"I Will Always Love You"



On April 20,1999, tradegy struck at one of our Schools.
I ask each and everyone of you to say Prayers for
the people of Littleton. Our children are our Future
and they need our Love and protection. God Bless all of

To The Students, Teachers and Families of Littleton:
My thoughts and prayers are with you, know that there
are so many of us who care about what happened. We love
you and pray for all of you...

Pray for Columbine

Remember The Innocent
In honor of the wounded, lost and families of Littleton,Co.

April 20,1999

On April 20,1999---

two students in black trench coats killed 12 schoolmates and a teacher Tuesday at Columbine High School, most of them in the library. The gunmen, Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, then apparently killed themselves. they were called the ``Trenchcoat Mafia.''


This picture was in the newspaper of the Trenchcoat

There were fire alarms going off, strobe lights, four inches of water in the cafeteria. We had been told there were bombs in backpacks and there were backpacks everywhere.

30 explosive devices had been found at Columbine, in the killers' vehicles and at their homes. Late Tuesday, more than 10 hours after the shootings, a time bomb blew up, but no one was hurt.

Taken April 20,1999, Columbine High School,


Student: Patrick Ireland

The Picture that all of America will always
remember. His name is Patrick Ireland. Patrick is
still in the hospital listed in serious condition.
Patrick is hospitalized at Anthony Central Hospital.

The following as reported by CNN:

"On Friday, Patrick Ireland was listed in serious
condition, paralyzed on his right side with a bullet
lodged in the back of his head. He was shot twice
on the left side of his head. A bomb fragment hit
him just below the hairline, while one of the
bullets ricocheted from his skull. A third bullet
entered his brain and traveled 8 inches to the bone
at the base of his neck, said neurosurgeon J. Adair
Prall. Ireland has feeling on the right side of his
body, but the injury disrupted his motor function
and impaired his speech center, much like a
stroke, Prall said.

Despite the injuries, Ireland's prognosis is good,
the surgeon said. His speech center is expected to
improve, and his paralysis could be reversed,
although he probably will have significant
weakness on his right side, Prall said."

UPDATE: Patrick Ireland, 17, fair;
intensive care; multiple gunshot wounds. Started rehab at
Craig for brain injury. He was shot twice in the head
caussing the same effects as a stroke.

UPDATE: May 7th,1999

Patrick Ireland Speaks Publicly

One student who survived the Columbine
shooting met with members of the media for the first time

The image of Patrick Ireland's rescue will be a lasting
one from the Columbine shootings. He was the student who
tumbled out of the library window after being shot in the
head and foot. He fell onto the top of a truck with the
help of SWAT team members.

Pat says he does not really remember all of what happened
that day. He said he went out of the window because
that was his only option. "It was the shortest way down..
my whole right side is paralyzed. I felt confident
there would be someone there to catch me."

Pat is suffering from a brain injury and is at Craig
Hospital undergoing rehabilitation. He said he is doing
something new with his muscles everyday.

Pat's mother choked back tears at the news conference
saying friends and even strangers have been incredibly
supportive. "We have been completely enveloped by love
and care it has carried us and the kids that came up to
visit us at St. Anthony... just obviously care for Pat
and us."


The Picture above was made by Sonja of Sonja's
Designs. Please Do Not use unless you have her
Used with permission

This is the list of Children that are hospitalized as
reported by CNN on April 21, 1999

UPDATES on Students Wounded as of:
May 7, 1999

Swedish Medical Center
(4 hospitalized --
all but Schnurr are under intensive care)

1.Valerie Schnurr, 18, fair condition; multiple gunshot
wounds and shrapnel wounds (nine chest injuries).
UPDATE:She was released Monday.

2.Anna Marie Hochhalter, serious condition in
intensive care; possibly two gunshot wounds to
her chest and liver
UPDATE:Anne Marie is breathing on her
own and talking. Doctors say she
starting to show some "spunk!"

May 7,1999: serious condition at the critical-care unit
with wounds and injuries to the chest, liver and
spinal cord.

3.Sean Graves, 15, critical condition;
shot in back; possible spinal injury
UPDATE:fair condition; moved to
multiple trauma rehabilitation unit.

May 7,1999: fair condition in the multi-trauma unit. He
suffered gunshot wounds to the back and abdomen.
Rehabilitating a spinal cord injury. Sean complained of
pain in his foot Monday, a sign that his spinal damage
may have been temporary.

4.Richard Casaldo, 17, critical condition;
shot in chest, arm and back
UPDATE:suffered back/spinal chord injury;
moved to multiple trauma rehabilitation unit.
(His parents tell 9News Richard has no movement
below his chest at this time. Doctors don't
know if it's permanent. He is talking and can
move his head and arms)

May 7,1999: fair condition in the multi-trauma with
multiple gunshot wounds to chest, back and arm area.
He is undergoing rehabilitation

Denver Health Medical Center (4 hospitalized)

1.Lisa Kreutz, 18, fair, multiple gunshot wounds
to her body; doing well.

UPDATE: Released. She has multiple
gunshot wounds to her body.

2.Mark Kingen, 17, serious but stable condition;
multiple gunshot wounds to head and neck.
UPDATE:He was released Friday.

3.Jeanna Park, 18, fair; condition with
multiple gunshot wounds to lower extremities.
UPDATE:Released, She has gunshot wounds to
lower extremities

4.Lance Kirklin, 16, critical in intensive care; gunshot
wounds to face, chest and legs;
UPDATE: underwent 15 hours of surgery
to his face on Saturday. He's had 3 operations
involving 30 surgeons. Doctors say his greatest
risk right now is infection and he will need
several more operations.

