Date: 1st March 1998
Time: 14:00 hours

Umm.....Deja vu?

I was sitting at work, wondering which nutcase, threw the clock out the window! Looking around me, I noticed I was sitting alone, as all had gone for lunch. I guess the nutcase was me! Time just seems to have slipped past my grasp. Last entry was on 13th Feb. True, it's been a hectic month, but when I get to my hotmail account and see 56 new messages and 74 new messages in another folder - I FREAK!!! (although it's a pleasant freaking feeling). So, don't panic, I am here and I do check my email (and you will hear from me soon). Thank you for all the lovely Valentine's Day emails, they were very sweet and a wonderfully nice surprise.

As promised, I will recap my few days of holidays (mind you - they seem eons ago). It was a fishing holiday, as we stayed in San Remo. We fished off the pier a day or so and the only thing I saw apart from diving birds and other fishermen reeling in fish, was a seal. No wonder I couldn't catch any fish! So, the next day, we went fishing off the rocks, close by to Woolamai beach. It was just before high tide and I was worried that where we were fishing from, would soon be covered by water and we'd have to swim back. So we walked from one side to the other side (shaped like a U). Before we left though, Hubby screamed " I think I got a fish" and proceeded to reel in a multicoloured scarf, with seaweed growing through the little rips and tears in its fragile weave. Jokingly, I said "What a lovely anniversary gift darling!" We both had a good chuckle, except one of us was frustrated that no fish had been caught.

As neither of us had caught any fish, on this fishing holiday, we decided to go on a boat charter. 5.30am we packed our gear and hopped onto the charter, with 10 other people. Some of the men (who were in a group), were serious burley contenders, having spent most of the night in the local pub. At one stage, Hubby looked at me and said "I don't feel too good". I gave him some acupressure and he was good as gold after that. Especially, as we caught about 13 fish, ranging in size, of Sea Perch, Whiting, Blue-nose Parrot Fish and Mackeral. Of course, I did not eat any of the fish (I do eat Flathead, Atlantic Salmon, Tuna, Blue-eye/Travalla, Snapper) as I am very picky with my fish tastes. My favourite fish meal, is Salmon steaks. Yum!

Saturday night, we went to sleep early, after having a spa and watching the Nagano Winter Olympics (figure skating). We were the only guests at the Motel, which was not from a wedding party. At 12am, the wedding party came back from the reception and they were drunk and loud (in true Aussie fashion). Normally, I would tolerate this, but they stood outside our door, acting like idiots, screaming and singing etc till 4am in the morning. One women (obviously pissed blind) sounded just like a Galah, when she laughed. As Hubby and I were not feeling the best, their interuption on our sleep was not welcomed at all! As we heard the next day, one of the guys who was drunk as sin, had locked his keys in his room, so he woke up the owner of the Motel at 4am to let him into his room. If I was the Motel owner, I would have told the guy to go and sleep at the beach.

When we got home, our cats were very pleased to see us! However, there were mounds of washing and cleaning to do. The house looked like a disaster area.
A week later (Valentine's Day) we went out on my bro-in-law's boat and we caught over 100 Flathead's. We only took home 76 Flatheads, as some we needed to throw back as they were under regulation size. Needless to say, we have 20 frozed Flatheads, numerous Sea Perch in our freezer (double bagged of course!).

So that was our holiday. Since then, we've caught up on the latest Star Treks, prepared ourselves for University (I stopped working full time on 27th Feb, now I will be working part time and studying full time as of 3rd March). I guess I will be busy, but I will try to keep up my home pages and come on line to say Hello! I was online for about 2 minutes on Thursday night, before I was rudely disconnected from my modem. We've still been trying to configure the computer since the upgrade, as neither one of us, has had much time to spend on the puter. Although, Bro-In- Law brought some of his Mechwarrior and Doom etc CD's, so we've been having a go at these. I still enjoy a game of Duke Nukem though!

On the grapevine...My parents bought a house, once again in the same street as where my Aunty has moved to. I should explain. My parents lived at number 11 and my Aunty lived at number 20, in the same street. 4 months ago, my Aunty sold her house and moved to number 18 in another street. My parents, have just bought a house at number 10, of the same street my Aunty now lives in. My Aunty is very pleased to have my parents as neighbours again. I am sad that my parents are now selling our family home, as I have had 25 years of wonderful memories in the home. However, as it is such a huge house, for two people, I understand their need to move. Cest La Vie!....Next news....I went shopping with Bro-In-Law for cars. He is looking for a car (which has enough power to tow his boat) so I chauffered him to different cars yards. The news is, that whilst I was driving, I copped a speeding fine. I was doing 76k's in a 60km/hr zone. Luckily it's only $105 fine. The policeman was standing behind a telephone pole, using a radar gun, I couldn't see him until it was too late. However, this is my first speeding fine in 6 years of driving. In fact this is my first offence. I have received a parking fine before, but although I paid for it, I don't consider it my fine, as a friend had actually parked my car.
Anyway thats the news on the grapevine. Hope you are all well...Looking foward to getting back online soon...



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