Updated 25 September 2004!
Mommy, May God Bless You Always!   

What's New in Martha's Kitchen

What is the Martha's Kitchen Concept?

This page was created in July 1997 after the unexpected death of my own mother,    Martha, in June..  I realized that although I had suffered tremendous losses before (my husband died of cancer in 1990 and my father died of cancer in 1991) nothing in life had prepared me for the loss of the woman who had given me life and who spent her life trying to guarantee the quality and love of the very life she had created.  This page is for any woman who has lost her mother or any woman who is grieving.  Please write to me.  Please send tributes to your mother.  This is not my web site.  It belongs to all of us, to you and to me.  All appropriate contributions will be included here.  If there is something you feel that should be here and isn't, please let me know.  Let's work together.  Let's help one another!  Let's work this through together.

Let's sit in Martha's Kitchen together.  Let's share a cup of tea.  Let's share our hearts and remember the lovely ones who gave us life.  Let's salute them, pray for them, and   talk about them .... let's keep them in our hearts forever. 

Please note that Martha's Kitchen is not a strictly Christian site.  We wish to be all inclusive.  Since Martha and her family are from a Christian background, some of the material we have included contains Christian reference.  We would be delighted to incorporate prayers, poems, stories, or other material from your tradition as well.  Please email it to us.  Thanks!

Safely Home

I am home in Heaven, dear ones;

Oh, so happy and so bright!

There is perfect joy and beauty

In this everlasting light.

All the pain and grief is over,

Every restless tossing passed;

I am now at peace forever,

Safely home in Heaven at last.

Did you wonder I so calmly

Trod the valley of the shade?

Oh! but Jesus’ love illumined

Every dark and fearful glade.

And He came Himself to meet me

In that way so hard to tread;

And with Jesus’ arm to lean on,

Could I have one doubt or dread?

Then you must not grieve so sorely,

For I love you dearly still;

Try to look beyond earth’s shadows,

Pray to trust our Father’s Will.

There is work still waiting for you,

So you must not idly stand;

Do it now, while life remaineth --

You shall rest in Jesus’ land.

When that work is all completed,

He will gently call you Home;

Oh, the rapture of that meeting,

Oh, the joy to see you come!


Martha's Daughter's Diary - 2004

Martha's Daughter's Diary - 2002

Martha's Daughter's Diary - 2000

Martha's Daughter's Diary - 1998


Martha's Daughter's Diary - 1997 

Read The Real Diary of a Motherless Daughter Who Shares Her Heart


How Stressed Are You?

The Effects of Stress & The Social Readjustment Scale

Others Share Their Hope, Pain, and More

Visit Martha's Memorial Garden

Tributes to Our Mothers

Honor Your Mother


Martha's Memorial Garden

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Words of Comfort

A Loving Tribute to Mother Teresa

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Background Courtesy

Martha's Kitchen Banner Courtesy Chougui Works