May 7,1999: serious but stable condition in the intensive
care unit with multiple gunshot wounds to his chest, legs,
and face.

Lutheran Medical Center
UPDATE: All treated and released.

1.Brian Anderson, 17, treated and released;
superficial chest wounds received from gunshots.

2.Nicole Nowlen, 16, gunshot wounds to abdomen;
fair condition.

Littleton Adventist Hospital (10 treated total;
8 of whom have been released, including 1 taken via
helicopter to St. Anthony Central; 2 remain
hospitalized in good condition --
one male, one female; identities and other
details not released)

UPDATE: List of Students and Teachers that were
treated and released

1. Stephanie Munson, 17, treated and released
with a gunshot wound to the ankle.

2. Adam Kyler, 16, treated and released for abdominal pain.

3. Jennifer Doyle, 17, released Friday, gunshot wounds.

4. Stephen Austin Eubanks, treated and released
with gunshot wounds to the head and knee.

5. Nick Foss, 18, treated and released for injuries
from a 15-foot fall.

6. Dan Steepleton, 17, released, gunshot wounds.

7. Joyce Jankowski, 45, treated and released.

8. Pat Nielson, 35, treated and released.

St. Anthony Central Hospital (4 hospitalized).

1.Female, 17, serious condition, gunshot wounds.
UPDATE: Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical
Casey Ruegsegger (female), 17, transferred from
St. Anthony's; fair condition after undergoing
five-hour surgery Monday to her right shoulder
and hand; multiple gunshot wounds.

2.Male (name withheld at request of parents),
15, fair; multiple gunshot wounds
UPDATE: Michael Johnson, 15, fair
condition, gunshot wounds, intensive care.

3.Makai Hall, 16. stable condition, gunshot wounds;
brought from Littleton Adventist via helicopter.
UPDATE: He was released Friday

4.Male, 17, serious condition, gunshot wounds.
UPDATE: Patrick Ireland, 17, fair;
intensive care; multiple gunshot wounds. Started rehab at
Craig for brain injury. He was shot twice in the head
caussing the same effects as a stroke.

May 7,1999: fair condition. Started rehab at Craig for brain
injury. He gave a news conference for the first time since
the shooting on Friday.

University Hospital (1 hospitalized)

1.Male, 16, serious but stable condition
with gunshot wounds to chest and leg.
UPDATE: Mark Taylor, 16, fair condition;
two gunshot wounds to chest.

"Friend of Mine" CD
The song written and performed at the Memorial Observance Sunday by brothers Jonathan and Stephen Cohen, students at Columbine High School, is available on CD for $11.95. Make the check payable to “Friend of Mine – Columbine”.

Mail to:
Friend of Mine
P.O. Box 3099
Littleton, CO 80161-3099
Phone #:303-797-6474


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Other school shootings in 18 months

May 21, 1998 - Springfield, Ore. -
A 15-year-old student shot and killed two students and
wounded 22 when he opened fire at the Thurston High School.

May 19, 1998 - Fayetteville, Tenn. -
A senior at Lincoln County High School, aged 18, shot and
killed 18-year-old senior Robert Creson.

April 25, 1998 - Edinboro, Pa. -
A 14-year-old student at Parker Middle School shot and
killed teacher John Gillette. Two 14-year-old boys were

March 24, 1998 - Jonesboro, Ark. -
Two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four
girls at Westside Middle School. Nine girls and one other
teacher were wounded.

Dec. 1, 1997 - Paducah, Ky. -
A 14-year-old boy shot and killed three girls at Heath High
School. Five others were wounded.

Oct. 1, 1997 - Pearl, Miss. -
A 16-year-old student shot and killed his ex-girlfriend
and another girl at Pearl High School after slitting his
mother's throat. Seven other students were wounded.


Links To Other Memorial Sites

This will take you to Sonja's site so that you may see
her Memorial for the Students of Columbine High
Sonja and I have been working on both sites together

This will take you to Michelle's Memorial for the
Victims of Columbine High School

This will take you to "Our Heavenly Angels", a site
that for all of Our Angels, a site filled with love
and dedication...


Cards and letters of support for Columbine students,
families and staff may be mailed to:

Jefferson County Public Schools
P.O. Box 4001
Golden, Colorado, 80401-0001


This guestbook is for Comdolences to the Families, Students
and Friends in Littleton, Colorado.
Please take a moment to sign their


Please feel free to leave a message for the People of
Littleton on the Message Board that Sonja and I set up:)
God Bless all of you...


In Honour Of Columbine High School
In Honour of
Columbine High School
Updates on
Students Hospitalized
Information and Links on
How You Can Help Littleton
Links to Other
Memorial Sites
Poetry for LittletonComing Soon
News Updates

This will take you to more of my pages for
Columbine High and Littleton, Co...
Due to the amount of links to different sites that I
received, I set up a Special Page for them...Here you will
find some of the most Beautiful Memorials and Dedications to
Columbine High School and Littleton,Co. on the Internet.
Each was made with Love, Compassion and God....Please take
time to visit their Memorials and Dedications Thank you...


Please sign my guestbook while you are
here. Thank you....

The email above is my personal email address if you
like to email me. Thank you so much for caring about
the people of Littleton, CO


Guestbook #1 is full, to read the entries, please
click on the link above...Thank you

Please Do Not copy or Use this background without
our permission as it is Exclusively for this Site
It is to Honor the Students and Teaachers of
Columbine High School. Thank you

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