I woke up this morning with "Millions of Peaches, Peaches for me..." (Presidents of The United States) on my lips and swimming around my head... Maybe it had something to do with hubby's alarm going off, at what seemed 2000 decibels at 7 am??? Anyway, knowing that I couldn't and wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, I decided to have a productive day...

My day began...[8:30am] My cats were upset to be woken so early (they usually sleep in till 10:30am) so they ignored my "Goodmorning" and my usual pat on their heads...So I gave them food, to appease their grumpy mood...

I can't remember what happened then, but I found myself in my car and driving to the GYM!!! This is very strange...But GOOD....I'm back into the pattern of going to the gym, after 6 weeks of being housebound because of the tradesmen. It feels good to workout again. I wasn't huffing or puffing, but I sure did work up a sweat...My muscles felt nice, warm and glowy all over (I'm sure tomorrow they will feel strained and pained). It's a wonderful sense of accomplishment to be able to do a gym workout and still come out standing.

After gym, I went to OFFICE WORKS, to pick up some disks, an appointment book and make a stamp for the business. Spent an hour there, as they were busy. Saw a great scanner. I'm hanging out for one. I have a favourite photo of me. It was taken when I was 3 and I looked like Kermit the Frog's neice. It's kind of cute though, so I want to scan it into my computer. Perhaps I'll even post it into one of my journal entries...Then I went to the postoffice. The women serving me took 20 minutes to look for something, then finally when she realized she couldn't and wouldn't find what I asked her for, she gave me a photocopy. I thought that was sweet, but she talked so slowly, I fell asleep between words..It's not usually like me to be so impatient, but I was in a Jumpy, Hyper, Excited mood. Must be all those Adrenaline hormones jumping up and down, screaming YIIIPPPEEE, I'm free again..!

I did something very embarrising yesterday...In the Chat Room...Of course my friend was a really good sport about it, but I could of got myself into a lot of trouble. I went into a private room (it was very congested in the normal room and it was hard to converse), with a friend, to tell my friend a story..Innocent though it was, I was very embarrassed when another friend 'walked' into the room. Boy! did I feel silly, but how was I to know you could 'Lock' the door ??? Red faced and ashamed I had to apologize to both parties, who probably thought I was very silly (as I did). But because I am knew to this new kind of thing (Chattting, I mean) and computer stuff, I really didn't know better. I guess the best way to learn is by my mistakes...I sure am learning fast!

I still continue to make friends, but it can get very confusing when there is too many people in one room. Actually, yesterday the conversation in the room crashed due to overload. My computer froze..I managed to work my way out, but I couldn't log on again, the error kept on coming up. It is sooooo frustrating sometimes...Especially when you haven't said goodbye and you get cut off from the ISP, in the middle of a conversation.

Anyway, I have so much still to do, I have to go. By the way, my guestbook is now working so drop me a line. Chiao till next time....



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