What a lazy weekend...

I always look foward to the weekends. Hey, I wouldn't be normal if I didn't! Usually I have numerous things to do, but this weekend all I did was watch 'Discovery' channel (foxtel), do washing and cleaning. Mostly I did my painting and slept. What Bliss!!!

On this day, 28 years ago (for those of you who can't count-like me, it was July 20th 1969) Neil Amstrong took his first step on the moon. Wow, what a feat! These guys had balls of steal and nerves of iron. They took enormous risks, to me even Bungy Jumping is frightening (actually, I won't even go on a Big dipper). Blows my mind to think of all the dangerous things they went through. From take-off to seperation of the rocket, to the seperation of the eagle (lunar module) from the orbiting module ('Columbia'), to the landing on the moon and then the take off from the moon till it redocked on 'Columbia' etc...etc..Each stage was life threatining. Awesome!!!

I still am having trouble with the tradesmen for my roof. One says one thing, then the other says something different. It was supposed to be finished this week, but the saga just continues, with a life of its own. We've now spent $70 on roof photos, which damn their reputation. These photos are needed as evidence, should we be taking them to the small claims tribunal. We also need to take more photos where they have painted over moss and twigs. By that time, we would have spent $90 on developing and $35 on film. Of course they never asked us to take photos (therefore we cannot be compensated) but who would ask to have damning photos taken of their cruddy workmanship?

I should be getting my professional insurance anyday now, so I will be starting work again very soon. This is great, as money is always short. I tried these Hopi Indian herbal candels. They worked very well for me, but my hubby is unsure of their benefit, as when you use them in conjunction with Actifed CC and an Avil tablet, who knows what is doing the most good? They are quite expensive @$3 each, but they have worked in a variety of situations and very successfully. My TCM friends, swear by them.

I have tickets to the movies. I can't decide what I want to see. Perhaps you can email me with choices of movies. I usually like drama/thriller, science fiction or romantic thrillers. I saw this great movie on foxtel, called Mute Witness. It was a bit spoofy but had great photography, cast and script. I'd rate it 8/10.

I'm going to go and have dinner now. I'm starving...Bye...

Till next time...Soosh


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