Tips added...8/28

Here is where we will list any known errors found in the
"Angel Of Cross Stitch."
And also tips and hints that our group of stitchers have come up with in stitching this treasure.


Page 43, Tulips in the small pillow. There are downward orange arrows(they are wrong)they should be downward orange open arrows, which is color 720.

The center red square covers the symbol "upside down blue triangle".

Page 43 of chart top right in the 3 shaded the wing..there should be 3 blue diamonds not 2 blue and 1 red.

Look at page 41 far left lower corner...count in 23 and then up 10...see that black circle???? Also the others that follow it up..they are supposed to be BLACK Q'S color 741. But that isn't all....All of the Black O's behind her puffy sleeve are also BLACK Q'S. You will notice that when you place pg 41 and 43 together and look below the 3 shaded rows those Q's are there.
Now the Black O's on the apples in the bowl are correct.

Page 42 from top left count down 27 (include shaded)then over 26.. You will see blue ??? with red triangle over top. They are supposed to be the red triangles. (ignore the blue ? underneath those two.)

Also page 40 bottom left...count over 75 and then up 25..there is a half stitch there on her finger with the 4 blue dots..well the other half of that stitch should be a blue #.
I noticed there are two areas on her finger like that so I believe they are both blue #.

Page 40..bottom left corner-count in 39 and then 6 up..There is a red A with a green symbol..Do the red A.

I just wanted to pass on my latest experiment to everyone and maybe if you think its a good idea you might want to post it. I stitched the angels needle according to the instructions, however, I had never seen a brown needle so my creative mind took DMC metallic 5283 and I backstitched the bottom of the finger down and the top of the finger up. Then I ran a long running stitch over it and tacked it down. It sparkles just like a real needle. Between the thumb and forefinger I backstitched with 3371. I liked it so well I think I'll do the pins the same way,using the beads for the pinheads. I hope you liked my idea. Thank You Judy E from Bakersfield, California.<8/28
Hi, My is Cynthia, I store all of my floss on plastic floss bobbins stored in a Cabinet that was used for old picture slides. I don't have all 391 colors of floss yet but that storage idea works very good for me. And all of my floss is in numerical order. I would say that it holds about 700 floss bobbins.added on:8/2/99

When I know I,m going to travel ,I just do the outside stitches,then I just fill them in on the road and I don't even have to have the pattern.added on:8/2/

I dismantled the pages and put the page I'm working on (left top) and the color chart in a photo album page. A little sturdier than just a plain plastic sheet.PamN

Probably everyone knows this, but does anyone baste grid lines (every 10 stitches or so to help divide the fabric into small sections? Rita

I think I mentioned this before but to make the border less tedious I worked a bit on the pattern, then switched to the border for one length of floss,back to the pattern, back to the border, etc. etc.,it seemed to make the border go a little faster. Also to those who have not started. I found it easiest to do the brown in the flower border first - it makes a guide for the rest of the border.Anne

I am adding pearl blending filament to CSA wings, silver to the scissors, and possibly tacking the narrowest ribbon over the one holding her hair. Also changing the hair color. Already changed the inner border color of 739 to 738 so that it shows up better on my fabric. Marie-MA

While "studying" my CSA graph, I noticed several places with long rows of the same color. It reminded me of what I do: I normally do my ////// and then turn around and do my \\\\\\. But on a long row of the same color, I cross every 10th stitch on the first pass. I find it makes counting and recounting(to see if I've gone far enough) much easier for me. Rita

If you use an unused dryer sheet to run your needle through it makes the needle run through the fabric smoother. I keep one handy. Don't have to use it all the time, but with the heat these days my needle seems to become sticky more often the dryer sheet works like a charm.Anne

When I am using aida for stitching I use those wash-out blue markers or the air-fade purple markers to mark the grid on the cloth. When there are several symbols not grouped I use these to mark the square(ie:xcaaxxxa), this works well if I am taking a piece on the road with me, I have all the same color squares marked so all I have to do is thread the needle and I can stitch that part of the chart until I get home. This works especially well when I've left the chart on the coffee table instead of putting it in my project bag. However, this doesn't work on linen as I need the magnifying glass to see those threads to be counted.Marilyn

I know that a lot of you throw your thread pieces outside for the birds - normally I just threw mine out, period. But someone recently posted to Yarntree BB with a good idea and one that I'm going to do,too. (Figure CSA will give me LOTS to work with!!) The person who posted suggested getting a clear glass ornament ball and filling it with your whole years worth of thread pieces and then marking the ornament with the year. Since I'm a Christmas ornament freak,this really appealed to me. So starting last week,I've been saving those bits & pieces in an oldmargarine container & hope I have enough for a decent ornament by Christmas.PamN

Working with silk: Before stitching, put a small amount of granulated white sugar in the palm of one hand, add a little water to make a paste. Rub this paste all over the tips of your fingers, and cuticles. The sugar paste will "sand" the dry skin off, and smooth your hands! Wash thoroughly, and start stitching!
Working with metallics: As Bev has described before,the key is to use a slipknot to attach the filament,but ALSO, wipe the length of metallic with a softener sheet. It changes the "charge", so says the article,anyway, and makes it easier to work with. Just thought I would share with everyone...haven't tried either one so can't testify to their effectiveness. Anita

After I machine-stitched the edges of the cloth for my latest project, I basted a small square of felt (about 2 inches square) with long stitches to the top edge of the fabric. Now I have a place to leave my needle, without leaving it in the aida cloth. When I'm done, it will be easy to pull out the basting thread and remove the flet square.Pat (Montreal)


I have my floss in darice boxes in numerical order. As I go along per graph square I use Loran project cards ( these are 12" x $' cards with approx. 20 hole along one length side.(I make homemade ones) I am setting up cards, each per color code and at each hole (width wise) I write floss number and symbol (on appropriate color coded card) and then loop about three lengths of floss at the hole. This will keep me busy for 9 lengths of stitching per color and go back to box when need refill. The good side is once I have that color set, that's it. Right now I've set up about 40. By the time I'm done there will be alot of cards! but for me I'd be lost otherwise. PattiC

My floss is wound on the plastic bobbins. I separated them by the 5 color symbols and put all the floss colors for red symbols in one plastic box, green in another, etc. I made a list in numerical order of the colors in each box and put the symbol beside the number,taped the list to the inside cover of each box. I also have a master list on the puter - in numerical order - with the letter R G O B BK beside it so I can just go to that box and pick out the floss if I need some for another project. So far this has worked for me. Took me a while to re-arrange my boxes because I had them all in numerical order only. Marie

I have 4 plastic drawers that I store my floss in at all times. I just pulled them all out and keep them beside me. Of course - ensuring that I had all the colours I needed. The floss is all in numerical order. I find this the easiest for me because of the little people I babysit I have to be able to put it in hiding at a moments notice. The drawers also stack so I can stack them, pick them up and away they go to a safe place until my next 10-15min of stitch time.Anne

Hi..I'm Bev aka AidaLady..and this is what I am using to keep 391 colors and me together. I bought a filebox that holds nuts & bolts, it has 48 clear plastic drawers that will hold 10-12 skiens of floss each. I have each drawer numbered according to the numbers on the floss. It sits next to me and my recliner, all I have to to is open the drawer and get my floss, then put it back when done. No longer do I bury myself up to my neck in floss.

If any stitcher out there finds any further errors,or have any tips & hints please email toAidaLadyTitle it CSA Tips