Date: 15th December 1997
Time: 18:00hours

I Have Learnt...

" Real class is good manners. Kindness and consideration for others".

- Jephte's Daughter , Naomi Ragen.

Quick phone interruption - I WAS OFFERED THE JOB!!! , starting this Wednesday morning. Yippee! So far my track record stands, every position I have gone for, I've been offered the position. I'd say that it's another notch on my belt, but I'm not wearing one! Okay, so now back to earth. My sister and I will be working at the same place, different jobs and at different times (mostly), but it should be interesting.

Friday, my mother dragged me to this factory warehouse clothing sale. Shopping on any day, let alone a 35*C day, without airconditioning is a thouroughly miserable experience. I did however find a nice pair of jeans, which I tried on, amongst hordes of hot sweaty women struggling to get into shirts/skirts/pants and dresses. My sister met up with us there. She was already trying on garments and was asking my opinion on what looked good etc... My mother realised I was quite content to stand there watching my sister parade like a model, rather then try on anything, so she went out and brought in clothes for me to try on. I tried on a few things, but when your not in a shopping mood, nothing really looks good. Jeans I couldn't go wrong with. They either fit or they don't.

For lunch we went to Havali (Indian Resturant). We shared a small vegetable biryani, vegi- curry, garlic naan, kulfi and lassi. Bill =$25, that's really expensive, mum's treat. Maybe it was worth going shopping with her despite the suffering! *Grin* After lunch, mum came to my place and we made a marinade for the chicken breasts, I originally wanted to schnitzel - but my mother complained how fatty it was to fry the food. She's right. I've lost over a stone, in preperation for summer, so I am going to keep it off. Determination plus!!!

Hubby came home at 11:15pm from work (long story), so after dinner had been cooking for 3 hours, I was lucky the chicken breasts hadn't dried out (phew!). It was the latest dinner I have had in ages and ages. Dinner at 8pm is good. Too much later and it just lies in your tummy overnight. As a child we ate dinner anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30pm weeknights. Later on weekends.

On the 'Today Show', it showed this X-mas tree that sings. I thought it was hysterically funny, as the tree didn't come with an 'off' switch and the tree is virtually indestructable. One women took an axe to it, yet after hacking away at it, it still sung! Personally, I thought it a very sweet idea, a singing X-mas tree, but without an 'off' switch, even I would loose my patience.

I took my fishing rod to be fixed and bought a lure aswell. Going fishing (real fishing, not from a trout pond) this weekend weather permitting. Bought Diana - Tribute Cd, with various artists and some cd singles (they usually have 3-4 songs on it). I like variety, so I find buying the cd singles allows me to pick and choose the songs I like, without having to commit to the whole cd of one artist. So what did I buy?

  • Diana - Tribute (2 cds - various artists)
  • Eternal - I wanna be the only one (I bought it because of the song 'Don't you love me')
  • Celine Dion - My heart will go on (love theme from 'Titanic), but I bought it for the other songs, ('Because you loved me', my favourite ->***'When I fall in love'****(originally Nat King Cole) and 'Beauty and the beast')
  • Back Street Boy's - As long as you love me (other songs I liked on this cd single was 'Quit playing games' and 'Everybody')
  • Jewel - 'Foolish Games'.

This should keep me going for ages. Last time I bought a cd was......I forget. Oh yes, for a birthday present for a friend. The radio suffices, despite all the commercials. I usually listen to talk back radio, which still has commercials. At the gym I listen to TTfm, more commercials. So you guessed I don't like commercials? I have a querie, I hope someone can help. The song 'Fly Me To The Moon' is sung by Frank Sinatra and also by Nat King Cole. My question is, who the originally composed it? I think F. Sinatra, but not sure. Love the song. Okay so I'm rambling again. Listening now to Celine Dion cd (prior to this Paganini, Voilin Concerto #1 & 2), now Enya 'Memory of Trees'.

Restricted and limited, I guess I deprived myself of any enjoyement from books and music. . Inner chains which I am lifting now. Two of the most important things to me (other than people) are books and music - how did it happen that I let myself let go of them? I think I know. I am now reading a great book. Factional, but if one is looking for truths, this book is fantastic. It follows the life of a naive girl who meets a scholar and their relationship etc...Ironic I should read it at this time. Almost comical. Almost.

Saturday night, went to Hubby's work X-mas party at the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria. The venue was in Williamstown (historical town) on the water. The city lights and full moon reflected on the water. I had a great night. Only knew a couple of people, but I seem to thrive in that environment. It was a buffet dinner and they had a good drop of red on the table. Cab Sav Merlot, not full bodied but good nonetheless.
Once you have tasted the depth and full bodied delight of a red, it's really hard to go back to ordinary wine, even if the label is expensive, it's the quality of the wine which counts. Quality and wealth are not always synonymous.
They had a Chardonnay, but it was ordinary. Anyway later on I went outside and sat at a table with a few others and we discussed Bungi jumping (the only way I would do it is if I was blindfolded, drunk and someone else jumped with me - holding me, 3 criteria not likely to eventuate). We then went onto discussing East India Company and Opium laced marijuana cigarettes and the like (ie smoking Heroin), very informative, as it was the first time I studied it.
Something of a smug satisfaction watching people drink and drink into oblivion. Fingering my glass delicately, tasting slowly every essential drop which floats on my tongue. The control and the knowledge that comes with it.

Sunday morning yum cha with hubby. No flies this time! :). Then we went to Jay's place, where hubby mowed their garden and I played with their son. We ate dinner together and played Scrabble. Now I can scratch out 2 more songs on guitar - thanks to Jay.

Gym going strong. Need to be evaluated shortly, as my program is getting monotonous. I already upped the weights and the increased my speed on the treadmill, so that I can't scratch my nose or else I will fall of the damn thing. I feel better though. Fitter.

Signing off for now...



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