Maureen J. Flood

My Personal Homepage

This is just my personal page. If you have a problem with anything on here, please email me. Stop the silence and end the violence of domestic abuse!


 Work Information

 Hot List

 Contact Information


 Biographical Information

 Personal Interests

Work Information

US Peace Corps

I will start training for the US Peace Corps in Guatemala in February. If you are an RPCV or PCV, please get in touch to impart some wisdom.

Key responsibilities

I will be a Small Business Development Extortionist for Youth "B" working with Junior Achievement. I will be responsible for the continuing development of the existing Junior Achievement activities, the identification of new schools interested in JA, the training of new community leaders for the program, the support of the local and regional organization, the giving of constant advice to a group of students, and the improvement of the services of the organization.


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Hot List - Favorites and Travel Links

 US Peace Corps

 Geocities - get free email and a homepage!

 University of Richmond - my alma mater

 Microsoft Expedia Travel Agent : Really cheap domestic flights

 Best Places on the Web for Backpacking Information : Links for international backpacking

 Backpacking/Travellers' guide : Suggestions, links, and Q-n-A for international backpacking

 Budget Travel-Save Cash : How to travel internationally and domestically without spending exorbitant amounts of money

 Shoestring Travel E-zine : Provides inexpensive travel tips, donated to the sight by Internet users.

 Ecotourism Explorer : "Vital facts" and "personal wisdom" regarding ecotoursim. Includes info for travelers, professionals in the ecotourism industry, and information about The Ecotourism Society.

 Go Green Ecotourism Magazine : Promotes the appreciation and enjoyment and preservation of the environment, and provides information regarding ecotourism issues, including travel tips and news.

AHSI Ecotours - Alice Helen Stahl Institute of Ecological and Archaeological Studies : Tourism in North, Central, and South America, support for ecological and archaeological research and education in temperate and tropical rainforests in part through tourism.

Costa Rica Expeditions : Winner of the 1996 Conde Nast Traveler Ecotourism Award

How to see the World on $25 a Day or Less : On-line book

WomanTraveller : Voluntary affiliation of women who travel and women who would like to.

You Go Girl: Columns and links for the outdoorswoman, and information on backpacks, bikes, and more from a woman's perspective

Adventure Travel for women : International adventure travel opportunities for women

Alaskan Gourmet Adventures : Here you can find out how to get started doing what you have always wanted to do: mountaineering, hiking, climbing, x-country skiing, skijoring, and winter safety.

Earth Wise Journeys for Women : Travel programs for women around the world

WildWomen Adventures : Extraordinary and exciting travel opportunities for women.


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Contact Information

Please write, especially if you would like to discuss Guatemala, Honduras, Argentina, or Uruguay

While in the Peace Corps, I can be written to at:

Maureen Flood
c/o US Peace Corps
Guatemala Desk, Room 7315
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526

!Just letters to this address, please!

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Honduras 1995

In the summer of 1995, I spent six weeks in western Honduras learning about sustainable agricultural development with Heifer Project International. Heifer Project International is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that is promoting development through the integration of livestock into grassroots economic and social development programs. It is one of the most successful and sensitive development organizations around. Visit their homepage for more information.

Photos of Honduras: Houses on the hillside; the water cistern

Argentina 1996

I studied abroad for one semester in Argentina through the Argentum program in the city of Cordoba. I attended the University Blas Pascal and the National University of Cordoba. Argentina is a wonderful country, and has much more to offer than just the city of Buenos Aires. While in the country, I traveled to Iguazu falls, several other sites in the Mesopotamia region including the Jesuit Mission ruins at San Ignacio Mini, Parque Nacional los Palmares and the amethyst mines at Wanda. I also spent time in Buenos Aires and the Provincia de Cordoba. I also traveled to Ciudad del Este, Paraguay and three cities in Uruguay, Paysandu, Tacuarembo, and Montevideo.

Photos of Argentina: Iguazu 1, Iguazu 2, Jesuit Ruins at San Ignacio Mini, Rio Parana

Argentina 1997

During the summer of 1997, I went back to Argentina to visit my friends from Cordoba and to see a bit more of the country. While there, I went to the beautiful provinces of Salta and Jujuy, where the landscape is so beautiful that there is not a picture in the world that can capture its magnificence. I also returned to Montevideo, my favorite city in the world.

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Biographical Information

I was born in Ft. Worth, TX in 1975, and adopted by my parents not too long after. I grew up in a small town outside of Philadelphia, going to Catholic school until 12th grade. I recently graduated from the University of Richmond in Richmond, with a BA in Economics and International Studies (concentration: Latin America). My minor was Spanish

I want to go to grad school to get higher degrees in Latin American Studies/Food and Resource Economics, after my time in the Peace Corps.

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Personal Interests

I love to ride horses, and have been lucky enough to have plenty of opportunity to do so in Argentina. I also read voraciously, love music of all kinds (especially women singer/songwriters such as Laura Love, the Indigo Girls, and Patty Griffin).

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Last Revised: 28 December, 1997

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