Disclaimer: Pern and the Dragons of Pern are Copyright of Anne McCaffrey. Karath Weyr is an adoption agency and is not meant to be an on-line Weyr. If you would like to learn more of Anne McCaffrey, go to the Library.
As you stumble out of the portal, you look about you in amazement. You seem to be in a cavern with quartz running like water through the walls. "Where...?" you stutter aloud. And to your surprise, you are answered!
"You, traveler, have arrived at Karath Weyr. Symone will be with you shortly. I've just announced your appearance to her." You realize the calming voice is echoing in your head. Turning, you find a radiant white dragon staring at you with whirling blue-green eyes.
"Hello, traveler." You spin around and come face to face with a young woman dressed in gradient shades of green from her head to her boots. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Kyranth told me you had arrived. I'm Symone." She beckons you toward a doorway. "Care for something to drink?" As you murmur your acceptance, Symone leads into a small room with a table and a few chairs.
Symone pours a cool cup of juice as you sit at the table. Turning, she hands it to you. "You must have heard about our need for candidates for both dragons and firelizards. Otherwise, I can't imagine why you are here." She looks at you questioningly and you slowly nod your head. "Wonderful! Since Jenna passed on the responsibilities of caring for the weyr, I've been looking for new candidates." She looks at you expectantly.
"There are a few rules that must be followed to impress a dragon. If you believe you would make a good candidate, I will explain them...

Or, if you prefer to try your luck with the firelizards, step through the
doorway there.

1. You must have a home on the web consisting of at least three pages. As your dragon grows, he/she will need the room to spread his or her wings.

2. Your webpage must be no worse then my own site,
Dreamsythe's Realm, or the Domain of the Weredragon, the original home of these dragons.

3. You must create a candidate persona for Impression. Please don't create more then one persona per hatching unless I request additional candidates. Also, persona do not have to be your real-life gender. If you have questions regarding what exactly a persona is,
ask me.

4. You must have a separate weyr/page created for your dragon ~before~ you fill out the form.
Not your index page, please! The dragons will be the same size as Kyranth and need the space. A firelizard living with the dragon is fine. The better the weyr, the better your chances at receiving a rarer dragon.

NOTE: Something more then "A dragon is going to live here." If you don't show me that you have put some time, thought and effort into you future dragon's home, I can only assume you won't care for your dragon. A description of the persona, a hobby, something more... For a ~good~ example, go see Windflame and gold Orianath or Jeytee and bronze Kamath. *^*^

5. A link to Karath Weyr somewhere on the page is required. The link is:
no "I'm a candidate here" nonsense. I want people to be able to see where they're going when the take the link.

6. Golds only impress with female candidates; bronzes only impress with male candidates. Browns, blues and greens impress either gender, dragons choice.

7. You must fully complete the form. Incomplete applications will not be accepted!! Please note in the comments section, "Yeap, I understand." So I'll know you at least read the "rules." Thanks.

8. This is more of a request, but if it gets abused, it will become a rule. If you impress, please wait until you dragon is grown to apply again for candidacy. Also, different persona for each application. Meaning ~ the same persona can NOT impress two dragons from Karath Weyr.

9. I reserve the right to deny candidacy for any reason. If you've a question,
Mail me. However, I will not reply if you are nasty. If you want some pointers or help on your weyr, ask. If I'm not too busy, I'll give you a bit of my time. School, work, motherhood... all that fun stuff, ya know?
If you are Searched as a candidate, you will be added to the Candidate's List within a week of my receipt of your application. If you want me to personally convey the good news *grins*, tell me in the comments section of the form.
Gold Kyreth has been flown by Bronze Jeminath. And there are 16 eggs hardening on the sands!
Karath Weyr Candidates
There are NO candidate slots open!
Hatching is imminent!
Make sure to join the Karath Weyr mailing list!

Candidate's List updated on September 10, 1999.
Karath Weyr Riders
Old Records
New Records

"If your weyr is complete and you are ready, then proceed."
I would also like to express my deepest thanks to Myrror, who has allowed me to take over caring for Karath Weyr, and is the artist of the dragons used in this weyr.