy cries as Trooper explained what happened.  The next day Officer Trooper had a great day.  Of course, like in every job, not every day was a picnic.  Sometimes he would try and help, but a person would still die.  What upset him most of all was when he knew he could compromise so a person didn't go to jail, but the person refused to compromise.  Those were the days when he thought, "Why did I become a police officer?"  Suddenly, he remembers the train tracks, the kids that love his willingness to play with them and talk to them, and his childhood dream.  He also knew it would be one of his best accomplishments.  Some of his best days would be in his patrol car.  He loved his job, and the citizens loved him too.  Most of the people even called him Clayton.  Officer Trooper would always smile when he thought of all the good times he had on duty.  One day, his smile would fade, never to be seen again.  Officer Trooper was fully aware of the risks of being an officer.  He always had figured its a risk just walking the streets, so might as well try and make some good in the world.  He was indeed one of the best officers anyone would ever know.  Sadly, Officer Trooper's life would come to an end way too early.  One day, he was doing his normal patrol duties. He saw a man running away from a convenient store, and thought that was suspicious.  Just then he was dispatched to a robbery at the convenient store.  Officer Trooper turned on his lights and started chasing the suspect.  He jumped out of his car, which was too big to go down the small alley, and started running after the suspect.  The suspect turned around, and before Officer Trooper even said freeze, he was shot.  No more do the citizens get to see OFficer Trooper's golden smile.  No more did the kids have a role model to look up to.  When the citizens heard of this awful crime, they demanded JUSTICE.  The man who killed Trooper was arrested and found guilty of murder in the first degree.   He was sentenced to the death penalty.  Almost every day you see someone visiting a grave with Officer Clayton Trooper inscribed on it, along with the quote "Gone too soon.  Everyone will miss you Clayton."  Just above his name, a picture of Officer Trooper smiling with a large amount of kids was placed about his name.  This story is a work of fiction.  It was created in hopes to help people better understand what the reality of police work is.  This story is dedicated to all the leo's that have died in the line of duty, and to those of you still walking that beat...please stay safe..and I know the angels are on your side.

The song you hear playing is called "The Change", by Garth Brooks. It was created about the Oklahoma City Bombing, but I think it works in this case. "and I hear them saying, you'll never changes things, and no matter what you do its still the same thing, but it's not the world that I am changing. I do this so, this world will know, that it will not change me. Police officers think this to themselves all the time, they do their job knowing they can't change the world.