Another Outing!

Went out with my parents on Sat night. First they took us on an errand to give presents to my brother (for the baby), we discussed all of us going in to visit (4 people) but decided against it. My dad was voted to do the drop. Last minute my mum changed her mind, and went in, leaving us (me and my hubby) in the car. I was not impressed.

Then we went to a resturant, Italian food. The food was great, but the environment was lousy. There was a party going on, hence it was very noisy and smoke filled my lungs (I'm a mild asthmatic). I don't believe people should smoke in confined places, but everyone has rights. The best thing was the complimentary port, after dinner.

After dinner, my parents took as to Frankston for a drive (new car remember!) Where my husband proceeded to give them a crash course (pardon the expression) in how to run the car effectively. Of Course it was rivoting information! Kept me interested for hours...NOT. Finally we got to their place at 12:30am and they invited us to sleep over. I was pulling my hair out by this stage. Staying over was not an option. I like sleeping in my own bed.

I went on the net, into a chat room. I met many nice people. I think its great. Everyone should at least try it. Although I found that some young ones were not willing to carry a mature conversation. Of course some were able, but others were just plain rude. I think I was called a SLUT by a 15 year old. What a joke! This kid, was professing to be a bisexual. Who cares? I don't even want to go down that path....Any way, each to their own I suppose! I really looked foward to talking with the mature people, who were well spoken and friendly. You really meet all types...Try it!

Finally got my wedding photos in order so that I can get my wedding album together. It should be really nice. Both, Amy and Squirrel are pregnant, we should have kittens in about 3 weeks and 6 weeks time. I'm going to give my Mum-In-Law an acupuncture treatment, she said it worked well for her last time, so she wants another. Got to go!
Bye for now...


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